Hydaelyn Role-Players
[Balmung] Lucius Ignatius - Printable Version

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Lucius Ignatius - Lucius Ignatius - 09-18-2015

I. Basic Info
  • Characters: Lucius Ignatius
  • Primary character: Lucius Ignatius
  • Linkshells: Legion of Solace (FC Linkshell)
  • Primary RP linkshell: Legion of Solace
  • Inspirations: The 100 (TV Show), Various Animes (FMA, Wolf's Rain, other Final Fantasy games), many other things.
II. RP Style
  • Amount of RP (light, medium,heavy):
    Medium - Heavy. Leaning toward the Heavy spectrum. I tend to try being IC at almost all times, aside from leveling and dungeons, but I am more than happy to go IC while leveling or dungeoning if someone prefers it. I also enjoy open-world RP outside cities.
  • Views on RP combat and injuries:
    RP Combat can be done, as long as its fair. I will take any injury, as long as it doesn't involve the killing or maiming (taking a finger or limb etc) of my character. I may allow -some- maiming if asked, but please ask first. I can use rolls with d20 or emote fight, but I expect for the other person to take some damage too or slip up sometimes.
  • Views on IC romance:
    I love it. I feel that character romances can make for great stories and character development, if done correctly. Slow burning, long lasting relationships that have their own bumps and conflicts. 

  • I do not enjoy smut or "ERP" disguised as cybering. I am okay with ERP as long as it is done respectfully, not complete smut. The characters should still be their 'characters' while doing bed-time stuff. Please ask me if you need any clarifying on this.
  • I cannot stress enough. If you cannot separate OOC from IC, please do not RP with me, especially in relationship RP. I've had issues in the past where someone became very obsessive over a friend when their characters were in a relationship, and the person who could not separate OOC from IC ended up throwing a fit OOC when RP happened that their characters had to split up. I am not my character. I am simply their puppeteer--an actor. The same goes for people who play the game with a significant other with characters who aren't IC 'together'.
  • One last bullet: If you have a partner OOC in real life that feels uncomfortable with you doing relationship RP, please don't do it. I am not trying to steal anyone away OOC, and I certainly dont want any OOC drama happening there with me or my RP partner. I don't want anyone getting the wrong idea.
  • Views on non-romantic RP (family ties,etc):
    Always a plus! I welcome any RP as long as it makes sense.
  • Views on lore:
     I try to follow it as close as I possibly can. I like to feel immersed in the world that I am playing in. I will accept things that don't seem too far of a stretch, but I don't want to see any Dragonball Z references or anything like that.
  • Views on chat functions (/say,/linkshell, etc):
    If it can be justified in lore, 100% okay with whatever. :3
III. Other Info
  • Country: United States
  • Timezone: Eastern Time Zone (However, my online hours tend to vary day to day. I can be online during almost any hour of the day depending on what my schedule IRL looks like. This can change.)
  • Contact info: Find me in-game, send a mail, or PM me on the forum. ^_^
  • If you guys have any questions, concerns, comments, -anything- at all, please let me know. Despite my little bit of an excessive few bullets above with the relationship RP, I'm not mean. It's simply because I've had scenario's happen like that in other games, and I'd like to try keeping that from happening as best I can.