Hydaelyn Role-Players
Hate the Game, Love the Players - Printable Version

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Hate the Game, Love the Players - Madda - 09-20-2015

Madda is having problems again. It's like every time Madda opens the patched for XIV, it hits Madda that there's not really much RP that Madda knows goes on. There's cities and the like, but Madda can only think of a few good dedicated RP guilds. Most of it is walk ups, but it's like a weird version of WoW where there is only RP happening in 3 places. Everywhere else is like digging for gold.

Madda guesses what Madda is saying is that somehow XIV doesn't seem as fun as it was anymore. Madda hates how basic things like making a new character and other systems of the game, but loves the community here. Some of you Madda knows for a good amount of time from WildStar even! It's really hard to explain further > ~<

RE: Hate the Game, Love the Players - allgivenover - 09-20-2015

RP alone isn't enough to sustain long term interest in an MMO. If you dislike the game it's probably for the best to move on.

I had the same problem with Archeage, had plenty of good friends to RP with, but I just couldn't get around the game's many flaws.

RE: Hate the Game, Love the Players - Caspar - 09-20-2015

I've been hearing this a lot recently.

It's a bit strange. I constantly set goals for myself in game in a way I *wish* I could do IRL. (and I'm attempting to do it there too.) I think though that for people who can't find another objective, no matter how trivial or tedious, the game has limited staying power at the moment. In such cases I strongly suggest taking a break before you burn out.

I feel honestly that FFXIV is a great experience. I don't want to contribute to the negativity I've seen a lot of people circulating about the new endgame. If people can't make goals for themselves PVE and otherwise, better that they should find something else to do until something new and interesting drags them back, both for their sake, and for the sake of those who are still having fun. I'm envious of those who can still juggle multiple games for variety's sake, honestly.

RE: Hate the Game, Love the Players - Askier - 09-20-2015

Meh I'm the same way.  I would have stopped playing a long time ago if it wasn't for rp and the people I know who play.

I mean, Realm isn't a bad game, not at all. It takes everything MMO's have done over the past decade and refines it into a brilliantly polished, well fun, well supported and well developed game.  Its just, I get bored with pve stuff, especially leveling.  I still don't have a sixty because I rather rp then level cause, if I'm going to play a game, I'd rather play something like a shooter with my brief free time than sit and grind the same dungeon for the 1000th time.

So, you are not alone in feeling you stay only for the community, not the game.

RE: Hate the Game, Love the Players - Eses Fafa - 09-20-2015

Oh yeah, I must've said this half a dozen times when people tell me to grind for gear or level something. Gameplay-wise, I chock the combat system as slower and clunkier than WoW, especially with DRGs who become locked in their own jumps a lot. PvP is wholly unbalanced, and individuality as a player is entirely a cosmetic feat as once we choose our class, our path is already laid out for us to follow, making it so you don't get to be any different from those of your own class/job. You all must follow a rotation or be a bad player.

Still, the world's pretty, the story's ace and I don't see myself abandoning my FC 'cause I wanna hug the shiznit out of all of them.

RE: Hate the Game, Love the Players - Aaron - 09-20-2015

Do what I do.

Leave the game for two weeks or more once a month to give yourself a break, when you return you'll be starved enough to want to experience the game to the fullest again.

As for rp hotspots all I can say is if you cannot find them where you'd prefer to, take action and get to to happen there.

RE: Hate the Game, Love the Players - Aysun - 09-20-2015

(09-20-2015, 12:05 PM)allgivenover Wrote: RP alone isn't enough to sustain long term interest in an MMO. If you dislike the game it's probably for the best to move on.

I had the same problem with Archeage, had plenty of good friends to RP with, but I just couldn't get around the game's many flaws.

Not necessarily true.. I stuck with 1.0 from OB til the game went down due to the love of my character here, the realm, friends I made, and of course the RP. I barely did any real "game stuff" for quite awhile (because it was terrible). So there are certainly people who can do this. I still loved logging into 1.0. But if you don't like logging in? If the good doesn't outweigh the bad? Then yea.. it's time to move on. If it's just because you can't find RP, consider finding a new LS/FC.. and remember that if you don't log on, it can be hard to maintain RP connections!

RE: Hate the Game, Love the Players - Mia Moui - 09-21-2015

(09-20-2015, 12:05 PM)allgivenover Wrote: RP alone isn't enough to sustain long term interest in an MMO. If you dislike the game it's probably for the best to move on.

I had the same problem with Archeage, had plenty of good friends to RP with, but I just couldn't get around the game's many flaws.

I've been part of lots of games and communities and while it's been hard to let go of friends I've made, but if I'm not happy in the environment, they should understand. And most of them have.  Unfortunately, I couldn't convince any of them to join me in FFXIV.

And speaking of FFXIV, I can't see myself leaving until I've managed to do everything at least once.  And I'm really liking the community so far.  It's a lot less toxic than some I've experienced.

RE: Hate the Game, Love the Players - Fox - 09-22-2015

(09-20-2015, 07:56 PM)Aysun Wrote:
(09-20-2015, 12:05 PM)allgivenover Wrote: RP alone isn't enough to sustain long term interest in an MMO. If you dislike the game it's probably for the best to move on.

I had the same problem with Archeage, had plenty of good friends to RP with, but I just couldn't get around the game's many flaws.

Not necessarily true.. I stuck with 1.0 from OB til the game went down due to the love of my character here, the realm, friends I made, and of course the RP. I barely did any real "game stuff" for quite awhile (because it was terrible). So there are certainly people who can do this. I still loved logging into 1.0. But if you don't like logging in? If the good doesn't outweigh the bad? Then yea.. it's time to move on. If it's just because you can't find RP, consider finding a new LS/FC.. and remember that if you don't log on, it can be hard to maintain RP connections!

I'd have to second this as well; what Aysun said.
It's different strokes for different folks. Some people play a game purely for RP and that's it. I've known people to play this game and a few others solely for crafting. It's not so different from solely rping.

RE: Hate the Game, Love the Players - Kellach Woods - 09-22-2015

what players i thought this was a single player game.

RE: Hate the Game, Love the Players - Gone. - 09-22-2015

Personally I've never understood the point of sticking with an MMO if RP is your only draw. Tabletop and message boards would be preferable and less restrictive at that point.

That's not to say I don't have a handful of minor complaints with FFXIV, but overall, it's a rare, polished breed and a steady blend of interest in both RP and the game itself has kept me here.

(09-20-2015, 06:10 PM)Eses Fafa Wrote: Gameplay-wise, I chock the combat system as slower and clunkier than WoW, especially with DRGs who become locked in their own jumps a lot. PvP is wholly unbalanced, and individuality as a player is entirely a cosmetic feat as once we choose our class, our path is already laid out for us to follow, making it so you don't get to be any different from those of your own class/job. You all must follow a rotation or be a bad player.

So clunky that every job can be successfully played on controller?

Also, I'd argue that most jobs are better improvised to the situation at hand as opposed to following a specific rotation, DRG being one of the only exceptions I can think of and even then there's a handful of skills up to player discretion.

As for the lack of varying builds, well... the fact you can change your role at the press of a button more or less counters that. FFXIV would probably be a nightmare if they introduced heavy stat and skill selection.

RE: Hate the Game, Love the Players - Ignacius - 09-22-2015

(09-20-2015, 11:48 AM)Madda Wrote: Madda is having problems again. It's like every time Madda opens the patched for XIV, it hits Madda that there's not really much RP that Madda knows goes on. There's cities and the like, but Madda can only think of a few good dedicated RP guilds. Most of it is walk ups, but it's like a weird version of WoW where there is only RP happening in 3 places. Everywhere else is like digging for gold.

Madda guesses what Madda is saying is that somehow XIV doesn't seem as fun as it was anymore. Madda hates how basic things like making a new character and other systems of the game, but loves the community here. Some of you Madda knows for a good amount of time from WildStar even! It's really hard to explain further > ~<

I actually only knew you from Wildstar, but the entire experience of any MMORPG breaks down to how much fun you're having with the content.  That's why I'll run low level content with my guildies; they're fun to run and everyone else seems to have fun with it.  If you aren't enjoying the game, you'll probably burn out eventually.

Just make sure you're being allowed to enjoy the game.  A lot of guilds out there are very progression-minded and can sometimes forget to have fun with everything else for the people who want to do those things.

RE: Hate the Game, Love the Players - Eses Fafa - 09-23-2015

(09-22-2015, 09:04 AM)hauntmedoitagain Wrote: Personally I've never understood the point of sticking with an MMO if RP is your only draw. Tabletop and message boards would be preferable and less restrictive at that point.

That's not to say I don't have a handful of minor complaints with FFXIV, but overall, it's a rare, polished breed and a steady blend of interest in both RP and the game itself has kept me here.

(09-20-2015, 06:10 PM)Eses Fafa Wrote: Gameplay-wise, I chock the combat system as slower and clunkier than WoW, especially with DRGs who become locked in their own jumps a lot. PvP is wholly unbalanced, and individuality as a player is entirely a cosmetic feat as once we choose our class, our path is already laid out for us to follow, making it so you don't get to be any different from those of your own class/job. You all must follow a rotation or be a bad player.

So clunky that every job can be successfully played on controller?

Also, I'd argue that most jobs are better improvised to the situation at hand as opposed to following a specific rotation, DRG being one of the only exceptions I can think of and even then there's a handful of skills up to player discretion.

As for the lack of varying builds, well... the fact you can change your role at the press of a button more or less counters that. FFXIV would probably be a nightmare if they introduced heavy stat and skill selection.

I've seen much slower games be run on controller. Keyboard and gamepad make very little difference other than preference of the player in my opinion.

Also at the end of the day, even if you have all classes maxed out with the top gear, it doesn't make you unique as a character, it just means you've put a LOT more effort in than everyone else (also you have a lot less bank space..) and your cross-class skills don't really amount to much. I've seen a lot of the jobs and their abilities, and there are a LOT, ones we will wind up using at least once each, but the cruel truth is, once you assign yourself to a set class, your role and rotation with skill will be pretty much set in stone, differing only when say..as a DRG, I decide if I have the nads to use Geirskogul mid-combat with less than 20 seconds Blood time or utilise buffs or cross-class. THAT is the extent of my unique characteristics other than aesthetic. Sure, I can switch to WAR, but then I'd be all the same as the rest of the Warriors unless I suck beyond all compare, which places me at an odd situation with a lot less bank space.

Your value as a player is henceforth solely deemed on your gear level and whether you bothered to level the other classes. While I get that this was likely implemented so you didn't have to keep making new characters through the INCREDIBLY lengthy storyline (great as it is), you're placed in a situation comparable with an MMO like Secret World with less loadout customisation and more a lineup of preset skills and a job you must perform when with groups depending on which class you chose.

Sure, WoW may be the same scenario where your character is the only thing that's different when you choose your class/professions, but that game has had a lot more time for players to follow their own paths and decide for themselves what these will do with 33 (soon 36) potential rotations which are quite malleable because of talents.
Another popular multiplayer game would be say..Team Fortress 2. One's loadout and personal choice in playstyle makes a world of difference for what narrow-minded folk believe to be 9 paths to take. What one thinks is a tanky fellow with high close/mid range damage could in fact be a lunatic with a one-shot melee streak combo or an off-chance healer in a pinch.

TL;DR: We're not unique as characters, we're unique solely based on our merits, achievements and aesthetics. We can make minor alterations with cross-class abilities but we're pretty much the same.

P.S. RP is the main pull for me here and I'm most likely a lunatic as a result.