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[Balmung] Interested interest checking interest - Printable Version

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Interested interest checking interest - Kurt S. - 09-27-2015

Yes I know, I'm probably a serial altist and people may take issue with this. Yes I know I might look like I have commitment issues because of the alts. I try to get on every day really and cycle through each several times. 

GMT+8 timezone. To give you an idea of the discrepancy to see if you think it's worth it. At the time of posting it's roughly...8:20pm on my end of the planet. I stay up fairly late so for the NA crowd I'd be on evenings if not mornings until like noon-ish est? I'm bad with my USA timezones I apologize.

At any rate, since I've wrenched myself out of the leveling scene for now. Really getting Kentucky Fried Content trying to level DRG/K simultaneously while thinking I still need Law for MCH and Esos for WAR kinda just made me nope out of there really quickly at some point.

I'll just tl;dr what I'm looking for since I wanna get stuff going on 3 of my 4 characters.

Ramen S.
Debt collectors for her 20mil debt. Long story.
A handler who checks in for her every now and then courtesy of a Reeve Family friend. She'd have a debt to the family friend this time. 20mil debt too. Might even be a longer story.

Either case she'd be referred to as Samantha Reeve. Yes the brunette who's really really pale and a bit made up. Not the white haired Ramen Spencer, though for case B the handler would know who she is regardless.

Someone to help her sharpen her Black Maging skills. Really at this point I'm just being juvenile and giving her access to a curse that gives the target violent diarrhea. No I haven't used it...yet.

Khujin Tumet
Someone to help her Spear better.
A job somewhere for this 'gil' thing Eorzeans love so much.
Methods to learn more about Eorzea and Eorzean slang/expressions/etc.
She may just pick fights with random Xaela though so there's that. Because tribal.

We can discuss more in the thread or a pm or an in game tell, anywhere really. Those up there are just ideas throwing around. Specific stuff and all.

Now you may be wondering why there are two instead of the three I mentioned. Well Nah is literally up for anything. I don't have anything specific wanting to happen to her but random little adventures is always nice. Some Ishgardian-based contacts might be nice, especially business oriented ones. Gridanians are good as well.

RE: Interested interest checking interest - Sylastair - 09-28-2015

If you are looking for an instructor for Khujin on how to use a spear/lance, feel free to hit me up in game on Flynt Knoltros. He tends to take a few days a week in Gridania to help out at the Lancer's Guild where and when he can ( I also love training RP XD). I see that we are LITERALLY twelve hours apart in time, but I am sure we can work something out for weekends or something depending on schedules!

RE: Interested interest checking interest - Kurt S. - 09-28-2015

(09-28-2015, 12:14 PM)Flynt Knoltros Wrote: If you are looking for an instructor for Khujin on how to use a spear/lance, feel free to hit me up in game on Flynt Knoltros. He tends to take a few days a week in Gridania to help out at the Lancer's Guild where and when he can ( I also love training RP XD). I see that we are LITERALLY twelve hours apart in time, but I am sure we can work something out for weekends or something depending on schedules!

Aye that we can. Hmm usually I'd be on weekends. Then monday and wednesday and thursday nights I'm completely free. Friday nights too say 10pm ish. Yeah I'm approximating it based on your times. The whole literal 12 hour difference thing.

On the IC front, Khu doesn't frequent Gridania as much but of course that just means she'll be around there more. I suppose the presence of a lancers' guild would reach her eventually, more importantly what the Lancers guild is.

RE: Interested interest checking interest - Candor - 09-28-2015

This is completely doable. Currently my own RP partner and I are in the exact same situation - 12 hours apart, on opposite ends of the world. It takes a bit of doing on both parts, but we never go wanting for each other's RP. We're also both always looking for more RP contacts from literally anyone and everyone. Both of your hooks are also something that we may be able to work with between us, and I'm sure that we would love to RP with you sometime. Who knows, due to us being in the same circumstance, it might even work out to your advantage. Feel free to e-stalk me here or in game.

RE: Interested interest checking interest - Kurt S. - 09-28-2015

(09-28-2015, 01:37 PM)Candor Wrote: This is completely doable. Currently my own RP partner and I are in the exact same situation - 12 hours apart, on opposite ends of the world. It takes a bit of doing on both parts, but we never go wanting for each other's RP. We're also both always looking for more RP contacts from literally anyone and everyone. Both of your hooks are also something that we may be able to work with between us, and I'm sure that we would love to RP with you sometime. Who knows, due to us being in the same circumstance, it might even work out to your advantage. Feel free to e-stalk us here or in game. We're Capheira and Candor on the RPC, or Odette Vieuxpont and Nero Urbane in-game!

Aye this is true. Mostly people dont know about the timezone differences when I engage in walk ups until after the fact. Either they stay up late or I do I mean.

I'll keep those two names in mind.

For refernce though which hook has you interested?

RE: Interested interest checking interest - Kurt S. - 10-20-2015

Alright anyway might as well put my lore-breaking main of a character on here. Kurt Steel. As much as it's a long shot, still worth a try. And yes I'm keeping the lore-breaking aspect because I don't really know how to show genderbending outside of buying fantasia to showcase it.

I mean c'mon it's not like anyone would ask 'Are you genderbent?' when it even doesn't exist in the lore anyway. Also he's not stupid enough to brag about it when it still kind of makes him uncomfortable. That said, I'll refrain from fantasia'ing him in the future unless someone here volunteers to kill him off.

So what's he looking for? I'll leave that to him to expand on.

Kurt sat down on a vacant table in a relatively quiet corner of the already quiet Drowning Wench. Despite all that's happened to him, being nocturnal was still something he couldn't shake off. The red panda, Kojuro, named after his own Doman name was already fast asleep and he had already left the panda in his room. His fingers drummed against the wood of the table, waiting. Someone had called to meet him after all. What puzzled him was why it was during his own prime hours, when most everyone else was asleep.

"Mister Steel."

He turned to the sound of the voice. It came from the passage behind him. His brow furrowed. Even after meeting the person in the flesh nothing seemed to ring any bells in his head. The person in question was a brunette with eyes a bright brown it was almost golden. She had with her two escorts, a highlander and a seawolf. Both looked like quite the menacing pair of bricks. The woman they escorted sat across Kurt while the lackeys stood on either side of him.

"So why call me out here? What do you want miss?"

"My name's not necessary just asking a few questions and you will answer them truthfully."

Kurt burst out laughing at the notion. This seemed like it was an amusing night. Until his face collided with the table. He felt his hair pulled back, one of the duo apparently had a little mixture in his hand. The moment he tried to resist his face met the table once more, stuck in his daze, he was forced to guzzle just a trace amount of the concoction. He felt himself hurtling toward the table before his hands stopped his head from making contact. He wanted to say something..anything but instead his head was swimming. 

A voice broke his daze however.

"What is it you want to do with your life now?"

"I want to get it back together."


"I don't know yet."

"What are your skills?"



"I know my way around most machines. I don't doubt my ability aim straight. I still aspire to better my cooking. Even then I fight with a more bestial me trying to take over. A daily conflict I tire of. On the side I know how to mend my own clothes and to a degree make my own as well."

"What is it you seek?"

"I seek improvement in all things."

"Do you regret anything?"

"A thousand and one and still not half as many as my blessings."

"And where do you wish to go?"

"Somewhere I belong...after I've bettered myself."

"Do you see that happening any time soon?"

"I am...not sure."

"You seem unsure of anything."

"It's the only thing I'm sure of."

"Also being quite the liar weaving a web of half-truths like a diremite spinning its silk."


"Don't deny the accusation?"

"I don't...which is why I'm trying to get my life together, tear this web of lies and try not to make anymore. I owe it to a very close friend who frowned on such acts."

"Well I think that's all the time we have for now. Enjoy your nap, mister Steel."

"My wh-"

Something crashed onto the back of his head which forced him down onto the table again. The room went out of focus before it swirled into a dizzying darkness.

To any other bystander coming in, it'd have looked like he had one too many to drink. Even if he never ordered any, there were several mugs arrayed clumsily in front of him.Â