Hydaelyn Role-Players
Geppetto's Adventure through Ul'dah (Open RP/All welcome) - Printable Version

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Geppetto's Adventure through Ul'dah (Open RP/All welcome) - Parth Makeo - 10-20-2015

[Image: 250px-Geppetto.png]
Geppetto is a Cait like Mammet owned by Arala with an odd quirk of having some self choices. And he is simply doing what he does for the sake of being happy. As he puts it...

"Doodle! Geppetto is Geppetto!"

Today, Geppetto decided to head off into Ul'dah and pick out some special vegetables that Arala asked for. With a tiny basket on his head and his Gil secured to his back, Geppetto made his way from the Airships. He trotted down the street towards the market with a spring in each step.
"Doodle Doodle. Mama needs Carrots, Lettuce and Onions for food." The tiny Mammet spoke like a child with wonder in his eyes. He was small which made it perfect for him to slip past groups on the railings and ledges. Geppetto was one to finish his job first, so he arrived at the marketplace and looked for the vendor that Arala told him. Soon enough, he found the man and scuttled over.

"Doodle! Geppetto here to pick up Mama's order!" Geppetto exclaimed loudly with a tiny salute. The vendor chuckled. 
"You have the money then?" and turning around, Geppetto showed him the bag. "Geppetto has Mama's money."

The merchant chuckled and counted it all. "Yep. The exact amount. Here you are." and carefully he laid a couple of each vegetable in the basket. Overjoyed he shouted.

"Doodle! Quest complete!" then turned to say "Geppetto thanks kind man!" and he scurried off. Taking care not to drop the vegetables. But before he left, his eyes were pulled onto a fairly large Popoto among the batch on another merchant.

Now Popotos are Geppetto's favorite thing. And seeing this was like a goldmine. 

However, Geppetto did not bring his Gil and was forced to inspect the mighty tuber with a little hunger in his eyes. 

"...Doodle...Geppetto want Popoto, but Geppetto forgot shiny coins..." so he lowered the basket and looked on his person to pull out a small gemstone from a handmade pocket that Leih'a gave him. 

"Shiny stone not money..." and the tiny cat looking Mammet just eyed the largest Popoto, desperate to have it.

RE: Geppetto's Adventure through Ul'dah (Open RP/All welcome) - Ventus Zeruel - 10-20-2015

[Image: rqyfch.jpg]
Character: Ventus Zeruel
Race: Hyur
Age: 35

"What do you mean you're out of Prism's!? Tch, It's like the world is out to get me..." Looking down at his drab clothing, and ripped up attire... Ventus took a moment to calm down before letting out an exasperated sigh. "Fine fine, I'll be on my way then..." Shifting lazily to the side as he placed his hands into his pockets.

He made his way down pearl lane without the item he was looking for, though before he had taken off; his eyes caught the attention of the small mammet. Though he didn't particularly care, he found it interesting that the little mechanical servant was eyeing the Popoto with lustful desire. Kneeling beside the mechanical creature, he smiled before speaking softly. "

You want that little guy? You know it's okay to ask others right?" Taking a bit of gil from his pouch, he handed over the individual coins to the small mammet, before patting him upon the head. His silver hair shifted over his one emerald eye, leaving the single blinded one more visible.. upon further inspection, the mammet could see he had a rather noticeable scar along his right cheek.

He looked like your ordinary Ul'Dahn, dusty and old.

RE: Geppetto's Adventure through Ul'dah (Open RP/All welcome) - Parth Makeo - 10-20-2015

Geppetto had no idea why the stranger was doing this but his thought processing didn't think too hard about it. Otherwise his head might of exploded. Instead he took the Gil and pat but looked around for a moment before speaking up.

"Geppetto don't feel right taking money for free..." the small Mammet thought again, pulling a shiny pebble out from the pouch and holding it up to the man before him. "Geppetto give Shiny Rock for Gil?" the child like voice spoke out. Geppetto knew many thing, but like any good child he wanted to not seem like a bad influence. After all, when a stranger hands Gil over for free, wouldn't you give them something in exchange if you could?

As he was being distracted, A careless patron walked over and accidentally kicked the basket of food. With a sharp reflex, Geppetto dove to save the Carrots and lettuce without any trouble. "That was close..." and placing the items back in the small basket, he noticed one other vegetable missing...

"DOODLE! Mama's Onions are gone!" he panicked, not sure what to do until he saw the Gil in his stubby paw like arms...but it was not enough for what Arala ordered before. He couldn't just buy his favorite snack now. The Gil he got was only good for one onion and not three. Despite his face never changing expressions like any mammet, his voice said it clear.

"Geppetto got distracted and Mama and Papa will be mad." a more depressing voice which could break plenty of hearts as he sat there, inspecting the Gil and the basket for ideas. He couldn't ask random people for Gil. He would have to earn it somehow. 

Perhaps a few people in the city could use the aid of a Mammet? Maybe put on a show? It all depends on who he meets. For his task is laid out before him.

To buy more onions for Mama