Hydaelyn Role-Players
[Balmung] Looking for people~ - Printable Version

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Looking for people~ - Skyswimsky - 12-30-2015


I am looking for all kind of people to roleplay and have fun with. As I am still transiting from forum to mmo/chat-roleplay I don't really have a firmer idea of what I really want. I don't intend to do anything too much in regards to character progression or plot yet but I don't mind taking part in other peoples plot! Also I don't do ERP/Smut/Libertine or whatever it is called around here. What I love however is dice-stuff and I am definitely not afraid of more complex stuff either! So if you need someone to participate in such things I'd love to!

I have a work-in-progress WikiProfile set up too! ... and I do roleplay with Lalas Tongue.
Drop a message here or ingame and we see about setting something up.

Thanks for your time and have a great New Year's Eve, hope to see you soon \o.

RE: Looking for people~ - Valence - 12-30-2015

Feel free to poke me ingame! I'm just starting to get RPing with various folks around..

RE: Looking for people~ - Ottovachi - 12-30-2015

Hi. I'm another long-term-RPer, but new to FFXIV RP.  Not interested in any romance/ERP either, so if you or anyone else wants to send me a friend request, go ahead!

Peace Smile

RE: Looking for people~ - Roe Dad - 12-31-2015

Id be happy to rp sometime just send me  a pm or tell

RE: Looking for people~ - Random Encounter - 12-31-2015

Feel free to poke at me anytime if we run into each-other online. Myself and my friends are always happy to meet new people for random shenanigans, be it RP or whatever else the game offers.