Hydaelyn Role-Players
Late night players? :) - Printable Version

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Late night players? :) - CalemvirLucin - 02-10-2016

Hello all! I was wondering if there was players or maybe a FC that play a lot at late night hours? I live in Hawaii, which is 6 hours before east coast and 3 hours before west coast so when I get on after work everyone in my FC is always sleeping Sad it gets lonely! Contact me so we can be friends WinkHeartHeart

I am a healer and I like to run dungeons and PvP! I also am dieing to meet some RP friends Smile

RE: Late night players? :) - SicketySix - 02-10-2016

What time do you usually log on??

RE: Late night players? :) - CalemvirLucin - 02-10-2016

I play at all times of the day but at night like 9PM-2AM Hawaii time Smile lolol

RE: Late night players? :) - Sola - 02-10-2016

I live in one of the US pacific states, just getting back into the game now after a hiatus. Im usually on during the hours you posted, so look me up if you get the chance. "Sola Ui"

RE: Late night players? :) - R'mehro - 02-10-2016

I work late shifts so I'm usually on really late into the night. I'm game for helping out with pve content as well as RP if you're ever bored. I would love to try out pvp too, but dem queue times though. Grey Hound is the ingame login. I'll give you a poke if I see you tonight!

RE: Late night players? :) - Momoka - 02-10-2016

meeee! I get home from work around midnight PST and play til 5 am or so.

RE: Late night players? :) - Icywebs - 02-11-2016

I keep odd odd hours and am generally available whenever. I'm trying to get my hubby and roommates to play again, but eh... we'll see. The FC I created lost its steam with RL buddies, cuz RL happens. Makes it a bit lonely on this end, too. Le sad. 

I'm also primarily a healer, but leveling other classes with alt characters. Yes, characters. Yeah... I know that it's not practical. I... have so many character voices in my head. I really really adore RPing and do prefer to focus on one or two at most. The rest are mostly flavor/npc types. 

Anyway! I'm in PST and, as I said, keep odd hours. Hope to catch you ingame!

RE: Late night players? :) - Roe Dad - 02-11-2016

Late night player here reporting for duty!