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[Interest Check]EU Magitek PMC FC - Printable Version

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[Interest Check]EU Magitek PMC FC - Aramaeus - 02-22-2016

Hello there!

So, first thing's first, in case some of those acronyms didn't make a whole bunch of sense, I'm posting this to gauge potential interest in a magitek-centric Private Military Company Free Company, geared towards those of us who play mostly around European times, on the Balmung server. In essence, this is a company that has a militaristic bent, with ranks, a hierarchy of command and an emphasis on conducting themselves in a manner befitting a disciplined group of professional military personnel, backed with a healthy supply of magitek equipment. A PMC is essentially an army on a smaller scale, filled with professional soldiers and a host of other roles that are necessary for the smooth operation of such an enterprise. Think more of an actual military rather than a group of adventurers or your average mercenary band.

Now, I'm aware there's a few FCs out there that touch upon one or more of these concepts, and some of them are fantastic, well-run and full of quality folk. But, the majority of them aren't EU-based, so it makes them less ideal for both myself and anyone else that plays mostly at EU peak times. So I've been mulling this over for a while, and thought it couldn't hurt to see if there's any interest in forming or joining such a FC. If so, fantastic! If not, well, that's life and I can move on to something else. 

Some of you may be wondering about the magitek-centric facet of the FC, and the explanation for why I included that is simple. I love magitek. It fascinates me, and I would adore getting the chance to play around with it more in an IC manner. The idea of a group of people that utilise it is immensely appealing to me, and I hope that even if this doesn't take off, that I'll at least get to meet some folk that share my interests. 

So yeah. I know this is vague, but I figured it'd be better to see if anyone was interested at all before I sink a lot of time into it, only for nothing to come of it. If you have even a passing interest in this, please contact me! I'm very open to discussing the idea, and if any of you would like to roleplay with me or talk to me in order to get a feel for such, go ahead! I'm open to acquiring new contacts and friends, as well, so don't be shy!

Poke me in game at Suvaraih Arcaelis, PM me here, nab me on skype at ImperiousReptilius, or chat to me on tumblr at raih-the-sword-guy. 

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RE: [Interest Check]EU Magitek PMC FC - Valence - 02-22-2016

Good luck, that sure would have been something that would have interested me!

RE: [Interest Check]EU Magitek PMC FC - Aramaeus - 02-22-2016

Thank you, Valence! A pity about the timing, but that can't be helped. As it is, I've had a handful of people express interest and am chatting with them when I get the chance, so there's some interest, happily!

RE: [Interest Check]EU Magitek PMC FC - Misharu - 02-22-2016

Just a quick clarification, since I am a tad confused. So if this is a EU FC, do you mean it is for European players on your main server (which I see says Balmung), or is it for players on one of the EU servers? Sorry if it's obvious, I am just a tad confused.

RE: [Interest Check]EU Magitek PMC FC - Aramaeus - 02-22-2016

(02-22-2016, 08:09 PM)Misharu Wrote: Just a quick clarification, since I am a tad confused. So if this is a EU FC, do you mean it is for European players on your main server (which I see says Balmung), or is it for players on one of the EU servers? Sorry if it's obvious, I am just a tad confused.

It's for EU players on Balmung! Sorry about the confusion, I'll add that in the original post.

RE: [Interest Check]EU Magitek PMC FC - Valence - 02-23-2016

(02-22-2016, 06:43 PM)Amondrask Wrote: Thank you, Valence! A pity about the timing, but that can't be helped. As it is, I've had a handful of people express interest and am chatting with them when I get the chance, so there's some interest, happily!

Mh, well, if you need connections or more even if I can't join the FC, don't hesitate to poke me for whatever IC stuff around it! My character would be a sucker for everything magitek and already lives in the merc environment.