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Predators - Printable Version

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Predators - Sun'ra - 03-09-2016

I have been reading through profiles, and one thing that I read somewhere piqued my interest. Is it common/uncommon/rare/unheard of for an Au Ra to potentially prey on other PC Eozean races for food if the mood/tradition suited them? (Also, is that cannibalism, or does that only apply to other Au Ra?)

Even putting the aside the whole eating people thing(as I would not expect that to be a major RP element), is it "normal" for an Au Ra to hunt an Eozean PC race for sport or tradition in their tribal culture if one such tribe is prone to such mentality or violence?

RE: Predators - Warren Castille - 03-09-2016

I haven't heard of it, but I've admittedly not delved into Au Ra tribes or culture at all.

Cannibalism itself brings a whole host of other problems if you're using it as a primary source of food, not to mention that you'd be a serial killer trying to share the world with mostly do-gooders. It could be interesting but I'd caution you to be very careful with the execution!

RE: Predators - Askier - 03-09-2016

It would make for a fascinating anit-hero/antagonist character.  But, like Warren said, most people play on the good side and that sort of thing normally doesn't go over well.  So expect the character to either be lectured to death about why its wrong, arrested, or hunted down himself for it. Lol.

But if you want to play it, I say go for it!

RE: Predators - Kodie - 03-09-2016

Yeah I could totally see someone not adjusting well to the new culture and snapping like that turning to more primal sport hunting. I hope you consider that idea, I'm sure you can get others who would be into the idea as well.

RE: Predators - Sun'ra - 03-09-2016

I figure in this scenario it would (generally) be a ritualistic, "devour the heart of a worthy foe/desecrate the remains of a pitiful enemy" mentality, and less of a, "Lalafell steak for dinner again?" mentality when it comes to what happens to a person after they kill them. 

At the current moment, I do plan for the character to lean more towards the violent, antagonist persuasion, but not so uncontrollably or mindlessly to the point that they cannot ever interact with a person in a more mundane way, if the situation called for it. I am not opposed to the idea of being a marked character either. That could lead to some interesting man-hunt roleplay scenarios and showdowns as well.

RE: Predators - Warren Castille - 03-09-2016

I don't see any reason why that couldn't be done, and it sounds pretty awesome.

RE: Predators - C'kayah Polaali - 03-09-2016

I read a short story once where the alien protagonist came from a culture where they believed eating their dead would guarantee immortality by passing their experiences to the ones who ate them. The protagonist crashed on modern day earth and was desperately trying to communicate with people. It didn't understand why everyone was so hostile towards it. After all, it was clearly showing them how much it respected them by eating them...

It would be interesting to have someone come from a culture like this...

RE: Predators - Ciel - 03-09-2016

Speaking as someone who has an alt with cannibal tendancies, it can be fun. Like any "villain" concept it all depends on what you do with it and how you present the character to others. I never have him go after player characters unless invited to do so. Hint: it hasn't happened yet. Anyone he's gone after so far have been NPCs created solely for his storylines.

In dealing with other players, there are plenty of creepy allusions (and Hannibal jokes), but it's not something the character needs to survive. For him, it's a weird psycological addiction which plays into it.

RE: Predators - Paradox - 03-09-2016

A good ritualistic cannibal will stand firm in his belief that what he does is right.

A great ritualistic cannibal will convince someone telling him it's wrong to try the priest. ;D

But honestly in a warlike hunter group like some of the Au Ra tribes, I don't see why this kind of thing wouldn't happen. In the one tribe especially the Dotharl, I think they're called? They're warlike destroyers, and if they fight a really worthy opponent, I can certainly see a more extreme one developing an idea if they eat parts of their enemy that they'll gain their strength. There's also the 'waste not, want not' idea as well. A lot of the refugee tribes have no food at times, and with people dying or accosting them for being dirty foreigners here and there, eating someone they kill is not only a viable resource, but a means of 'hiding the body', so go for it.

RE: Predators - Caspar - 03-09-2016

There are unknown tribes which could have this tradition though the odds of them thinking of victims as meat or nonsentient prey is unlikely. I like the idea of ritual cannibalism, as I can't think of any examples of human cannibalism that was for sustenance outside of starvation as our nutritional value is low and we are replete with diseases. At the very least I've never heard of a culture institutionalizing sustenance cannibalism because it's inefficient. Ritual or terror tactic or show of respect makes more sense to me personally.

RE: Predators - Teadrinker - 03-09-2016

That'd be a hell of a can of worms to RP. If you got the folk around you to support that I say go for it sounds like it could be amazing.

That aside, I opened this thread expecting Chris Hanson.

RE: Predators - Paradox - 03-09-2016

I kind of expected aliens with dreadlocks and cloaking technology that hunt people and take trophies of their kills. I was pleasantly surprised with the subject matter though. Maybe because I liked Silence of the Lambs way too much.

RE: Predators - Martiallais - 03-09-2016

(03-09-2016, 02:51 PM)Ciel Wrote: *snip*

In dealing with other players, there are plenty of creepy allusions (and Hannibal jokes), but it's not something the character needs to survive. For him, it's a weird psychological addiction which plays into it.

[Image: tumblr_n5p8x31OIg1s3h6j4o1_500.gif]

I say go for it. A cannibal is one of those concepts still yet to get a greenlight in my head but like many others have said, it definitely seems feasible if you do it well.

RE: Predators - Sun'ra - 03-09-2016

(03-09-2016, 06:39 PM)Teadrinker Wrote: That aside, I opened this thread expecting Chris Hanson.
[Image: Chris-Hansen-Take-A-Seat-Meme.jpg]

RE: Predators - Sin - 03-10-2016

My own Xaela alt practices ritualistic cannibalism, and though I've never enough time to play him he has a similar idea weaved into his backstory.

Born a Dotharl, but left behind after a raid he joined a Warband whose shaman preached the believe that you can take with you the soul of your enemy to the afterlife. Like retainers. They do this by what else but consuming the seat of their soul-- their heart.

Now if the kill has no value. The enemy weak or soft, the heart is fed to the dogs. Thereby forcing them to follow a dog into the afterlife.

Still, there's a big difference between ritualistic cannibalism and hunting Eorzeans for sport. A character who is hunting Eorzeans for sport has a limited shelf-life before it becomes a saturday morning cartoon villain.