Hydaelyn Role-Players
[Discussion] Other Abilities - Printable Version

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Other Abilities - Charity322 - 05-21-2016

I'm probably speaking from being used to playing Dungeons and Dragons, but I find that I miss non combat skills and uses for them in FF XIV. Things like being able to bluff your way out of trouble, or intimidate or persuade and the opportunity to solve quests in different ways depending on your skills. Being able to use skills like lore or perform. I miss Rogues being able to do things like open locks and disable traps, instead of the party just busting through things.

Not that all my chars are rampant kleptomaniacs, but sometimes I'd like the opportunity to screw up a quest by stealing the money I was entrusted with, for example, and to have different responses from NPCs depending on how you act, so everyone doesn't have to do things the exact same way.

Does anyone else ever think that and do you think that FF will ever add things like that to the game?

RE: Other Abilities - Aaron - 05-21-2016

Doubt it. The Final Fantasy series in a whole is like the player looking at a retelling of events that already happened (Which is why say for instance you have no control over the WoL saying no to anyone because it's already been decided he said yes at that point in time) thus you can't alternate anything because the plots already been fixed from start to finish.

Unlike Dark Souls or Skyrim where while the plots fixed, only the big part is fixed. And you can alter the world and npc around you by your actions like letting the Stormcloaks take over Whiterun or choosing the bad ending of Bloodborne by not killing the moon presence.

The biggest obstacle is this being an mmo. What if 1 player did X while another chose Y and a third chose option Z? Who's action do you take above the rest?

RE: Other Abilities - LiadansWhisper - 05-21-2016

(05-21-2016, 11:54 AM)Charity322 Wrote: I'm probably speaking from being used to playing Dungeons and Dragons, but I find that I miss non combat skills and uses for them in FF XIV. Things like being able to bluff your way out of trouble, or intimidate or persuade and the opportunity to solve quests in different ways depending on your skills. Being able to use skills like lore or perform. I miss Rogues being able to do things like open locks and disable traps, instead of the party just busting through things.

Not that all my chars are rampant kleptomaniacs, but sometimes I'd like the opportunity to screw up a quest by stealing the money I was entrusted with, for example, and to have different responses from NPCs depending on how you act, so everyone doesn't have to do things the exact same way.

Does anyone else ever think that and do you think that FF will ever add things like that to the game?

They probably won't, but the FATE-14 system Verad came up with is an attempt to add those back into a roleplaying setting.

RE: Other Abilities - Faye - 05-21-2016

It would be neat, and there are times where I wish I could do things like this or deviate from the script of the quest, but FFXIV will probably never add anything like that. Most MMO's don't have that much of an RPG element, and FFXIV has a very clear cut path for your character.

RE: Other Abilities - Kellach Woods - 05-21-2016

More importantly, the FF series is heavy combat. Even when they did try to have a more robust conversation system, it didn't take (FF2).

RE: Other Abilities - Kilieit - 05-21-2016

I'd like the option to pick a "personality" for your PC (think along the lines of retainer personality). It'd just alter little things like what face your character pulls in certain situations, or what dialogue options you're presented with.

Because of the way FFXIV works - it's an MMO, everyone has to end up at the same "end result" or it messes up the "MM" part - I doubt these things would ever be great enough as to actually impact the in-game outcome of events. But it'd still be nice to have little expressions and customisations of your character as an individual with a personality beyond being a reskin of The Hyur Midlander.

As for in-world utility skills... I admit, Pickpocket and Sap are the two things I miss most from my WoW rogue. Sap (and Distract) because it made stealth challenges more interesting and presented you with tools to solve problems like large pulls in a dungeon or unusually tough mobs in the world, as opposed to just "pay attention to enemy facing and don't mess up". Pickpocket I miss just because it was fun (Mug just doesn't feel the same...), especially getting flavour items that added dimension to otherwise nameless NPCs. One of my fav quests from that game was the one near Ravenholdt that requires Pickpocket and Detect.

I don't expect NIN to change that much, but imo it'd be neat to see what SE would do with the idea of a melée support/utility class...