Lost in the Woods [Open] - Printable Version +- Hydaelyn Role-Players (https://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/mybb18) +-- Forum: Role-Play (https://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/mybb18/forumdisplay.php?fid=27) +--- Forum: Town Square (IC) (https://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/mybb18/forumdisplay.php?fid=21) +--- Thread: Lost in the Woods [Open] (/showthread.php?tid=16411) |
Lost in the Woods [Open] - Faith Sauveterre - 06-13-2016 (Please bare with me as I'm a little new to roleplaying in the forums. If I make any mistakes please let me know and I can fix it) Rain fell hard in Gridania, Thunder boomed loufly ,and lightning flashed. It wouldn’t be so bad if the White Mage wasn’t caught out in the rain. The woman was being chased by the Ixal and she was weaken from the surprise attack while returning from completing her errand. It turns out that it was a trap set for her and others that crossed their path. Faith ended up being caught in this trap and was ambushed by a overwhelming bunch of Ixal. Unable to take them all she had escape, but the beasts gave chase. Blood painted her robe and while she was able to heal herself with her magic. It still weakened her. She wasn’t sure how far away she was from Gridania and was in a panicked state from the ambush that she wasn’t really thinking straight. She stopped by a large tree catching her breath as rain soaked her body. Her hair was a mess and her robe was a little torn that was painted with a bit of blood.  She had to get back and out of this rain. Besides, the others said if anything happened to them and they got separated to try and make it back to Gridania or any nearby safe haven. She would get sick if she stayed out here any longer. She looked around her surroundings and could make out some familiar scenery. Faith started to make her way down the path, but It wasn’t until she heard a snap of a branch that made her freeze. She turned on her heel facing the bushes where the sound hailed from. Eyes staring at the one spot. Another snap of a branch caused a rush of panic that ran through her veins “Stay Back! This is your last warning!†She snapped Did they find her? It could have been one of the people that assisted her, but it could also Ixal. She backed away and her hands gripped the staff she held. Her nails digging into it. She preparing to fire off a spell. The incantation was at her lips and ready to say the words that threatened to leave her lips to any enemy that come across her path. She felt as she could do one last spell and make another run for it. Hoping that Gridania wasn't that far from here, but those creatures were relentless. She was in need of help and she prayed to the gods for someone to come by and assist her. RE: Lost in the Woods [Open] - Scaith - 06-13-2016 The tall Miqo'te scowled as he slipped from tree to tree, attempting to dodge the large globules of rain and move out of the wind for a while. Scaith breathed a little heavy, still unaccustomed to the heavier humidity of this region, having been raised in La Noscea and only traversing the woodland areas only once before in his wanderings.         As he skipped over a fallen log, his boot caught a small branch, snapping it loudly and he stopped, looking about. His large, sodden ears flicked about wildly, listening for any respones, before continuing for a few more yalms and quickly found another twig underfoot. He gave an audible sigh, listening to the rolling thunder for a moment and felt his tail fluff up, feeling the magic in the air around him. He looked about before noticing some water sprites, plumped up from the rainfall and smiled, figuring that it was just them bickering over territory when he heard the high, uncertain voice of a female. “Stay Back! This is your last warning!†                Scaith immediately stopped, poking his head around and looking in all directions as the lightning flickered over the treetops and didn't see anyone. He slowly ran one of his hands over the handle of his multiple knives, gently unsnapping the handle and rested his palm on the hilt. "Ahoy there! I b'hearin ye, but cannae see ye lass, I mean ye nae harm, but wish t'see who has t'drop on me....can ye come where ye can b'seen?" RE: Lost in the Woods [Open] - Lloyd Whitewolf - 06-13-2016 Lloyd was upset, very much so. He didn't expect it to rain on this day, already rarely coming to this area of Eorzea, his clothes were soaked, and he already was attacked once before. Still, however, he was a man on a mission, and he sought to see it through "Bah, to the seven hells with this weather, what I would give to be back in the deserts of Thanalan, at least th---" his thoughts were cut off by a sudden noise in the distance, was it a woman? Maybe a unfortunate trader who came a little too close to the Ixal. He sighed again before hearing a second voice calling out, this one sounding like someone from the city of Limsa. His hand trailed down to the hilt of his blade before springing into action, for if it was a trader, then surely a cutthroat meant her some harm! Dashing between the trees headed towards the source of the voice. All he could do was pray that he makes it in time to stop a possible theft. RE: Lost in the Woods [Open] - Faith Sauveterre - 06-13-2016 (06-13-2016, 12:37 PM)Scaith Wrote: The tall Miqo'te scowled as he slipped from tree to tree, attempting to dodge the large globules of rain and move out of the wind for a while. Scaith breathed a little heavy, still unaccustomed to the heavier humidity of this region, having been raised in La Noscea and only traversing the woodland areas only once before in his wanderings. The mage was startled by the sudden voice. By the way she spoke he must be from Limsa Lomisa. She was about to come out, but at the same time thinking about hesitated. Did he mean what he said or was this some cutthroat that was putting on an act. She was silent for a moment, but let out a soft sigh. She was going to have to hope that the gods didn't curse her with such terrible luck. She stumbled from her spot. From the voice it sounded as if he was in the trees. She walked out not too far from the tree she paused at and looked around the treetops or at least attempted too. The rain was making it difficult to see. Her only source of light being the lightning the flashed in the sky Should she call out to the voice or perhaps she could see him. She wasn't sure how far away the Ixal was. So she used a bit of her magic to create a faint glow. She held her staff close with the spells at her lips ready to strike if she was making a mistake or at least put the thug to sleep with a repose spell. "I pray hope I don't come across misfortune again" She mumbled to herself RE: Lost in the Woods [Open] - Scaith - 06-14-2016 Scaith heard the rustling and gave a small grin, happy to see that he was being placated by the hidden woman and eased his hand off the knife, but left it at the ready should it be a trap. As she came into view, he widened the grin into a smile and gave a gesture of peace, lifting his hands to the sky and chuckled at the glowing orb emanating from her staff, seeing that she was the source of the magic he'd felt.       He stepped more into the light, the lightning around them and her globe of light showing his features to her while he slid his hands into his pockets. "Heh, see lass? I b'tellin ye I'd meant ye nae ha-!"  His words were cut off as he was suddenly slammed into by what felt a rolling boulder, getting knocked to the side and rolled a couple times before quickly jumping to his feet and hissed at the form near him, reaching once more for his knives. "Trickery! What the ruddy hell sort o' trap y'be layin here, eh?" RE: Lost in the Woods [Open] - Faith Sauveterre - 06-15-2016 (06-13-2016, 02:29 PM)Lloyd Whitewolf Wrote: Lloyd was upset, very much so. He didn't expect it to rain on this day, already rarely coming to this area of Eorzea, his clothes were soaked, and he already was attacked once before. Still, however, he was a man on a mission, and he sought to see it through "Bah, to the seven hells with this weather, what I would give to be back in the deserts of Thanalan, at least th---" his thoughts were cut off by a sudden noise in the distance, was it a woman? Maybe a unfortunate trader who came a little too close to the Ixal. (06-14-2016, 12:39 PM)Scaith Wrote: Scaith heard the rustling and gave a small grin, happy to see that he was being placated by the hidden woman and eased his hand off the knife, but left it at the ready should it be a trap. As she came into view, he widened the grin into a smile and gave a gesture of peace, lifting his hands to the sky and chuckled at the glowing orb emanating from her staff, seeing that she was the source of the magic he'd felt. The conjurer turned to see the male approaching. While she was indeed relieved that someone came to help she wasn't completely relaxed. Holding her staff at her side. She quickly looked around to see if there was anything around "Thank you, but we must away. Tis not safe-" She was caught off by something suddenly passing her by a knocking the poor Miqo'te to the side. She turned to face where it came from to see a bunch of Ixal standing before them. They must have been close by and caught sight of her small light and now she faced them once again. Faith took a few steps back as they snarled at them both moving towards them. She sent a cure the Miqo'te's way and kept her eyes on the approaching threat. Seems like she would be fighting once again. "Curse this day! We've been found." She muttered She then turned to Scaith "Be on your guard there could be more" She She didn't have time to apologize for getting him wrapped up in this.  So far she saw three before them. She figured she could work on one while the other focused on another. Focusing her magic she cast repose on one and cast stone on the other. She hoped others would come around and help them both. Who knows how many Ixal were lurking around in the darkness RE: Lost in the Woods [Open] - Lloyd Whitewolf - 06-15-2016 Lloyd raced through the forest, darting between the trees before coming to rest behind a rock. He sighed once again, looking out from over the rock at what seemed to be an Elezen woman practicing conjury and a male Miqo'te - tall for one of his kind, being surrounded by a small band of Ixal. He pondered for a moment, thinking it was the male before him after all whose voice he heard earlier, although it seemed like he was not a part of the Ixal band, but rather someone who was trying to help.  Lloyd unhooked his blade from it's sheathe, cursing under his breath at having to use his cursed blade for the second time in one day. He leapt out from behind the rock, slicing one of the three Ixal's head clean off before front flipping to the side of both the woman and man. Taking his eyes off the enemy before them for a moment, he looks to his side and wink, teasing the male "Ah I thought you Miqo'te were quick? Seems like I arrived at a prime time" he says before directing his attention to the woman "You alright, Miss?" he asked dryly before gazing down at the Ixal before them, hearing in the distance a warcry signifying more were coming "As much fun as it is to chat in the middle of a forest, I believe we have a problem here. Can you both fight?" he asked before readying he blade, ready for the first one to step forward. RE: Lost in the Woods [Open] - Scaith - 06-15-2016 (06-15-2016, 04:25 PM)Lloyd Whitewolf Wrote: Lloyd raced through the forest, darting between the trees before coming to rest behind a rock. He sighed once again, looking out from over the rock at what seemed to be an Elezen woman practicing conjury and a male Miqo'te - tall for one of his kind, being surrounded by a small band of Ixal. He pondered for a moment, thinking it was the male before him after all whose voice he heard earlier, although it seemed like he was not a part of the Ixal band, but rather someone who was trying to help. Scaith gave as small huff of annoyance as he got up, dusting off some of the sodden leaves and dirt before looking at the impetuant male, merely giving him a smirk as he bore two long daggers of the many that lined his seaman's jacket.  "Heh, all I b'wonderin is if ye know which end t'use on that toy, lad. Aye, I stand ready f'these buggers.." With that he dashed forward, easily slipping behind the Ixal's guard and plunged his blade deep into it's kidneys and gave the man a smirk. "y'be wantin quick, huh? Let's get this done then quicklike." His hands moved in a flurry, throwing another at the third beast in the party, catching it square in the chest with a smaller blade as he looked to the woman of their group and nodded to check if she was ready. RE: Lost in the Woods [Open] - Faith Sauveterre - 06-19-2016 (06-15-2016, 04:35 PM)Scaith Wrote:(06-15-2016, 04:25 PM)Lloyd Whitewolf Wrote: Lloyd raced through the forest, darting between the trees before coming to rest behind a rock. He sighed once again, looking out from over the rock at what seemed to be an Elezen woman practicing conjury and a male Miqo'te - tall for one of his kind, being surrounded by a small band of Ixal. He pondered for a moment, thinking it was the male before him after all whose voice he heard earlier, although it seemed like he was not a part of the Ixal band, but rather someone who was trying to help. She was thankful another person came around to assist. They might have a better chance at attaining victory. She thanked the twelve that while there was a group it wasn't as large as the one she first came across "I'm fine for the moment" She replied to the other Her eyes went to the Miqo'te silently asking if she was ready and she nodded to him in return. To prepare for the onslaught she cast Protect on her saviors including herself. She wondered if going after separate Ixals would be a good idea or if they should all focus on one enemy. So they could make quick work of them. Two Ixals were struck down by her saviors, but it seemed that more was on the way "Kill them! Kill them all" One of the Ixals cried as they charged forward ready to strike RE: Lost in the Woods [Open] - Scaith - 06-20-2016 Scaith gave a small chuckle that quickly turned into a roar as the Ixal ran for them, moving from side to side of the swordsman and began fighting with one of the Ixal bowmen. His knives moved in a flurry, spinning and slicing his way through the thin hide armor the creature wore and snipped his bowstring. The reptile screamed at him and he ended it with a quick jab to the throat of his adversary. "c'mon now, mates, ye cannae let these wee buggers give ye a slip o'trouble aft'all!" He laughed, excited by the combat and joined the male of his team as they protected the healer. His eyes spotted nothing, noting the male's hidden agility and strength, which he noted for later should things turn sour for them. RE: Lost in the Woods [Open] - Lloyd Whitewolf - 06-21-2016 ![]() A flash of light appears as Lloyd struck down the last Ixal in sight using one of his hidden techniques. After the light, he can be seen resting against a tree looking bored, a small smirk appearing on his face: "Finally done then?" he says with a chuckle "Ready to get out of here before more of their friends show up?" RE: Lost in the Woods [Open] - Scaith - 06-23-2016 Scaith dusted himself off, wandering over to the Ixal he'd killed and plucked the two daggers from the gaping wounds he'd inflicted and gave a sigh. He breathed a small prayer to the twelve and joined up with the two before giving them a small smile, picking up a few coins that Lloyd had caused him to drop and slipped them into a small pocket somewhere in his jacket. "Soooo....Now that we've drawn atten'on t'ourselves, shall we avail to a wee more dry local?... This ruddy piss is gonna nae stop for a time yet..." He glared at the dead beasts and nodded to Lloyd, pointing towards where Gridania stood and smiled wider. "Since ye're the obviously most able o' us, how 'bout ye'take point? I'll guard t'rear for more buggers." RE: Lost in the Woods [Open] - Faith Sauveterre - 06-23-2016 (06-21-2016, 02:28 PM)Lloyd Whitewolf Wrote: (06-23-2016, 02:08 PM)Scaith Wrote: Scaith dusted himself off, wandering over to the Ixal he'd killed and plucked the two daggers from the gaping wounds he'd inflicted and gave a sigh. He breathed a small prayer to the twelve and joined up with the two before giving them a small smile, picking up a few coins that Lloyd had caused him to drop and slipped them into a small pocket somewhere in his jacket. It was quiet now besides the rain and thunder.The Hyru seemed to make quick work of the remaining attackers with the Miqo'te following up. It was rather hard to see, but she saw no tell signs of Ixal. The Conjour let out a sigh of relief and made one last look around. "Thank the Twelve that you two were around. I thought myself doomed to be slain by the Ixal. Thank you, both of you."  The rain came down harder then ever and the woman was soaked. She looked down the path that lead to Gridania. Hopefully, close to the Adventurer's guild it would be the closest place to gain shelter "I would love nothing more then to get to get out of this rain. Shall we gentlemen." She has a feeling she'll be catching a nasty illness the next day. Faith's robes were heavy due to the rain soaking her. It was a bit cumbersome to move around, but she should be able to make a decent pace. She kept her staff out for they were not out of the danger just yet. There could be more Ixal that they stumble upon or some random wild creature that decides they want to devour some adventurers. With the Hyur leading the way and the Miqo'te covering the rear she was to take the middle. Faith kept her eyes open on the look out for any other creatures that may attack. A Conjour she was, but she was able to defend herself and others and at least fire off some offensive spells |