Hydaelyn Role-Players
Looking for RP Contacts, potential family & more! - Printable Version

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Looking for RP Contacts, potential family & more! - Zalina Chanteuse - 08-16-2016

Just as the title states, I'm looking for RP contacts, potential family members and a possible love interest! 
[Image: 1zmi6nt.png]
This is Tekari Kumokiri, who has slowly taken her place as my main and she doesn’t have many friends outside her FC so both she and I would like to change that!

A little about Teka;
Age: 26 years
Status: Single 
Personality:  Polite, respectful, loyal and sometimes a little too blunt for her own good. It’s rare for her to lose her temper in front of anyone but its been known to happen.

I don't want to give too much away because I'd rather RP it than hit you with a bunch of character details.

RP Contacts:
As a fan of random and/or organic RP, 9 times out of 10 you'll find me IC no matter what I'm doing in-game. So if you see me in game feel free to stop me and chat. Unless I absolutely have a somewhere to be - I will stop and RP with you!  Even if its for a two minute chat to say hi and exchange names!  Just gives us more reason to say hi again at a later date.

Family & Background Possibilities:  
Teka is from a small village in one of the northern valleys in Othard. The village was often referred to by the name Kura udo-mura, or Cloud Village.  It was not a very big village but received its share of traffic with trade to and from Doma.  Teka's family background is that of a long line of jewely makers.   If you'd like to chat about Teka being related to your character, the characters knowing each other in the past or toss around ideas, shoot me a message.  Please note that this is just a small background I've come up with for Teka and it is apt to change to confer with Lore once more details are discovered.

Love Interest!
Wuv, sweet wuv...
Anyone brave enough to break through that polite resolve and find the real Teka beneath -have at it! She's one of those people who loves to work and compliments sometimes fly right over her head.  That being said, she's still a woman and susceptible to romance!  You might just have to hit her with it.

Things Teka would not be interested in; love triangles, married men, married women (she is a firm believer in the bonds of marriage).

Just to note - I do not do any sort of romantic RP with anyone under the age of 18. This includes even the most benign of romance topics!  I realize that someone could lie and say they're over 18 but I hope that would not be the case. 

Feel free to message me in game or here! Usual game time is EST in the evenings.

[Image: 1opv5x.png]

RE: Looking for RP Contacts, potential family & more! - Riken Avadur - 08-16-2016

If you're looking for a whimsical partner to write with, it'd be a pleasure to join you. I've spent the past week coming back from a hiatus and am now diving back into RP at full steam (Refreshing over a year of various arcs and writings is always a blast). Likewise, I enjoy having a handful of friends and relations outside of my FC, so prowling the requests forum is always an idle treat.
We seem to be on the same page concerning organic RP, so I'll try to keep things brief concerning this manic fellow: 

Riken is a curious man, often to a fault, who takes serious pride in his work; whatever that may be at the time. He has been (and on occasion, is) a mercenary, a chef, a librarian, an information dealer, and ever-presently a storyteller. He is a man who cares deeply concerning his companions, yet would not hesitate to dispose of anyone outside of his sphere, so to speak. He is a generally fractured man with a variety of facades and masks he wears, with a prize to the select few who he trusts to peek past the veil. He loves cards, gambles more than he should, and enjoys sweets. Lucky Number: 6. 

As for RP, I tend to write pretty freeform, but we can discuss subject matter and the bounds further if we decide to team up. A simple contact would be fine, family would be tricky (but not impossible), and a potential romance would be quite fun and interesting in a variety of ways. If I've still captured your attention so far, feel free to PM me here or catch me in-game (Riken Avadur is the name), and we can start brainstorming. Cheers!


Edit: Only shot on-hand.

RE: Looking for RP Contacts, potential family & more! - J'agun Lyehga - 08-18-2016

Herro there! I currently play Ryuichi Shizumi, my 23 year old male Raen from Doma!

Always actively seeking Doman Characters to tie RP Links with, and it would be a pleasure to RP with you!

His Wiki Page is Here !

Would love to hear back from you, if interested shoot me a message on here or in game! Big Grin

RE: Looking for RP Contacts, potential family & more! - Misharu - 08-18-2016

Hello there, welcome to the RP community!

If you're looking for more Doman characters to interact with, I have a Doman character I just started leveling! Kuniko Naito, a Doman midlander woman whose the daughter of a seamstress and a budding spearwoman. Her family is fairly active in the Doman refugee community, so if you'd like it could be a possible way to connect their RP. 

Or, if you want something a little more out of the box, my main RP character is Misha'to Nhami, my Keeper machinist/engineer. Very amiable and friendly, I could always offer him up for roleplay.