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[Completed Story] Boneweed - Printable Version

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[Completed Story] Boneweed - Parvacake - 09-05-2016

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The summer months were always a toss up in the snowier climates of Coerthas. One could come across more mild winters where it was clear skies and lots of snow crunching beneath their feet before being greeted by cool air that chilled cheeks and made the breath puff out like dragon smoke. Or it could be dark and dismal with thick flurries fluttering all about while the wind was strong enough to knock a Sea Wolf on their arse.

Being able to find a guide hadn't been an issue. There were plenty of locals who had acclimated to the post-Calamity change of weather that were in need of extra gil. It wasn't yet hunting season, wood was getting chopped, fish were repopulating in their mating seasons. The old elezen Lili hired was told to be a seasoned veteran of the frost in these parts. Rather then leave and come back like some locals did, he stayed put and relearned the area before the Houses even started gathering their wits about them. 'Gaston the Rugged' said some locals, but he simple preferred Gaston.

When told of what they were going for, he hadn't batted an eye. His nose wrinkled with some distaste at the arduous climb ahead as well as the strong possibility of not even finding what she was looking for. But the gil was more then generous, the cause noble, so he accepted in the end.

It took three suns of preparing that included packing, looking over maps, checking the constellations (Lili rolled her eyes at that one), then charting a route that would help them avoid what little wildlife was still thriving at those higher elevations.

The eve of the third night before it was time to go, Gaston asked Lili one more time if she was certain of making the trip. He was fine with refunding most of the gil save for the labor spent preparing if she wanted to back down before they left. Once they got up high enough it wouldn't be so easy to just turn around. But the damn hyur just gave him this little half smile and waved it off. Calling him 'dear' (which he wasn't sure he liked or not) while assuring she was ready and prepared for what was to come.

Why a widow with so many children would face such danger for the possibility of finding some weeds was beyond him. Though childless and having never married, there were some things you just didn't gamble with that even he knew about. But onward she promised it was fine and it was what she needed to do.

Why? Why was there a need? 

It was on that third night that she told him.

"My daughter is very sick. She's been sick her entire life with a disease that was thrust upon her family without mercy, passed down from her father and to him from both of his parents. She had a twin who is no longer in this world with us, and I've been working their whole lives to try and help them. But there's been nothing. I've talked with doctors, specialists, conjurers, thaumaturges, even a supposed white mage and a moogle."

"They've all been dead ends. Yes, something might last for a little while, but then their body adapts. Grows resilient enough towards it that it would stop being beneficial. No better then a useless home remedy. At this point? She does what she can and uses wind shards and crystals to help her breathing. They don't really help, but it's better then nothing. The weed we're going after, boneweed, is a rarer strain of differing Ishgardian plants native to the higher elevations."

Lili sighed. "Of course, the Calamity destroyed much of the old plant and wildlife in areas that were flash frozen. Some have muscled through it but there's still so much that was decimated. There have been small mentions of boneweed in some old medical texts I found that say they were potent blood thinners. It is the only thing I have not tried." At this, Gaston sought to protest against that. There was no way she had done so much to come to this as her final hope but she was adamant. Even started listing off all of these other ways she worked with alchemy, herbs and aether that he didn't understand.

"So, in short..." The woman took a breath. "If this doesn't work, I'll have exhausted everything I could think of. My daughter has asked that I do not try any further after this and she will simply accept things as they come. I was..." Her fingers drifted through her hair, Gaston recognizing it as a way to distract herself. "I was against it, until she told me she was tired of fighting. Tired of what it was doing to her. The way she looked at me just-"

Lili's voice softened and died, verdant colored eyes unfocused as the memory washed over her like a solemn tide. As Gaston continued looking at her to see if she would continue, her head quickly shook.

It stopped there. The subject cut off and dropped and Gaston didn't try to broach it further.

It was going to be a long night.

RE: [Story] Boneweed - Parvacake - 09-13-2016

The morning of the trek started off without any sort of issues or delays. Gaston and Lili had everything waiting to be loaded onto Gaston's chocobo by the front door of the lodge, so it was simply a matter of loading up and heading out after a quick morning meal. The weather was calm, the sky clear, and dawn wasn't yet peering over the mountaintops. It was the soft blue of early morning, not a sound to be heard for the first few malms besides their footsteps and the random click or trill of Livvy the chocobo.

Neither of them spoke at first. Gaston showed the way and Lili merely with Livvy pulling up the rear. They had a sun or two to find the boneweed at the locations noted on the map before Gaston required they turn back. He wasn't keen to be in the mountains longer then required, especially at such a high elevation where the boneweed was said to grow. Other factors played parts as well, ones that he knew Lili had already thought about, and yet...

He glanced back to his current 'employer', seeing that she was paying more attention to the shadowy mountain peaks then she was at where they were going. The heavily fur lined hood hid her blonde hair from view, the shadows cast by the covering exaggerating the shadows under her eyes. Or perhaps she just didn't sleep? Gaston hadn't paid enough attention to notice.

"Oi." His voice stirred her. "We should pick up the pace while the world still sleeps."

The only response given was a wordless smile and a nod.

The whole day was spent hiking up to the desired elevation. A far trickier feat then some might have thought given how badly the Calamity had shaped the mountains with the drastic weather changes. Though the peaks had already been prone to the cooler weather due to their heights alone, the everlasting winter that was now endured only made the once difficult hike all the more dangerous. Sheets of black ice, avalanches, starving predators unable to get down the mountain, flash freezes...

Gaston prided himself on having quickly learned ways around these various obstacles. Finding the ways to overcome or avoid them altogether which is what prompted Lili to hire him in the first place. The first day left her confidence intact concerning his competence. If anyone could help guide her to what she was looking for, it was him.

If anyone could help her find this for Sara, it was Gaston.

He had them stop for the day in a small cave that smelled of stagnant earth, barely big enough to fit the three of them inside but they made do. Lili's smaller stature helped as she bundled down next to Livvy while the chocobo curled up against the wall as they watched Gaston secure a tarp over the entrance of the cave. Keeping out excess wind and snow before getting comfortable as well.

"We covered a lot of ground today. Right above us is the position on the map you showed me where the boneweed should be growing. If it's not there, there's a chance the seeds have been carried off elsewhere to another peak or-"

"My, Gaston, you're showing quite a bit of care all of a sudden," murmured the hyur with a faint smile. The same faint, solemn smile she had been wearing all damn day.

He glared at her. "I am merely speaking logically, my lady. It tends to happen in nature. The winds carry the seeds and gives them a chance to regrow else where."

"I am well aware of wind dispersal. But this isn't a lush, fertile valley we're speaking about. This is a rugged mountain range where the ground rarely gets to see the sun anymore. There's already been mass amounts of recorded extinction of various plants and animals that used to thrive up here. If the boneweed isn't here? I'm not going to hold my breath that I'll find it else where unless someone decided to grow it domestically. If so? I'd have heard of it."

It was infuriating to the elezen how thorough she had been with this. While a part of him was glad he wasn't dealing with an imbecile, there was another part of him that felt strangely disturbed at how content she seemed to be about giving up after this. Hells, she was positively serene!

"If it was my child, I wouldn't give up so easily," he growled under his breath as he got out his flint. Realizing he had said it aloud, he stiffened. Feeling her gaze upon him without looking up. Feeling a chill slowly creeping along his spine, feeling it wrap around his neck and squeeze-

When a glance was dared, she was still looking at him. But whatever chilled fury had been there settled into something more passive. Her last words of the evening were simply 'goodnight' before she shifted against the steel grey chocobo and nestled into her side with her arms wrapped around herself. Livvy clicked her beak at the cuddle buddy, not seeming to mind.

It wasn't often that Gaston's ego and pride let him feel like an ass. Many would try, most would fail.

Lilithium Rinannis Altair, however, made him feel like feel like an ass and then some with a look he hadn't even seen.

They rose the same time they did yesterday, shoving some food in their mouths for energy before the tarp was brought down and they continued on their way. There was more climbing involved while Livvy was strangely nimble for such a docile creature. She used both her beak and talons to keep herself steady as she kept up with the bipedals, Lili murmuring soft croons of praise to the magnificent bird.

Gaston rolled his eyes as he hoisted himself onto another ledge. "She will grow quite the ego if you keep showering her with such praise."

"A little encouragement never hurt any soul. Isn't that right, sugar?"

Livvy trilled and her owner sighed with exasperation. His horsebird would be expecting similar affections after this was all over. Most of his past clients all but ignored her, but not Lili. Damn women.

"We're almost to the top," he grunted as he rose up onto another ledge. Lili was close behind, hoisting herself up as well with a chatter of her teeth. Despite her enforced layers, the lack of oxygen this high up coupled with the wind chill was starting to get to her. She had been spoiled with all her time in the Mists surrounded by balmy air and humid heatwaves.

Gaston noticed her pace gradually slowing, pausing to watch her get situated. Not a single complaint passed her lips this whole trek either yestersun or this sun. At most? She'd crack a dry joke or ask a question that he'd answer with a curt response before silence would reign again. If nothing else, he could chalk this up as one of his more pleasant trips despite the grim circumstances.

"Shall we head back?"

Lili gave a grunt and a growl. "Keep. Going."

"It's not here, Lilithium!"

Forget the 'my lady' shite. They had been here for hours with a flash freeze rolling in and Gaston had been watching as Lili was still looking for that stupid weed. It was nearly white as the snow itself! Finding it was going to take hours that they didn't have that would be more of a risk to their lives then he felt was worth it. At this rate? They'd have to scramble down to the cave they had taken shelter in last night or risk being turned into ice cubes.

But Lili wasn't listening. Working like a woman possessed as she dug around snow, and ice until she could touch and prod at the ground. But even that was covered under thick layers of ice she was trying to break away with a pick. Near Gaston, Livvy began to let out distressed 'kweh's and stomps of her claws against the ground.

They had to go. Now.


Gaston stared as she began furiously hacking her pick at a part of the ice. Dangerously close to the nearby ledge. The wind was picking up to where he feared the little hyur would be swept right off the mountain. With snarls of irritation, he began stumbling and stomping through the snow towards her. He'd drag her off of here by her hair if he had-

There came a sudden sound. A sharp crack that made the ground beneath their feet rumble. Loud as a shot made sensitive ears ring and made Livvy even more skittish then before. But she wouldn't dare abandon her master, trilling at him as loud as she could. When his chocobo was panicking, it was time to leave.

"It's time to go you stupid-" But there came another crack...and a shifting of the ground beneath them. That was when the realization hit the guide, like a kick to the groin. They weren't standing on land. They were standing on ice.

Ice that Lili had been digging at and picking through to find the boneweed. Ice that had been weakened by her actions while additionally strained under the weight of a full grown elezen, chocobo, and hyur.

There was a final crack. The ledge Lili had been on began sliding forward and the blonde was quick to scramble up, to try and get back and away to safety. Gaston wouldn't be able to reach her in time. Neither would Livvy.

Down Lili fell, ledge and all, with the long stalks of boneweed still clutched in her hand.

RE: [Completed Story] Boneweed - Parvacake - 09-13-2016

"Gaston! Been ages, you bastard!"

The elezen gave a soft grunt, slipping off his jacket as he approached the bar. Mor Dhona wasn't his usual drinking establishment locale of choice, but he had been in the area and decided he deserved a drink. Well, what he really felt he deserved was a keg. But he never liked the choices he made when he was drunk. Or the men he decided to take in back alleyways.

He made his way to the table and shook hands with both men who were seated there. One a large xaela named Genju and the other another elezen named Haurent. Both good people, both former employers of his, and the three would meet for drinks now and then to talk shit about world matters while getting drunk. Or, in Gaston's case, decently tipsy before excusing himself for the evening.

Judging by the tankards on the table, they got started without him. Typical.

"I've been rather busy. You two seem to be getting along just fine without me." His comment made Genju laugh, cheekbones already pink from the amount of alcohol he was starting to drown himself in. While Haurent was far more composed, he did let out a chuckle, "I heard one of your trips didn't go so well. Is that why your mood is so poor?"

Gaston scowled. "Why would that be any of your concern?"

"Come now!" crooned Haurent, trying to pacify the boiling male. "We like to make sure you're still alive and well. Besides! Genju here knew your client...ah, somewhat." He sounded unsure, like he wasn't getting the details right and looked to the xaela for assurance. After letting out a disgustingly loud belch (Gaston made a face with distaste), Genju nodded.

"Ya, I know her. Well, not exactly. Her last husband ran some shop in the Goblet that I used to walk past going to my free company's place. Seen her in the yard with some kids a few times. Haven't seen them since he got himself blown up there, though, or some shite like that." Details, smetails for Genju. He just wanted to drink.

Both elezen peered to one another. Typical. They weren't surprised by the lack of details but it sounded about right to Gaston. "Mm...small, blonde?" That rang a bell as Genju spoke in muffled tones against the rim of his mug, "Really big tits, too!"

Haurent gave him a punch to the side of the arm, well timed given how it made some of the booze slosh onto Genju's chest who let out a yelp and some laughter from the rest of the tavern at the sight of him wearing his drink. Snarling at them all, he rose up and stomped to the bar to get a rag.

Once he was gone to clean up, Gaston let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. "Fucking xaela." Haurent smirked sidelong and offered in a softer voice, "What exactly happened, any road? I wasn't able to hear any details and I haven't bothered going to Coerthas to check." He waited for Gaston to respond as the man took a moment to swig down some ale.

The mug hit the tabletop with a definitive thump. "She fell. Got her leg jammed into a crevice and couldn't get her out while a freeze was coming in. So she had me cut it off."

Haurent's brows arched up nice and high with a low whistle. "She made you cut her leg off?"

"Most of it. The left one. It was either that or she'd be left to die here and I told her as much. Not a moment of hesitation. Even offered to do it herself if I wasn't willing. I did it and then Livvy helped me get her down the mountain and to a medic in Ishgard since it was closer. Turns out some nobles knew her and one of her brats so they got her taken care of. She's recovering now."

"Well, at least she didn't die."

Gaston shrugged, staring vacantly forward as he sipped at his mug of ale. "No, but her screaming sounded like she wanted too."