Two Yayas walk into a bar... [Closed] - Printable Version +- Hydaelyn Role-Players ( +-- Forum: Role-Play ( +--- Forum: Town Square (IC) ( +--- Thread: Two Yayas walk into a bar... [Closed] (/showthread.php?tid=17407) |
Two Yayas walk into a bar... [Closed] - Ayaka - 10-06-2016 The tavern was busy, several patrons occupied the seats both inside and outside of The Axe and Owl establishment and none of them seemed to have any problems with their orders--not when the female Raen was in-charge of serving them. Of course, the bar and the kitchen staff were a huge help to that, making the day an excellent and organized meal time--if not profitable. The place was packed and there was an evident joy in the atmosphere, everyone either enjoying their ordered meals or chugging their drinks in gusto. There weren't much tables in the place but it was enough for the limited staff of the tavern to consider the state, busy. It wasn't Bismarck but it wasn't a cheap little shack either. The Axe and Owl was clean, devoid of any discarded bottles and plates on the floor--for now at least--and their meals were served fresh, warm and--if she wasn't biased--delicious. It was a while before rush hour finally ended--or at least, when a lot of the big groups finally left. The waitress let out a sigh as she leaned against one of the vacated tables, wearing a simple skirt and an apron as her temporary uniform for the place, her hair tied into its usual braid to stop it from getting into her horns and create messy knots. She just finished cleaning all of the unoccupied tables and from what she remembered, she would be able to take a break sometime soon. Not that she needed it. Nonetheless, she would happily use that time to gather information, if not to observe the patrons of the tavern. So far she hasn't seen any seedy patrons or interesting ones but she was fine with waiting. Ayaka was just glad for the lodge and job that she got from the place and if doing such minor tasks would be her only payment, then she had no problem with that at all. What was a few hours of work in-exchange for a good cover? However, for now, she was still on the clock and she still needed to wait on the current or hopefully incoming customers. And so, Ayaka waited while playing with her tail, eyes drawn to the entrance of the building. RE: Two Yayas walk into a bar... [Closed] - Nightsha - 10-06-2016 It was quite a sight walking up to The Axe and Owl that day. If one came at the right time they'd get a glimpse of an Au Ra peering from behind a tree, using her own hands as spectacles, before popping back behind the protective trunk. Those who'd seen her before that day paid the young woman no mind or offered a friendly wave, and those unfamiliar were too nervous to question her antics. Having spent the better part of the morning searching for the quaint tavern it was actually a bit of a wonder Tayang hung to the outside, straining to get a peak inside whenever someone entered or exited the establishment. But she had reason for her odd behavior; having been tasked to deliver a bundled parcel, and to a bar no less, the young Xaela figured the inhabitants could be anywhere from sleepy grandfathers to hardened criminals, and if they were the latter she wanted to make sure she was ready to defend her package with all she had. Tail lashing back in forth with impatience, nails tapping lightly on the tree she hid behind Tayang waited... and waited... A loud growl rang into her ears and Tayang nearly leapt out of her scales, lance in hand before she could utter a cry of shock. Legs braced and stance solid her eyes scanned the area for the source of the nasty sound, until she realized with a wince and a nervous laugh that the 'terrible sound' had come from her own gut. Clearing her throat she sent a quick prayer to the Dusk Mother that no one had seen her pathetic show, and opted for leaning against the tree she had been previously crouched behind. The delicious smells of the food within wafted from the tavern's door and windows, making the acute hunger in the adventurer's belly only that much more pronounced; she could only imagine what wonderful delicacies awaited her. She figured she had two options: wait some more and be bored, or go inside to find the recipient of the package and hope today's specials weren't priced too high. With a snort she pushed off the tree and headed inside; only a fool would have picked the former, or maybe a more cautious errand runner, but she liked to believe she was neither. Bracing herself as she stepped past the threshold, Tayang was pleasantly surprised there seemed to be no more 'hardened criminals' around than you'd find at the local playground. Scanning the warm room she tried to remember the description of the person she was looking for, when suddenly an alarm sounded in her brain. Another Au Ra! A Raen, but still, something familiar in what was literally a new world. It wasn't as if she hadn't seen others of her race here and there, but usually they were on their way out as she was on her way in and vice versa, or quite simply they were too busy with their own errands to stop and chat. From the woman's clothes it seemed as if she worked here, so it wasn't as if she'd be on her way out. Rushing, Tayang dug into her bag and pulled out her parcel; she had a task to complete and now she had a reason to complete it even faster. "Clod Mora?!" she called, a hand cupped around her mouth, as she waved the package in the air. For a moment her feet left the floor as her hand was emptied, and she glanced up at the rather insulted face of an Elezen, eyes glaring menacingly. With a respectful bow she muttered a quick apology about the terrible pronunciation she was forced to use, waves of relief washing over her as he simply rolled his eyes and sauntered off. Her job completed and the gil in her pocket now rightfully earned she spun on her heel, enthusiasm lighting up her face as she quickly made her way over to the Raen she had spotted earlier. "Hello!" It was truly an effort not to bounce on her toes as she stood before this stranger. "My name is Tayang," with a grin she attempted to sweep her bangs from her face, only for them to fall right back into place. "It's nice to see another Au Ra around here! What's your name?" RE: Two Yayas walk into a bar... [Closed] - Ayaka - 10-07-2016 She hasn't seen any sort of seedy patrons nor interesting ones that day to report to Mr. Lag but she might have to rethink that thought because she found herself an Au Ra walking into the tavern. Her heart immediately skipped a beat, seeing something so familiar yet so distant due to the other being a daughter of the Dusk Mother. Nonetheless, they were so little of them in Eorza that she couldn't help but feel some sort of familial ties with them regardless if she has never even met or seen them for that matter. Maybe that was why she didn't have any hesitations in accepting the job offered to her by the tavern owner due to the fact that the woman was a Raen. At first she thought that the Au Ra was one of the seedy type due to her strange behavior but she found herself smiling when the Xaela was more of the latter. She could definitely relate with her difficulties in pronouncing the names of the Eorzeans, Elezens mostly. There's the Roegadyns as well but the Raen was too much of an admirer of said race that she didn't really cared much about it. However, she still continued to try and strive perfection in learning how to pronounce their names, copying Eorzan accents and trying to remove her Auri ones. It doesn't really help if people around her could barely understand her due to her inability to adapt. She was happy enough to see the entertaining sight, something new and refreshing in comparison to the dull though lively tavern but when she realized that the woman was approaching her, her lips broke into a warm smile as she pulled her hand away from her bright tail. "Hello to you too, Ms. Tayang. You have a very lovely name." A bow, "I am called Ayaka, Ayaka of the Yatsurugi Clan but please, call me Yaya." Then she let out a relieved soft chuckle, "You don't know how happy I am to see a fellow Au Ra as well. And here I thought you would just come in here to seek that Elezen and then leave immediately after." commented the braided waitress, eyes drinking in the sight of the Xaela. She definitely felt revitalized after seeing one of her people--a female at that--with their small and somewhat gentle and feminine face, albeit of the lustrous dark scaled family. "Will you be dining here? I do recommend one of their dishes today if you are planning to. It's rather delicious though I might just be biased since that's what I usually order during my breaks." added Ayaka with a somewhat embarrassed smile, her digits raised to partly cover her lips though she was prepared to lead the other to her table if she were to say yes to her question. She could start her information gathering with the other, but for now, she just wished to relish the time with her fellow Auri kind. She was going to set aside her work for later. RE: Two Yayas walk into a bar... [Closed] - Nightsha - 10-07-2016 Hearing the Raen speak caused Tayang's smile to grow. The lovely woman, Ayaka, was a little formal, but definitely very nice, and that was the most important part. "Are you kidding? As soon as I saw you I knew I had to come say hello. It would've been ridiculous of me to just leave," she chuckled, glad that it seemed she wasn't the only one suffering from loneliness in Eorzea. Tayang searched Ayaka's pale eyes for a moment; yup, warm and soft, like a freshly made cookie. As far as the Xaela was concerned, you could always trust a cookie. "And it's funny you mention the food," a blush warmed her cheeks as the excitable lancer's earlier incident popped into her head, "I could smell it a malm away and I definitely can't say no to trying a plate. Especially if it means having a chance to chat with family! Er, I guess practically family anyway." She scratched the back of her head, toothy grin still firmly in place. It was so calming, yet so exciting, being around someone like herself. Perhaps she could equate the feeling to dancing for an audience; comfortingly familiar yet thrillingly new. Tayang remembered what her mother would say, that when someone takes the time to talk to you, it can brighten your whole day, and this was definitely what she meant. Thinking of her mom reminded her... "Wait, did you say Yaya? Amazing! Did you know that's what I was called back home? What a coincidence!" With a hearty laugh she smacked Ayaka on the shoulder, but then, realizing how forward she had been, gave her a sheepish look. "Ah, my apologies, sometimes I get ahead of myself. Um, since I've never actually been to this place before, I trust you know the best seat, so lead the way!" In her mind, Ayaka was already her friend, but Tayang forced herself to remember that this wasn't her lands, nor was she amongst her tribe. Sometimes one had to stay calm, like what her father would say. Don't count your chocobos before they hatch? Or was it, hold your chocobos? He said a lot of things and she supposed not all of them applied all of the time. RE: Two Yayas walk into a bar... [Closed] - Ayaka - 10-07-2016 She actually found her lips twitching, a lopsided smile appearing on her features when the woman called her family. For some reason, they both had the same thought in their minds when they saw each other; which was a very amusing and warming thought for the Raen. Family... it has been forever since she heard someone use it so casually yet in a very sincere manner. And when the other continued to inform her of their similarities, Ayaka couldn't help but smile wider, a soft giggle escaping her lips finally. Tayang was definitely an interesting person. She only waved her hand when the other apologized for the sudden contact, the Raen shaking her head after. "Please do not worry about it. I do not mind what you just did." The waitress gave the other a small grin, "Us Yayas have to stick together after all, right? So it would make no sense if you do not express yourself properly." A playful wink at this as she turned about to search for a good table. She once more mentally patted herself on the back for accepting the job at The Axe and Owl. Because of this, she actually found herself relaxing and enjoying a small talk with a fellow Au Ra. And it has been a long time since she genuinely felt that. Fate, nay, The Twelve must be feeling quite generous to her. "Right this way please." She finally spread one of her arms to point at the direction of a vacant table near a window, where fresh air was definitely welcomed. Ayaka barely noticed the patrons surrounding them as she procured a small notepad and a quill, glancing at the Xaela as she pointed at the small tavern menu stacked in the middle of the table.. "So, are you here to order something big or just something to munch on?" She tilted her head, "Because if it is the former, I have a lot of dishes to suggest to you. I will do the same if it is the latter, so worry not. Oh! Of course if you have a preference, feel free to tell me and I will see if the kitchen has it." RE: Two Yayas walk into a bar... [Closed] - Nightsha - 10-07-2016 Excitement buzzed through the now much-less-lonely Xaela, only willing to spare a half apologetic wave due to her distraction, as her lashing tail smacked the back of some poor unsuspecting Lalafell as they passed by. "Exactly! Both Au Ra and both Yaya, it would be a slight to both of us if we didn't stick together." Tayang clapped her hands together happily, a happy hum rumbling past her lips. "Not everyone thinks that way you know? Thank you for being you, Ayaka Yatsurugi!"Â Eyes sparkling with happiness knowing that Ayaka would be so understanding of her friendly advances, Tayang plopped into an empty seat at the recommended table. "Oooh, commendable seating tastes by the way Yaya," she giggled a bit, feeling almost as if she were speaking to herself for a moment. "Sunlight always makes food look and taste better. But I guess moonlight does that too." Another faint growl emitted from her stomach as she glanced over the menu. "I could do what I usually do, and just close my eyes and pick blindly. But, seeing as you're already prepared with recommendations I'll trust you!" Glancing at another patron's table almost made the starving adventurer drool, "As for preferences, if it's edible I'll probably like it! Except honey, I never got a taste for the stuff." She stuck her tongue out and shook her head to properly communicate her feelings for the gooey snack. "And seeing as how I've missed breakfast I think something big is definitely in order! Besides, bigger means I'll have more time to talk to you, right? I know you're working, but be sure to swing by my table a whole lot." Tilting her head slightly she returned Ayaka's earlier wink. The logical part of her brain berated her for saying something so stupid as going for a big meal, especially when she surely had some snacks back at her inn room. If she spent all her gil on food then she'd never become a wealthy adventurer; but the counter argument was that if she had no food at all she'd have no strength to adventure in the first place. It didn't matter either way of course, she was already seated and there was no way Tayang planned to ditch her newest friend over something silly like saving gil. RE: Two Yayas walk into a bar... [Closed] - Ayaka - 10-08-2016 "Well, I have to make sure that you enjoy the food in-order to bait and lure you back in here once more." A tease when she was complimented for the seating placement of the Au Ra. Funny how it was easy for her to become friendly with the other, even if the fellow Yaya was a complete stranger to her. "Now then..." Ayaka moved closer towards the other, standing close beside Tayang as she took one of the menu and slid it to the front of the Xaela. "The dishes that I would like to recommend to you are these..." Two slender digits pointed at the items as she called out their names, explaining what they were. "This one is a customer's favorite: Meat Miqa'bob. They're tender dodo meat and ripe tomatoes on a stick, roasted into a succulent perfection. Another suggestion for your main dish would be the bacon broth. Like what the name suggests, it's a flavorful smoked bacon boiled with leek and garlic with a dash of black pepper. Its soup is to die for, really. And if that does not pique your interest, how about the rabbit pie? It's a freshly baked pastry with juicy marmot meat and diced carrot on the inside, seasoned with onions and pepper that brings out its flavor. And if you wish to have some greens, I would recommend the lentils and chestnuts as it is a Gridanian favorite with its one of a kind combined flavor of chestnut, lentil and mint. The crunchiness of the chestnut bits can simply make the meal very satisfying." Was she purposely trying to make the other hungry with her description? Yes, yes she was. She was still working after all. Was it working however? She was hoping it would. "Of course, the item I personally recommend to you would be the steamed catfish. I have a bias with seafood, you see." said the Raen with a small chuckle, now turning her attention to her fellow Au Ra. "I shall leave the drink decisions to you but I wish to mention that we have a special for today and that would be the rolandberry shaved ice. If your body feels warm, consuming this would definitely help you cool down." Ayaka paused for a while, letting her words sink in before speaking again. "Also ah... My shift is going to be over soon so if you do not mind waiting for a bit... I wish to be able to sit down and chat with you more, Yaya. You're very fun to talk with." She tucked a stray strand behind her horn as she smiled warmly, if not shyly, at the other. Ayaka usually uses honorifics when talking to another but this time, she was making an exception. |