Hydaelyn Role-Players
[Balmung] Returning players looking for RP-FC - Printable Version

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Returning players looking for RP-FC - Chant - 10-07-2016

Hello everyone, A friend and myself have recently returned from a year hiatus and are looking for a RP oriented FC, one where we can really get into the story as well make new friends and is open to new joiners, preferably one without major clicks already established.

RE: Returning players looking for RP-FC - Thunderbolt300 - 10-09-2016

Hey there!

Best thing I can suggest is to browse around the FC listings here on the RPC and see what groups you like the most when it comes to concept and tone. I think most folks want to avoid cliques and toxic environments in general, and the community here is 'aged' enough that I don't think you're going to run into that a whole lot anyway!

RE: Returning players looking for RP-FC - Oyuu - 10-09-2016

Well, luckily on Balmung finding an RP-FC is not a hard task. If you provide a little more info about your characters and what exactly you are looking, e.g. roleplay styles, your schedule/timezone, themes you like to roleplay, you might receive more offers. 

Also I would follow up on Thunderbolt's suggestion of browsing the FC/LS listings here, good luck in your search!