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[ Journal ] Loose-leaf Pages - Syranelle Ironleaf - 12-13-2016 ![]() It's been a long time since I've written. I don't know if this means that my life has become too busy or if the events in it have become less noteworthy. Likely the former; history, such as it is, has always been an important part of what I do. Documenting my life, its journey, and all the waypoints in between have always held value to me. If not for me, then for those who come after me. No matter how busy I become, I should remember that and make a better effort. Nearest and dearest to my heart is my upcoming Bonding with my beloved, Irridias Velnyx, a matter that all who know us say is long overdue. It's hard to believe that it's been a cycle since he proposed and almost a cycle and a half since we met. Yet, it seems as if he has always been part of my life, so much so that I can no longer imagine it without him. The requisite visitations to the shrines of the Twelve by the Sanctum allowed us to view our relationship and our love through all the different facets of faith. Every visitation brought up only the best memories of everything about the "us" we've become. Our sorrows, our pain, are quickly becoming but distant memory, as they should be. While our day of Bonding will be the happiest moment yet, I don't want it to be the pinnacle of our life together, but a foundation we can build upon toward even better ones. Most of the selections and planning have been made, we only need to finish our business with the Sanctum of the Twelve to be able to assign a date. It will likely wait until after the beginning of the new cycle, since I know Doctor Ozerov and Neheon Wolfsbane will be bonding around then. I would do nothing to steal their thunder, so ours will come after theirs. Beyond that, my work with the Chroniclers continues as I juggle between the various missions and inqueries that come to us. Matters surrounding Ellisorielle Black have gotten no better, only more convoluted. Zhan'a Rakhin plays that situation close to the vest, so it's hard to even know what's happening with all of it, much less how best I can help. Nevertheless, I continue to be involved, willingly or not. I was taken aside and questioned by men claiming to be Wood Wailers, but I've dealt with and dodged enough of them to know that these men were anything but. The man, Simonds, was one that Elli had mentioned to me before, the one who kept close watch on her at the ranch she was working at before she came to us in Revenant's Toll. He and his companion, a man called Ordo, questioned me at length about Ellisorielle, but I feigned large ignorance. They claim that Zhan'a kidnapped Elli against her will and that he is the perpetrator of many crimes in the Black Shroud, particularly against women. Knowing Zhan'a as I do, I would never believe him capable of the things they've claimed. I refused to give up Zhan'a's whereabouts, telling the men I'd not seen him since we left the Harbingers. It was a small lie, I do so rarely see Zhan'a, but it isn't as if these two were legitimate officers of the law, so I don't feel particularly guilty about it. They released me a day later, but hopefully Ree was able to glean something further as he kept an eye on things from afar. It's one thing we do well, my beloved and I, working together to bring the evils of the world to justice. Perhaps with these new developments, we can finally figure out a way to bring this situation to a close for Ellisorielle. Speaking of trying to close matters, Alexander Steelstrike continues to try and close the book on the matter of his past. I don't know why it's so important to him -- but then, he rarely speaks to anyone besides Zhan'a. Even after as long as I've known him, he never quite seems relaxed with me, as if I'm judging every word that comes from him. Or that he doesn't altogether trust me with aspects of his life. Yet, no matter how unwilling he is to talk to me, I still find myself trying to help him find resolution for -- whatever it is that seems to plague him. We went recently into Xelphatol, back to the village he grew up(?) in. We found little to nothing in terms of Alex's search for his past, only a couple of abandoned children whose family and village were taken captive by Garleans. There was nothing for it at that point, though, the safety of the children were paramount. Alex seemed frustrated and upset that we were calling things off; he wanted to continue his search. I confess, I found his desperation disappointing when he was all but willing to overlook the safety of the children to keep looking. Ree and I took charge of the children, leaving Alex and Zhan'a to search for whatever Alex seemed determined to find. Ree and I saw the children safely back to Revenant's Toll and I used some funds from the Company coffer to see to it that they were cared for by one of the barmaids in the tavern. It was a temporary solution, but given the situation with Ellisorielle, the city-state orphanages, and that cultist of the Mother -- I dared not entrust them to an orphanage. Not yet. Not until we were sure that situation was resolved -- if we ever manage to resolve it. One more thing added on to another. Speaking of Garleans and their activity, though, we were contracted by a merchant working for the House of Splendors to look into a missing shipment. I think we've run all of our leads to ground and will be taking our investigations to Idyllshire, particularly to Hismena or another representative of the House of Splendors that can answer our questions. From everything I've heard about these Augmented Scintillant Ingots, they could mean trouble in the wrong hands. I can only hope that we're able to track down and recover the shipment before it gets put to ill purpose. I think, though, this is everything for now. Or at least all the important bits. I'll honestly try to do better in future, even the smallest things have meaning when you look back on them through the lens of time. RE: [ Journal ] Loose-leaf Pages - Syranelle Ironleaf - 12-24-2016 Botany has always been a diversion for me, the moments I can spend in contemplation about the things that worry me or those things that matter most. It has rarely been about the plants, I simply gather whatever is at hand and eventually incorporate them into the myriad teas I've concocted. Tonight, though, I took myself out to Thanalan on a mission for some fresh Coerthan Carrots to implement in a new carrot cake recipe. Imagine my surprise then to hear unexpected music in the ravine where I conducted my foray. When I finally found the source of the sound, it was a young miqo' te lass and her chocobo. I apparently caught her deep in composition for she sent her sheet music flying when I spoke. It seemed an out of the way sort of place to come to, but we all have our favorite places to go when we want to be alone with our thoughts. I almost considered leaving her then, so remorseful was I about disturbing her tranquility. Yet, there was something in her words and demeanor that compelled me to stay. She was composing a ballad for the one she loved, as a gift for Starlight as well a betrothal gift, but she struggled to find the words. I gave her what advice I could, but the gist of it was to simply say what was genuinely in her heart. Words of love don't have to be fanciful and poetic to have meaning or to touch the heart of the one we love. They simply need to be sincere. This advice seemed to cheer her and we discussed a few ideas on where she could start. She introduced herself as D'emi Rhojah even as I gave my own name to her. Shortly after, we parted ways. I don't know that I'll ever cross paths with her again, but it is my sincere hope that she and her beau find a life of happiness together. With my mission complete and an errant soul, hopefully, helped I returned home to my own fiancee. RE: [ Journal ] Loose-leaf Pages - Syranelle Ironleaf - 12-25-2016 I was surprised to see the lights on in Saraj Malqir's apartment this evening. So long has she been gone, I worried that, perhaps, someone had broken in. I went to investigate and found none other than the stoic Xaela there among her things as if nothing were amiss. We sat in her parlor and spoke for a time, mostly about how distant she felt from the Chroniclers. I gave her what advice I could, but, ultimately, I know the choice is hers whether she finds a foothold here or not. These are not the bygone days of the Harbingers with a group of individuals hundreds strong. We are smaller, more intimate, more effort must needs be made to make and find connection. But the best things in life are worth working toward, aren't they? That's what I like to think. Rather than permit Saraj to continue to wallow in her regrets, I decided I'd take her over to the Fool's Renaissance company house. I'd overheard them gathering via the linkpearl given me by Neheon Wolfsbane, so I thought it would do Saraj good to be among familiar faces and friends of old. I said nothing of where we were going, letting the surprise of it be my Starlight gift to my erstwhile Xaela friend. We sipped Neheon's peppermint cocoa and visited with the many Rennies that came through: Doctor Ozerov, Rosa Lindelle, Serris Le'omend, and Lias Ahrgo among a few others with whom I was not as familiar. For her own part, Saraj seemed genuinely happy among them and I was glad to see her so cheered after seeing her so morose. Starlight should not be spent in regrets, but instead reveling among those closest to us. I'm glad I was able to do that for her, Gods only know what she's been through these past moons. I may never know, but at least she knows that the hearth lights will always be here to welcome her home. I was surprised, though, at the Rennie's festivities when I was given a gift by their Saint's Little Helper. They had no idea that we were going to be in attendance, so the gift was unexpected to say the least. It was a set of jewelry, necklace and earrings, fashioned from silver and emerald. Green, my favorite color -- although, my true preference is for Nophica Green, but let's not cast shade upon such a thoughtful gift. We ate, we drank, and we made merry among friends -- which is everything a Starlight Eve should be. I returned home afterward to bask in the warmth of my apartment and the beloved company of Irridias Velnyx. Yes, this was everything Starlight should be. RE: [ Journal ] Loose-leaf Pages - Syranelle Ironleaf - 12-28-2016 It was a night of pirates and treasure. It was a night of tonberries and padjal. It was a night of imploding ships and narrow escapes. And it was a Starlight memory I won’t soon forget.  Trust Irridias Velnyx to find new and inventive ways to surprise me and bring a smile to my face.  It’s not enough for him to merely wrap a gift in gaily-colored paper and hand it over.  No, his idea of presenting a gift is to create an evening-long adventure of intrigue and puzzle-solving that ended with me finding my Starlight bounty.  It continues to be no small wonder that I love him as much as I do. ![]() The evening began in the Black Shroud where Irridias Velnyx summoned me to Spirithold we uncovered the first chest of the tonberry and padjali pirates, Greenbeard and Pointy.  Legend said that these two were relatively benevolent pirates who stole gil, yes in plenty, but never harmed their victims.  Instead, they would heal and mend them before sending them on their way.  All-in-all, they sounded like very magnanimous pirates, but that isn’t what truly caught my interest.  On the face of  the chest, there was seal marked with the Sigil of Nym on one side, the Sigil of Gridania on the other.  Two of the most magical civilizations in Eorzea, together, what could it possibly mean? However, the chest was sealed with a magical lock that had no keyhole and no means of prying it open.  There was, however, a series of Padjali letters:  L-A-E-H.  At first, I couldn’t think of any words that matched the pronunciation, but then I realized it was an anagram.  And the word was “heal.† So, I used a small bit of my healing ability to infuse the lock and it came open with a quiet snap. Within was a small, palm-sized disk, also marked with the Sigils of Nym and Gridania, but with a gemstone at its heart.  The note gave a clue to nearby Naked Rock, so it was there that we continued onward with our quest.  At the new location, the disk came to life and the gemstone began to pulse; we eventually figured out that it acted as a sort of magical compass.  It directed us to the roots of a nearby tree, so we excavated yet another chest marked as the one that came before.  Except this time, the lock on the outside read “N-W-O-R-Dâ€; another anagram for “drown.†Exercising a bit of Water Aspected magic, we unlocked this chest and within was a small, white gemstone and another note.  The gemstone fit into an open niche on the compass and the note directed us to find a place where you could hear the singing of the sea, it at least narrowed things down by giving us a map of Middle La Noscea.  Still, it wasn’t an area either of us was familiar with, so we inquired with a local merchant and obtained a map.  A few minutes inspection and we had our location:  Seasong Grotto. Here among the glowing light of the nearby bogies, the compass directed us to a pillar in the middle of the cavern.  Hidden beneath the flagstones around its base, there was another cunningly designed puzzle.  Carved across the face of the flagstone was simply the word: DOINK! I couldn’t even begin to fathom what it meant, but Ree said that since the previous two clues had to do with Padjal and elemental magicks, perhaps this one had to do with tonberries. There was only one thing that was on the forefront of my mind when it came to tonberries.  They really, REALLY liked stabbing things, something I recall during an archaeological exploration of the Wanderer’s Palace with Blake Forester some many moons ago.  So, I took one of my daggers from its sheath and slid it in a small gap between the flagstones.  I was rewarded when the catch sprung and beneath the stone we found the final gemstone and the last clue.  This one sent us to a remote island just off the coast from Aleport. Ree knew of a ship that would be willing ship that would take us there, so away we went.  I confess, sea voyages of any type always make me nervous.  There’s just something unpredictable and frightening about the ocean for me.  Having lived most of my life below-ground, the sea is still something new and tempestuous at best.  The current and the heaviness of the water make it feel as if the very sea itself wants to drag you under and claim you for her own.  Still, I could not leave a quest unfinished or a curiosity unexplored.  With Ree’s comforting strength beside me, I could and would face anything, no matter the peril.  As we admired the view of the sea at night, a strange fog overcame the ship and silence descended upon us.  No sounds of the crew, the sea, or anything else – save the flapping of a flag that I heard overhead.  I climbed the rigging to investigate and found the stylized pirate flag of Greenbeard and Pointy!   Yet, even as I found it I could hear the sounds of wood breaking, splintering apart from somewhere below.  Had the ship foundered against rocks or coral? I could hear Ree calling up to me in alarm, but I couldn’t leave without taking the flag with me.  I don’t even really know why.  I felt like it might be another clue.  I climbed my way down, but as the entire back end of the ship shattered, I slipped and fell, thankfully right into Ree’s waiting arms.  There was no time to waste, with the skill only a dragoon possesses, Ree made the leap from the ship to the lights upon a nearby shore that we’d seen only a few minutes prior.  However, as we left behind the dying, broken ship I saw a strange little figure standing at the bow as it sank:  a tonberry, his lantern all aglow.  Then the mist obscured the sight and we were safely on the nearby island. We took a few minutes to recover from the escape, but the compass began to whirl again and my curiosity would not rest until we uncovered this mystery.  We trekked across the beach to a nearby cliffside and it was there we found another small hollow, but this one had an indentation that looked like it would perfectly fit the compass.  So, I slid the device into the crevice and it opened with a satisfying snap. Within was a book and a final note.  In the note, Greenbeard congratulated us on uncovering his treasure – but at the very end it was revealed that it was merely the gift wrap for Ree’s Starlight gift to me.  The book, an old tome on Gelmorra, one that would help my research greatly since it was rare, procured from the library of an old priest that was friends with Ree. It brought me to tears, really.  I get so caught up in the day-to-day duties to Company, to the House of Splendors, to upkeeping everyone else that I forget the thrill of adventure and discovery.  Ree makes it a point, time and again, to feed my curiosity and the animated drive by which I pursue the things I’m most passionate about.  He reminds me of all the things that make me who I am – and the woman he fell in love with.  Truly, the greatest gift I could ever receive on Starlight is the continued presence of this man in my life.  Something that I hope to have for many cycles to come. Afterward, he told me how it was all done since he’d knew I’d die of curiosity if he didn’t.  Yet, one thing remained unanswered:  What about the tonberry I’d seen?  How did he manage to get it all the way out there?  And where did it go? I suppose I’ll just have to chalk it up to one of the many mysteries of Starlight. RE: [ Journal ] Loose-leaf Pages - Syranelle Ironleaf - 12-30-2016 I was studying the book Irridias Velnyx gave me for Starlight at the Seventh Heaven in Revenant’s Toll this evening. I expected it to be a quiet night, most everyone I know busy with the holiday season. It was both an unexpected, but welcome surprise when I was joined by Grenat Querroux, a fellow Duskwight I’d befriended some time back. We haven’t had much opportunity to simply sit and visit, so it was a pleasant way to pass the time. ![]() We caught up on news between us and I learned, much to my chagrin, that Grenat was not in a relationship with Theronault Olivier as I’d presumed. They were always together whenever I saw them and seemed very close – it seemed like a natural and perfectly acceptable thing to assume! It would appear that I am, however, mistaken on that score. I told Grenat of my upcoming Bonding to Ree, which he seemed elated. He said it would have been a waste for a heart as good as mine to go unclaimed. He seemed largely impressed by what I told him of Ree, particularly that my bright-heart is both Ishgardian and a dragoon. Grenat has aspirations toward that noble profession, it would seem. Hopefully, I’ll be able to introduce the two of them soon. While I don’t know that Ree would train him, I have no doubt that he would be able to direct him to someone who can. When Grenat found me this evening, he was in a rather sorry state. He claimed it was in the due course of obtaining a Starlight present for someone. (That’s where I’d mistakenly presumed it was for Theronault…) He never told me what it was or what he was doing to obtain such injury, only that it was a Garlean that had committed the deed. It was no wonder he readily volunteered to help with the investigations into the stolen shipment of Augmented Scintillant Ingots. He had a score to settle with the Garleans, it seemed. Still, I am never one to ignore the pain and suffering of my friends, so I took Grenat to the infirmary in the House of Splendors and saw to it that his hurts were healed. Once done, we parted ways, but not before I told him I’d send for him so we could track the Ishgardian Machinist in the Shroud within the next few suns. Perhaps this will mean I’ll get to see more of my ‘cousin’ – we aren’t related by blood, but he is a Duskwight which still makes him my kindred. RE: [ Journal ] Loose-leaf Pages - Syranelle Ironleaf - 01-03-2017 Tonight saw me out in the Black Shroud, tracking down the Ishgardian Traitor that's had a hand in the stolen shipment of Augmented Scintillant Ingots. I managed to personally track the man's movements from Ishgard, all the way down to Bentbranch Meadows, but as I was closing in I felt it unwise to proceed without backup. With the majority of the Chroniclers preoccupied with their own lives, I enlisted the help of Grenat Querroux who brought along with him a Roegadyn woman by name of Singing Raptor. The inclusion of an unknown party gave me reservations, but at this point I had no time to argue the matter. I trust Grenat's judgment, so polite introductions were made all around and we began our hunt. Part of me knew that Irridias Velnyx was somewhere around us, always watching the perimeter and our backs. We were drawing too close to the enemy now to risk a lapse in vigilance. While we ferreted out the traitor's trail, I had little concern that the man or his allies would catch us unawares. An honest relief, one for which I must needs thank Ree for once we're home again. Through the Grenat and Raptor's help, we managed to track our quarry all the way across the Black Shroud to the Mun Tuy Cellars. All along the way, we saw evidence of the man's cruelty and the depth of his rage. Every chocobo mount he rented was badly abused. We only hoped that we might make it in time to save the last. Firstly, though, we had to figure out where he'd gone to ground. I knew the cellars were part of a larger network of tunnels, all of them part of Gelmorra's original framework. Most of them had been lost in the Calamity when the system collapsed, but it was entirely plausible for the Garleans to have unearthed one of them to use. That's when I called Ree in to investigate. His armor is designed with all manner of magitek gadgetry, so I figured he had something that might be able to help locate it. Sure enough, he did and even opened the door without incident. Within the tunnel beyond, imagine our surprise when we found the traitor downed and injured, having been attacked by his own abused chocobo. It made for easy work for us to collect him. His rage and attitude were clear from the onset, but Ree seemed wholly confident that he'd be able to get something out of him. Ree opted to take the man back to Ishgard, as I expected, so I took charge of the battered chocobo to return it to Bentbranch Meadows and see that it was properly taken care of. I thanked Grenat and Singing Raptor for their contributions and told them that if we again needed help, particularly with Garleans, that we'd call on them. Both of them seem to have a score to settle with the Garleans, if I'm able to help with that to any degree, then I can consider us square. For now, I have a patient to watch over and see mended. I'll draw more coinage from the Company coffer to pay for his upkeep, then hopefully he'll be well on his way to recovery and a better owner. RE: [ Journal ] Loose-leaf Pages - Syranelle Ironleaf - 01-04-2017 I came across Zhan'a Rakhin this evening who, as it happened, was looking for me. I admit that it's been comforting to watch the subtle changes in Zhan'a from the nervous, fidgety cat I met almost two cycles ago now. Though he's still nervous and fidgety, he's grown a lot too and I've seen him reach out to people more than he did in the past. There's almost a sense of maturity forming in him; maybe no one else sees it, but I do. He looking for me this evening to return a tonberry doll that he and Ellisorielle Black stole from my apartment going on almost a cycle ago. I didn't give it much thought, since the doll didn't have a lot of sentimental value and Irridias Velnyx replaced it with another not long after. Rather than take the doll back (it had clearly been through some kinds of adventure with Zhan'a, Elli, and their friends...) I told Zhan'a that he should keep it. Undoubtedly, there were good memories now attached to it that would be valuable to them later. Zhan'a asked after my work after that. Not in the sense that most ask me, out of politeness and inquiring what occupies my time. He asked out of a genuine interest to help. He made the offer to take me out to some caves that his miqo'te tribe have been living in, thinking it might have ties to Gelmorra. I thought it likely, considering almost every cave system under the Shroud. It always amazes me how much territory the underground city covered. The new book that Irridias gave me for Starlight even has a map delineating the old territories. Zhan'a has said he'll send for me once he's figured out where to go and we'll have ourselves a regular, old-fashioned archaeology trip! I don't think I've had one of those since Ree took me out to Nym. This might even be fun! RE: [ Journal ] Loose-leaf Pages - Syranelle Ironleaf - 01-11-2017 Much in the way of exciting adventure was had the other evening with Zhan'a Rakhin which was an unexpected pleasure. I admit, I never know fully what to expect when it comes to Zhan'a, but he always manages to surprise me. I'm glad that he decided to join the Chroniclers, it's given me ample opportunity to get to know him better, something I never really had time for when we were in the Harbingers. He managed to successfully negotiate our expedition into a series of caves that a tribe of Keeper miqo'te were using as their camp. It was within these caves that we found a curious set of relics; a satchel of mixed herbs, some of which I could identify, but some that I could not, even with my extensive knowledge of botany. I've started conducting my research into what the plant might be, but I may need more resources than I currently have at my apartment. There are times I wish we had a Company house so I could establish a proper laboratory or work room of some sort... Ah well. Perhaps sometime in the future. I decided to take a break from my research and visit one of the many social gatherings that get posted at the local Adventurer's Guild. Even if it was in Thanalan, the atmosphere was lively and engaging. Almost as soon as I arrived, a young hyur invited me for conversation, though I'm sad to say I didn't get to follow-up on the invitation. I was too interested in the conversation of a young Raen nearby, whom I later learned was named (Esther) Iteya. She was a painfully naive innocent who seemed none-at-all versed in the ways of the world, as evidenced by the number of times her original conversation partner, a duskwight by name of Levaireant (Sondraix), flattened his palm against his face. Ever have I been weak against the plight of innocents and the downtrodden, so I volunteered to help Iteya with her aspirations to start what she called a "healing tent" for the unfortunate souls of Pearl Lane. I told her that to conduct business in the heart of Ul'dah she would need several guards to keep her and her staff, along with any healing potions and salves, safe from thieves and ne'er-do-wells -- of which there are both aplenty in Ul'dah. I'm not sure how much of my advice she'll heed or even if someone as achingly puritan can succeed in the cutthroat business world of the Syndicate, but I told her I would do what I can to help her. After she left, I continued to speak with Levaireant for a short while. It is rare that I encounter my own kind, much less find them amiable company. In him, I found a metallurgist, something I've long sought in order to help us when the time comes, concerning the missing shipment of Augmented Scintillant Ingots. I doubt most of us in the Chroniclers would know an Iron Ingot from a Copper one, so it might be good to have someone on-hand that could verify such things. Whether or not he'll be willing to run the risk with us remains to be seen. I plan to speak with him more at length about it when we both have the time. I've also promised to loan him some of my books detailing my research about Gelmorra. That alone makes my heart glad that another of my people will find both joy and comfort in everything I've come across. It's what I've always wanted for my work. Tomorrow, I'll spend the day gathering the mistletoe that Zhan'a asked for, so that we might adequately furnish Iteya with a goodly supply of both Healing Potions and Ether elixirs. Would that Saraj Malqir were here; I think she would find comfort in Medicinal Alchemy being put to good use again. I'll be sure to tell her when next I see her, whenever that might be. |