Hydaelyn Role-Players
Things You're Excited About (SBRP) - Printable Version

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Things You're Excited About (SBRP) - Momo - 05-13-2017

Soooo, was reading a couple threads, and noticed some interesting things mentioned. Question: What are you excited for from Stormblood, specifically related to RP. One of the big things I saw mentioned, was unsyncing HW dungeons for further RP possibilities in Ishgard and surrounding areas.

Can anyone think of something they are ready for as related to RP?

RE: Things You're Excited About (SBRP) - Maril - 05-13-2017

Ala Mhigo. 

Everything about it. I'm also looking forward to the possibility of some new hubs. I know it's going to take a lot to move people out of the Quicksand, but even if it's just for a short time, that would be nice. Or heck, even just a secondary hub that is consistently visited - moreso than the current alternatives. Say what you want about the rabble. 

I'm also looking forward to people returning, waking up from this slumber we're in.

RE: Things You're Excited About (SBRP) - Virella - 05-13-2017

Yes and no!

Mostly because Avelyn might get her 'happy ending'. Her temple (or starting to rebuild the Fist of Rhalgr), kids to look after, married ect. Basically everything I didn't want to give her, or mostly seemed out of reach for her.

That brings me to the fact I need to retire her probably. She probably won't bother to actively leave whatever area the Fist of Rhalgr end up into. Hells, I'm still hoping for a remote hidden active temple. Already discussed a couple of plans regardless of no temple or temple being around with a couple of friends.

I might not need to but I'm afraid she will have little reason to leave her little community once she gets it! But that might take a while.

In any case, I will deal with it when the time comes. I'm mostly just excited to see how Ala Mhigo/Gyr Abania actually looked like.

And hopefully a lot of delicious Ala Mhigo lore to come.

Personally I don't care overly much about the weeb towns, but the steppes? Sign me up, that looks awesome for RP. I just hope I can get an excuse to go there IC with Avelyn.

RE: Things You're Excited About (SBRP) - Unnamed Mercenary - 05-13-2017

For me, I think it'll open up Idyllshire to the possibility of easy public RP, assuming people want to roleplay there. I didn't want to touch Mor Dhona in the 2.0 series because it was the de-facto endgame area outside of BCoB entrances.

Now? Revenant's Toll is basically just as viable as all the other not-Ul'dah cities. Which is to say one can find RPers there, but nobody really uses it. Often. Or if they're like me, their primary character found some IC reason to not want to go where all the OOC people hung out. And now it's internalized. I keep thinking of ways around it, but it's not working out, personally.

With any luck, we'll see an increase of RP in Idyllshire. There's goblins, fancy buildings, that fancy bar I always see empty, the gardens, and more! It's really a pretty area and there's plenty of surrounding zones for researchers.

Come Stormblood, the new areas will likely depend on whether Square Enix decides to implement seating, if it's anything like Ishgard. Since this is going to be their first single-zone full city since 1.0, I'm excited to see how they're going to pack in the details without overloading the server it's on. It's some odd form of please prove my pessimistic computer science nerd views wrong. We got a sample in the benchmark and I'm hoping the rest will be just as nice.

RE: Things You're Excited About (SBRP) - Kilieit - 05-14-2017

I'm actually mostly looking forward to the new lore we'll get?

My main is a xaela who is 100% convinced he will die if he ever goes back to Othard, so he has absolutely zero intention of ever going back there, and - by happenstance - also very few plot leads that could take him there against his will. So I sincerely doubt I'll be doing much actual plot-related roleplay...

...but as I recently said on another thread, we know extremely little about the au ra, despite their visibly unusual biology and obviously starkly different culture. I'm really interested in seeing what new details the sidequests and environment in the Azim Steppe will give us about the au ra.

I'm under no illusions that the MSQ will focus on that stuff... but if we manage to go to the Steppes and learn nothing new about au ra, I will be very, very surprised.

RE: Things You're Excited About (SBRP) - Gegenji - 05-14-2017

I'm mostly excited about the Doma stuff - go figure.

For one, Chachan gets to be a Samurai, which is something I joked he was for a long while. And, if the Benchmark is anything to go by, he's going to be an adorable one. Plus all the Doman-style outfits that all entails should be nice too.

Speaking of Doman-style, I'm hoping the Doman-style housing look is available elsewhere, so I can have Chachan's little Doman smithy in the Goblet. Big Grin

RE: Things You're Excited About (SBRP) - Kasumi Gakunin - 05-14-2017

Othard! Learning more about the lore surrounding the land and the people, including Au Ra. 

Above all things though, I'm looking forward to the far eastern fashion. I really hope they have a good range of kimono and yukata. I wouldn't mind if they threw in some hanfu and hanbok as well. I adore East Asian fashion!

RE: Things You're Excited About (SBRP) - Kismet - 05-14-2017

It ain't easy bein' cheesy, but... I'm mostly just excited about getting to experience that sparkly "wow, everything is new and amazing!" time with my friends.

My best memories of HW were of that very first month. I really had a blast with my FC mates at the time. I'm running with a different crew now, but they're people I know I can trust and I'm looking forward to creating even better memories with them. Some may call it naive to ride off the high of a honeymoon phase, but if I'm enjoying it with my buddies, that's good enough for me.

Secondarily? New lore, exploring new zones, new jobs, refined combat, new fashion, tons of RP opportunities... Can't wait for everything!

RE: Things You're Excited About (SBRP) - Flynn Rosenberg - 05-14-2017


But while I'm looking forward to Othard, I'm also not at the same time because of the weeb culture butchering that's bound to happen.

RE: Things You're Excited About (SBRP) - Berrod Armstrong - 05-14-2017

The thrill of doing MSQ for the first time. The initial gear climb. My first tries (and wipes) against raid bosses. Essentially that entire new expansion experience. I'm in love with it.

Roleplay wise, looking forward to just seeing how everything affects my characters, and how I can use the new zones and zone lore to take my FC to new places and adventures.

RE: Things You're Excited About (SBRP) - Leggerless - 05-14-2017

We can do parkour apparently.

RE: Things You're Excited About (SBRP) - Arashin Kujqai - 05-14-2017

I've never pre-ordered anything in my life before or had the privilege to have early access to something. I know it's not too big a deal since I'm sure there will still be plenty of others in this boat but it makes it feel special to me regardless. There's also the feeling I got when I entered HW of everything being new, untouched, fresh, just something interesting that will take me a few good weeks to be able to get used to. Applies to dungeons as well, people not knowing all the gimmicks right off the bat and being hammered/slammed for dying. Overall the experience of being new to something that everyone else is also new to so there's nothing set in stone that has to be known prior to dungeons or trials that will get you slammed or told you're bad/good.

The combat changes will be very interesting too. As a former MCH and DRG main, I'm very looking forward to how they cleanup MCH to be more useful after wildfire and possibly cleaning up dragoon's RNG proc rotation from blood of the dragon.

As for roleplay, I feel like I talk too much about it for it not to be obvious but red mage. I'm genuinely interested in learning about magic in an mmo deeply, and with the introduction of red magic and the class handling it just has me so intrigued. Considering it's also the class I'll be using for my main/RP character, I'm very excited for it.

RE: Things You're Excited About (SBRP) - Griffith! - 05-14-2017

Samurai. The whole reason I came back in the first place. I might even be completely redoing my alt Marten to better suit the job and lore.

RE: Things You're Excited About (SBRP) - Sylentmana - 05-15-2017

I'd say the thing that I'm most excited finally being able to RP with my upcoming Samurai character. She's been in the works for a while now and has undergone some rather drastic changes, but she's almost finished. Once SAM is released, she will be ready for public RP.

I'm also excited for when my main, Celica Crestwood, can take up the rapier and explore a new magical disciple via the Red Mage.

RE: Things You're Excited About (SBRP) - lyrax123 - 05-15-2017

I'm excited about Red mage! Ever since I saw the trailer come out for the job, I've been rping my character slowly getting the skills together for it! I'm ready for the pay-off she'll get once she officially learns about the profession and stop calling it 'sword magic'