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[Balmung] Elijah is looking for an RP FC! - Printable Version

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Elijah is looking for an RP FC! - EliBallard - 05-14-2017

Elijah wandered into the Quicksand, immediately flinching at the assault of smells, sounds and the sheer number of people who were (and always seemed to be) inside. After a few bizarre incidents early in his career as an adventurer he’d generally made it a rule to avoid the place, though one couldn’t deny that it was among the most heavily trafficked spots in Eorzea and a prime place to find work or companions for a job. He stepped around a Miqo'te wearing practically nothing he could have sworn was in that exact spot every time he was forced to pass through the place and made his way to the notice board, for a change carrying one of his own rather than looking for a listing himself.

Unfurling the parchment he’d brought with him, he gave it one more look over before nodding confidently. He’d been up the better part of the night working on it and making sure everything was juuust right, and was only satisfied after the third or fourth iteration. Grabbing a couple of pins from the nearby desk, he found the perfect spot on the board for his notice - nobody would notice that he’d covered up the flier for one of the realms dozen cabarets and brothels, would they? - and carefully pinned it to the board before stepping back to admire his work.

The notice, something of an advertisement of his skills and that he was seeking longer term employment, read as follows:

“Especially skilled huntsman and adventurer seeks full-time employment with an adventuring company, band or other such organization. Willing to do just about any jobs you can think of provided they remain lawful, with a preference for deeds of the heroic variety.

I, Elijah Ballard, have been working as a member of the adventurers guild for the past two years and have made something of a name for myself in that time (always willing to tell tales of my exploits!), yet I’ve come to find that I’d prefer a more long term group of companions as opposed to merely working alone or with whomever I bump into on a job. In a company I would seek steadfast allies and defenders of the realm who share my aspirations to do good while remaining less strict than the grand companies or a local militia, something akin to the Company of Heroes!

I would work alongside friends who are not bound by ulterior motives, but still be allowed to pursue their own work. I myself often sojourn with my family to help them prepare for the winter months and pursue work on my own time, and would be unable to give either practice up. Willing to work for room and board, though coin is appreciated as well!

My skills include but are not limited to: archery, tracking, hunting, fisticuffs, reading and writing, storytelling, friend-making and some carpentry. You’d also be hard pressed to find someone who knows more of the Twelveswood than I.

Should you desire further information or wish to contact me, please send word by letter to the address listed at the bottom of this notice. I look forward to meeting with you!”

He grinned triumphantly, nodding again and crossing his arms over his chest. Surely this would lead him to where he belonged, to the dedicated group of friends and allies with whom he would best serve Eorzea (while growing his legend in the process, of course). Had it not been for the gaggle of chattering people that brushed none-to-gently past him at that moment and snapped him back to reality he might have stayed standing there for a time, but he decided it would do him good to give it time and trust that someone would reach out to him.

So he brushed off his coat, ran a hand through his hair to give it that “messy but not that messy” look it usually had, and made his way back outside to take up a new job and a new adventure.

( Thanks for taking the time to read this, everyone! If you hadn’t guessed by now, I’m currently seeking an RP FC for my good, simple boy Elijah. I figured I’d give a post out here a shot before going to the RPC and just randomly messaging people because I’d much prefer to meet people via RP if I’m going to be RPing with them, see?

To make sure everything is crystal clear, here are some OOC things about myself/what I’m looking for in an FC:
  • Neutral to Good in alignment. Elijah sees himself as a future hero and wouldn’t muck about on the wrong side of the law or doing something an average person would consider shady.
  • A decent amount of activity! I’m not saying I expect there to be 50 people online at all times, that’s terrible, but half the reason I’m reaching out is to find cool people to talk to and if I’m the only one online half the time it kind of defeats the purpose.
  • I am in the EST timezone and tend to be available between 10AM and midnight (subject to change with my work situation), though I can be convinced to be around later than that. An FC with its prime activity time within those hours would be ideal.
  • Elijah has had bad experiences with strictly run groups before, his reasoning being if he wanted to join an army he’d have joined the Grand Companies, so something less formal would be a better fit for him.
  • At the risk of coming off as a scrooge, I’m looking for a group that has more than just beach parties and singles nights in its event repertoire. He’s seeking an active group of fellow adventurers/mercenaries/what have you. Slice of life stuff is wonderful, but not if that’s all that happens!
And that’s about all I can think of off the top of my head. I’d be happy to get into more questions and details if someone thinks he might be a good fit for their organization, but until then I won’t take up any more of your time. Thanks again!)

RE: Elijah is looking for an RP FC! - Lydia Lightfoot - 05-14-2017

Good luck Elijah! It can be tough to find an FC that will meet precise needs, but I bet there's one out there for you. I've encountered several which are "mostly good" and are also regimented in their organization, or, those which are the currently-cliche "morally gray" but non-regimented... I haven't encountered very many which are both "mostly good" and also non-regimented, excepting of course the FCs which seem to focus on slice-of-life RP. Doesn't mean such a beast doesn't exist, though!

Were you to join a tavern-ish type FC, would you be willing to take charge of running some adventure stories yourself? One thing I've noticed is that most FCs aren't restrictive about their members running plots and events for fellow members to enjoy, so if you're up for providing some of that activity yourself, you'd likely be in high demand in the slice-of-life FCs. Most of the time I don't think they lack for adventuresome content intentionally, but rather, the leaders aren't confident in running those sorts of activities, though they'd support members doing so if they wanted. So, maybe if you got the ball rolling... other members would follow suit? Maybe? Big Grin You never know!

RE: Elijah is looking for an RP FC! - lyrax123 - 05-17-2017

(05-14-2017, 12:27 AM)EliBallard Wrote: Elijah wandered into the Quicksand, immediately flinching at the assault of smells, sounds and the sheer number of people who were (and always seemed to be) inside. After a few bizarre incidents early in his career as an adventurer he’d generally made it a rule to avoid the place, though one couldn’t deny that it was among the most heavily trafficked spots in Eorzea and a prime place to find work or companions for a job. He stepped around a Miqo'te wearing practically nothing he could have sworn was in that exact spot every time he was forced to pass through the place and made his way to the notice board, for a change carrying one of his own rather than looking for a listing himself.

Unfurling the parchment he’d brought with him, he gave it one more look over before nodding confidently. He’d been up the better part of the night working on it and making sure everything was juuust right, and was only satisfied after the third or fourth iteration. Grabbing a couple of pins from the nearby desk, he found the perfect spot on the board for his notice - nobody would notice that he’d covered up the flier for one of the realms dozen cabarets and brothels, would they? - and carefully pinned it to the board before stepping back to admire his work.

The notice, something of an advertisement of his skills and that he was seeking longer term employment, read as follows:

“Especially skilled huntsman and adventurer seeks full-time employment with an adventuring company, band or other such organization. Willing to do just about any jobs you can think of provided they remain lawful, with a preference for deeds of the heroic variety.

I, Elijah Ballard, have been working as a member of the adventurers guild for the past two years and have made something of a name for myself in that time (always willing to tell tales of my exploits!), yet I’ve come to find that I’d prefer a more long term group of companions as opposed to merely working alone or with whomever I bump into on a job. In a company I would seek steadfast allies and defenders of the realm who share my aspirations to do good while remaining less strict than the grand companies or a local militia, something akin to the Company of Heroes!

I would work alongside friends who are not bound by ulterior motives, but still be allowed to pursue their own work. I myself often sojourn with my family to help them prepare for the winter months and pursue work on my own time, and would be unable to give either practice up. Willing to work for room and board, though coin is appreciated as well!

My skills include but are not limited to: archery, tracking, hunting, fisticuffs, reading and writing, storytelling, friend-making and some carpentry. You’d also be hard pressed to find someone who knows more of the Twelveswood than I.

Should you desire further information or wish to contact me, please send word by letter to the address listed at the bottom of this notice. I look forward to meeting with you!”

He grinned triumphantly, nodding again and crossing his arms over his chest. Surely this would lead him to where he belonged, to the dedicated group of friends and allies with whom he would best serve Eorzea (while growing his legend in the process, of course). Had it not been for the gaggle of chattering people that brushed none-to-gently past him at that moment and snapped him back to reality he might have stayed standing there for a time, but he decided it would do him good to give it time and trust that someone would reach out to him.

So he brushed off his coat, ran a hand through his hair to give it that “messy but not that messy” look it usually had, and made his way back outside to take up a new job and a new adventure.

( Thanks for taking the time to read this, everyone! If you hadn’t guessed by now, I’m currently seeking an RP FC for my good, simple boy Elijah. I figured I’d give a post out here a shot before going to the RPC and just randomly messaging people because I’d much prefer to meet people via RP if I’m going to be RPing with them, see?

To make sure everything is crystal clear, here are some OOC things about myself/what I’m looking for in an FC:
  • Neutral to Good in alignment. Elijah sees himself as a future hero and wouldn’t muck about on the wrong side of the law or doing something an average person would consider shady.
  • A decent amount of activity! I’m not saying I expect there to be 50 people online at all times, that’s terrible, but half the reason I’m reaching out is to find cool people to talk to and if I’m the only one online half the time it kind of defeats the purpose.
  • I am in the EST timezone and tend to be available between 10AM and midnight (subject to change with my work situation), though I can be convinced to be around later than that. An FC with its prime activity time within those hours would be ideal.
  • Elijah has had bad experiences with strictly run groups before, his reasoning being if he wanted to join an army he’d have joined the Grand Companies, so something less formal would be a better fit for him.
  • At the risk of coming off as a scrooge, I’m looking for a group that has more than just beach parties and singles nights in its event repertoire. He’s seeking an active group of fellow adventurers/mercenaries/what have you. Slice of life stuff is wonderful, but not if that’s all that happens!
And that’s about all I can think of off the top of my head. I’d be happy to get into more questions and details if someone thinks he might be a good fit for their organization, but until then I won’t take up any more of your time. Thanks again!)

Hello! If you're looking for a company, then may I suggest the Outriders! We are mercenary/investigation group located in the Mists. I'm a bit bias since I'm the leader, but we're a small group of close-knit rpers that do a variety of jobs from monster hunting, to murder investigations! 

If you're interested please feel free to contact me here or on Discord, my name is #Amanda7359. If you want to find me in the game my username is N'aomi Kett.

Hope to hear from you soon!