Hydaelyn Role-Players
[Mateus] Backstreet's Back, Alright! (Looking for RP Partners in Crime) - Printable Version

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Backstreet's Back, Alright! (Looking for RP Partners in Crime) - Onion Knight - 09-17-2017

Hello FF14 friends. I've recently come back to the game and was hoping to RP with as many as you lovelies as I can. Currently, I'm leveling up 5 characters on Midgardsomr, but plan on transfering them to Mateus asap due to the Balmung block. I've talked with a few of you already, but here's hoping for a few fresh faces! 

Now, without further ado, I give you the (WIP) Backstreet Boys:

Servus Lionheart/Mi'qote, Seeker of the Sun/Mid-twenties/Paladin of Ul'dah/wiki
A calm and stern soul, the Lionhearted gladiator-turned-paladin is renown for both his skill in combat as well as his chivalric and merciful nature. One to not talk much about his past, it is common knowledge throughout Ul'dah regarding his life as a slave before winning his freedom by defeating his master in combat, only to spare the formers life, an act that won the respect of the crowd and the citizenry of Ul'dah as a whole. Now, having found a new purpose in protecting the innocent and keeping Ul'dah safe, Servus does what he can to take on the sufferings of others to alleviate their pain. With unmistakable bright pink eyes and a long mane of hair to match his tanned skin, he is an intimidating figure... except for the fact that he is significantly shorter than the average miqote, standing at a measely 5'1", something that his is quite quick to temper about.

Owain Highwind/Highlander/Early-thirties/Dragoon-for-Hire
Known for his squinty eyes and scarred face, Owain lives life by what he calls 'The Rule of B', that is: booze, breasts, and blood. A cynic at his core and a pessimist by nature, Owain is a gruff and muscular migrant who has seen more than his fair share of scumminess in the world, from Ala Mihgo, to Ishgard, to Eorzea. Not one to talk about his past or his future or goals in life, Owain is a creature primarily concerned with the present, the rest will fall where it may. Life is short, and there's nothing but cold darkness waiting, so might as well spend it doing whatever the hell you want. Wandering from city to city looking for excitement and work, Owain doesn't believe in honor nor looks out for anyone besides himself. He never speaks of his time as an Ishgardian dragoon, instead either getting angry or changing the subject. Speaks with a thick Scottish accent.

Zansetsu Yamamoto/Raen/mid-twenties/Summoner and Best-selling Author
With dark red skin and a pair of spectacles that cement his position as under-appreciated glasses-kun, Zansetsu is a high logical creature who thrives off analyzing the world around him. Coming from Othard with his family well before the Garlean invasion, he has adapted well to life in Eorzea and its customs. Loyal to Limsa Lominsa, Zansetsu proved to be a prodigal student who in turn became a prodigal Summoner, due to his scientific analysis of Beastmen worship of primals. More popularly however, Zansetsu is known for his status as a political-thriller and mystery-drama author. Secretly, the Raen is less scrupulous, writing an equally popular list of erotic short stories under the pen name 'Onion Knight' to much acclaim.

Okit'a Bajiraah/Keeper/early-twenties/Fortune Teller and Mischief Maker
A common sight in the markets of Ul'dah, Okit'a is an enigma: a shitty fortune teller, a drunkard, a sex fiend, a drug addict, and an overall ner-do-el. Rumors circulate that the swindling fortune teller was once, in actuality, one of the greatest diviners alive. Not wanting to follow his overbearing matriarch mother's demand to go along with a massive political marriage that would bring two equally massive Keeper tribes together, Okita took advantage of his youthful appearance and crossdressed as a bridesmaid to escape, leaving his bride, the future matriarch, at the alter. In a fury his mother, his tutor in all things fortune telling, cursed him to the ends of the earth, stating that since he was so fond of seeing the future with clear view that from then on he'd bring terrible misfortune to those who he read cards for. Not wanting to bring death and destruction, Okita found a workaround. By being drunk/high/horny the keeper could read the future without any misfortune falling others as a result. His livelihood saved, Okita now resides in the confined walls of Ul'dah, shirking responsibility and commitment to instead swindle passerbys for gil.

Kunugh Himaa/Xaela/mid-twenties/Silent Warrior
The product of a union between a Dotharl raider who took a Olkund maiden as wife, Kunugh is a behemoth in every sense of the word. Standing at 8'2", towering over even other Xaela, the warrior is truly a mind-boggling sight. Rippling with muscle packed everywhere onto his body, oozing testosterone to the n'th degree, and posessing utterly inhuman strength and toughness, Kunugh is a more mountain than masculine. With skin as dark as night and gray eyes that pierce the souls of men, Kunugh came to Eorzea shrouded in mystery. A Xaela of few words, he is more liable to reply in a single sentence or even just a grunt of approval than to engage in lengthy conversations. Still, his looming figure is both calmingly tranquil, yet a reminder to evildoers to remember their place. He loves soft things, cute things, sweet things, as well as his partner in crime, the Tiny Tapir known as Chochum!

RE: Backstreet's Back, Alright! (Looking for RP Partners in Crime) - Teadrinker - 09-17-2017

...I may or may not be a massive backstreet boys fan so +1 for the title.

Sadly, I am on Balmung. However, I read your characters as follows:


Did I get it right?

RE: Backstreet's Back, Alright! (Looking for RP Partners in Crime) - Onion Knight - 09-17-2017

(09-17-2017, 07:10 PM)Teadrinker Wrote: ...I may or may not be a massive backstreet boys fan so +1 for the title.

Sadly, I am on Balmung. However, I read your characters as follows:


Did I get it right?

*Sweats* N-No!

RE: Backstreet's Back, Alright! (Looking for RP Partners in Crime) - HowIUsername - 09-18-2017

This thread has taught me a lot about the Backstreet Boys. 

I've got two potential offers: 

First, my loyal Limsan Bayard, an avid reader, could easily be a fan of Zansetsu's and we could see how that goes. 

Second, my affluent gal Cecelia is looking to invest in a project not all her staff / attendants are thrilled with and see as doomed to fail. As she's a superstitious woman, two among her staff have been looking to find a renowned fortune teller and bribe them to dissuade her by providing a pre-planned 'fortune.' So far, they've had no luck, as those they've encountered are more concerned with their integrity than their coin purse. Perhaps Okit'a could be convinced?

RE: Backstreet's Back, Alright! (Looking for RP Partners in Crime) - Onion Knight - 09-19-2017

Both of those sound pretty good to be honest, I bet Zansetsu would enjoy yucking up all the praise at maybe a book signing or something like that. Bayard seems cool as well, so that's a plus!

I'll admit, I sort of have a soft spot more for Okit'a these days since he just knows how to take the piss out of everything and everyone. I bet he'd be more than happy to try and make some quick gil by swindling Cecelia and her foils. Seeing as how Okit'a has zero integrity and is probably at the most distgusting bottom of life's barrel of filth, he'd easily take up the offer, though, if she somehow manages to sober him up, his fortune telling could cause some, well, un-fortunate side effects.

Either way, sounds great!