Hydaelyn Role-Players
[Balmung] Looking for more/Possible romance - Printable Version

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Looking for more/Possible romance - Seye Qhesu - 09-20-2017

UPDATED: Found a very active player and so far everything has been going great! Unless something terrible happens I am going to say this thread is closed! Thank you to EVERYONE who messaged me ingame, on the forums, and replied! I hope all of you are able to find a good partner to make you enjoy the game!

I noticed another person posted this with a very positive response so I am hoping I can garner the same.

My character and I are looking for a gaming buddy so to speak. Currently, all my friends who are on my timezone (Log on when I do) are often taken by their RP partners so the game has begun to feel like a solo endeavor when trying to get groups together for dungeons, dailies, weeklies, etc. . . Due to this, I am hoping someone out there is in the same position and may want to look in to befriending each other (romance is possible but I would rather things flow naturally)

With that said, I am always on Monday - Friday from 6pm EST until 12am EST and free on the weekends. I still have a few contacts I still need to RP with of course so I am trying to catch them as I can but their are on at different times and we just haven't had a chance to meet up.

About me!
I enjoy Paragraph roleplay and like taking part of events and writing a story. I don't mind actual romance RP but there needs to be an understanding that I am not my character and if she has feelings for yours that doesn't mean I have feelings for you (platonic if we become friends but you know what I mean!)

I enjoy doing PVE and running dungeons. I'm not hardcore though as I don't go in to savages but I will dip my toes in the water and try EXs as they come. I am all about Glamour. I will grind dungeons endlessly to get a piece I want or help a friend get a piece they want. (I think I am up to 72 runs to get Emrys his caster chest from Saint Moc's as the most farmed?)

I enjoy just sitting and chatting and calling people scrubs. I won't lie, I'm brash so if something bothers me I often speak out which has been prone to getting a few people to dislike me for being so frontal. Due to this, I ask that anyone interested check their safespaces at the door - I will not censor myself for someone else. I do it at work and I need to be myself somewhere and this is where I choose to be it.

P.S. - I am also a /Gpose whore.

What I am looking for in a Partner/Gaming Buddy
  • Enjoys PVE
  • Logs on around the same times I do (6pm EST)
  • Paragraph Roleplayer
  • Enjoys creating stories and taking part in events
  • Isn't against using Discord to RP during the day (I get bored at work sometimes)

About Rowena
Rowena is my little 'sinnamon' roll. She is 30 years old and raised as a tomboy due to having only brothers. She was a rebel when she was younger and did all she could to piss off her over protective brothers which resulted in a habit of being a shameless flirt (Warren seemed to enjoy her pickup line at another Highlander during the Grindstone the other day :3 )

She is Heterosexual and is not shy when it comes to gawking at a man's chest as she enjoys muscles and overall buff men. She is an artist by trade as she was raised a Stone Mason's daughter and often drew up plans for orders as well as help make them. Getting her hands dirty she learned how to craft her own jewelry while on downtime with scraps and hopes one day she can be good enough to sell them. She does know conjury due to her brothers who aren't the brightest as they will often fight with each other and even have 'rock fights'.

If she does end up liking someone she turns in to a fumbling mess of stutter and shyness but she has a heart of gold even if her mind is in the gutter (she draws smut as a hobby . . .she will never show the book unless she trusts someone to a T)

Little Notes
  • Rowena is Afraid of Male Au Ra (if you are a male Au Ra but are still interested be ready for an uphill battle . . .which could be some good story but is all up to you!
  • Rowena hates Gentlemen; sappy romance just isn't her thing
  • Rowena has a terrible habit of falling for men not interested in her
  • Rowena is a pervert

Obligatory Screenshots

[Image: 3QZZVsK.png]
[Image: HVePJCx.png]
[Image: aw4g2tG.png]
[Image: MmzaQT1.png]

RE: Looking for more/Possible romance - Onion Knight - 09-20-2017

God, after reading this I would literally do anything to get on Balmung and rp with you. If you ever think about tossing up an alt on Mateus, gimmie a shout as my short vigilante sultansworn and barbarian au'ra would love to meet you!

RE: Looking for more/Possible romance - Seye Qhesu - 09-20-2017

(09-20-2017, 08:32 PM)Onion Knight Wrote: God, after reading this I would literally do anything to get on Balmung and rp with you. If you ever think about tossing up an alt on Mateus, gimmie a shout as my short vigilante sultansworn and barbarian au'ra would love to meet you!

I have thought about it but I can't stand the MSQ and I was lazy and used a jump potion already to get my Paladin up on my main since I already leveled once on my alt. I wish I could have caught you before you left Balmung Sad

RE: Looking for more/Possible romance - Tynos Riller - 09-21-2017

Don't post often but been trying to expand some contacts, you seem to be also friends with two of my friends! ( Yav and Jin). So If your char maybe is looking for a certain book of sorts, let me know! Ty is around most days. You can pm me or discord if Ty seems like a solid contact for ya.

RE: Looking for more/Possible romance - Charce - 09-21-2017

Tynos is good people (and owes me some RP times, dammit!)!
I'll throw my hat in too. Not really an IC romance kind of person...at least not pre planned. But always looking for more friends in-game and fun times!
You're also on my friend's list for some reason...I donno how we met though.

RE: Looking for more/Possible romance - Seye Qhesu - 09-21-2017

(09-21-2017, 03:29 AM)Charce Wrote: Tynos is good people (and owes me some RP times, dammit!)!
I'll throw my hat in too. Not really an IC romance kind of person...at least not pre planned. But always looking for more friends in-game and fun times!
You're also on my friend's list for some reason...I donno how we met though.

RE: Looking for more/Possible romance - Charce - 09-21-2017

(09-21-2017, 10:12 AM)Rowena Everstone Wrote:
(09-21-2017, 03:29 AM)Charce Wrote: Tynos is good people (and owes me some RP times, dammit!)!
I'll throw my hat in too. Not really an IC romance kind of person...at least not pre planned. But always looking for more friends in-game and fun times!
You're also on my friend's list for some reason...I donno how we met though.
/awkward wave

Wouldn't mind running stuff with you, and you know my RP style haha. Up to you xPP

And wasn't kidding when I said Tynos is good people. He is good people but OOC and IC >.>