Hydaelyn Role-Players
Gauging Interest: Free Company or Linkshell - Printable Version

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Gauging Interest: Free Company or Linkshell - Magellan - 06-06-2013


Gauging interest in discussing ( and then perhaps formulating) a free company or at the very least a linkshell, once ARR hits the market, that would incorporate the following;

- noob friendly (extremely)
-stays small
- emphasizes open world and adventure quest rp over tavern.
- preferably leans towards good aligned
- an application and rp interview process to screen out the right candidates
- a 'buddy' system in which new recruits are paired with an established member to train into our story ruse. For instance; if we are an adventurer's group, new recruits get trained on what it is we do and what's expected of them, thereby bringing them into the story right away.
- emphasis on running events in such a manner that everyone has a chance for their story to be told, and to feel included (which is why small would work)
- Alt friendly
- Relaxed attendance requirements (no one should feel punished for choosing real life over a game) we accept people off their attitudes and rp interest/skill, not for the amount of hours they are able to throw into the game.

Obviously, since I would be brand new to the game, I would not have to be the free company leader. I'm looking for 5-6 individuals of like mind to discuss and come up
with the details, at which point we coyld vote the best candidate to lead the group.

Hope to generate some interest!

RE: Gauging Interest: Free Company or Linkshell - Moonfire - 06-06-2013

I always love this kind of guild concept. To me a guild shouldn't just be a tag but you should actually do stuff together. Doing things together in a slower paced IC way allows character development and IC friendships to develop. i am in NO WAY a leader but I think it is a good idea.

RE: Gauging Interest: Free Company or Linkshell - Mtoto Wamoto - 06-07-2013

I think that this holds a lot of promise and could be really beneficial for newer players in the community. 

Just a few things I can suggest:

While planning and organizing things OOCly is important, it's probably just as important to make sure things are established in a manner that are natural ICly. Perhaps the leaders can actively scout for new members ICly or even promote the company through flyers they've  posted throughout the cities. This could be a great way to advertise in-game and reel in interest from an in-character level.

A screening process consisting of an application and interview are good so long as the right questions are asked and it doesn't make the person applying feel like their filling out a job form. Another thing to consider is having a screening process for both IC and OOC. The officers could interview the player OOCly and there can be an in-character application process that is followed by an in-character interview that actually takes place in the game.

The buddy system is an awesome idea. It really falls in line with the whole mentor thing going on right now. While I understand the idea is to cater towards newer players, it could be beneficial to have some older players who can assist OOCly just as much as ICly. One thing we used to do was recruit training exercise RP where we made large scale events for the newer members to take part in. This let them get a feel for some of the content to come as well as help get them integrated in the LS in a natural way. 

I would definitely consider running a site for event planning at the least. A calendar and an event schedule that people can visually follow can go a long way.

Anyways, those are some suggestions from the top of my head. You're free to take them or dismiss them as you please. Again, I think that a new LS made up of new people could be really beneficial to the community since we do have a bunch of older groups already established. It would be great to see fresh new faces doing their own thing and interacting with them as well!

RE: Gauging Interest: Free Company or Linkshell - Magellan - 06-07-2013

Thanks for the positive feedback both Smile

This would not be my first go running such a thing, but would only bemy second time doing so with rp as the focal point.

My first foray was initially quite successful, but several mistakes (first and foremost a lack of organization) plus a wall of RL poaching several members left me trying to run things all by my lonesome, which a successful project does not make.

Perhaps a LS would be more appropriate, as it would open things up to those not wishing to submit to a free company.

Are either of you two interested in helping set up the guidelines of a story?

RE: Gauging Interest: Free Company or Linkshell - Caysen - 06-07-2013

I've always liked these kinds of guilds. I've been in several, and lead a few. Never with an RP component though. As a new player, and someone who likes helping new players once I'm experienced and able, I'd be interested in getting in on this.

I would very much suggest making this a linkshell, not a free company. It's been said that to join a free company, you have to be a member of a grand company first. (source) If it does end up working that way, that would prevent new players from joining which pretty much defeats the purpose.

RE: Gauging Interest: Free Company or Linkshell - Magellan - 06-07-2013

(06-07-2013, 12:50 PM)Caysen Wrote: I've always liked these kinds of guilds. I've been in several, and lead a few. Never with an RP component though. As a new player, and someone who likes helping new players once I'm experienced and able, I'd be interested in getting in on this.

I would very much suggest making this a linkshell, not a free company. It's been said that to join a free company, you have to be a member of a grand company first. (source) If it does end up working that way, that would prevent new players from joining which pretty much defeats the purpose.

Great! We can bounce back and forth some ideas and we'll see if any of them stick Smile

RE: Gauging Interest: Free Company or Linkshell - Rhynka - 06-07-2013

I intend to start a free company with some friends who are interested in playing the game at release. It's taking longer than desired to put together information for it. Busy days lately.

RE: Gauging Interest: Free Company or Linkshell - Nee Ninean - 06-08-2013

The last few months of 1.0 I didn't do any rp with lots of rl stuff to deal with as well. I still consider myself a rp newbie and so called light roleplayer. I am hoping to find a rp shell, since all the ones I had joined previously died. So hopefully I will see some of you in game

RE: Gauging Interest: Free Company or Linkshell - Caysen - 06-08-2013

(06-07-2013, 03:17 PM)Magellan Wrote:
(06-07-2013, 12:50 PM)Caysen Wrote: ...

Great! We can bounce back and forth some ideas and we'll see if any of them stick Smile

Sounds good. Got any story ideas yet?

RE: Gauging Interest: Free Company or Linkshell - Magellan - 06-08-2013

Caysen, I just sent you one helluva long tl;dr in regards to my initial idea. Please critique however you like, I'm tough-skinned Tongue anyone else who wishes to see my helluva long tl;dr, just message me, and I'll send it to you!

Nee, I love RPing with fresh faces and people who are trying to get the knack of RP! So I hope to catch you in game, and participate in coming up with a Linkshell that will interest others!