Hydaelyn Role-Players
What Server Are You On? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: What Server Are You On? (/showthread.php?tid=2167)

What Server Are You On? - Yahdo - 06-14-2013

I'm on Gilgamesh and in Limsa, wish to RP with me, my characters name is Eadmund Vexyl.

RE: What Server Are You On? - Arlon - 06-14-2013

With the limited time that I had this morning I mainly messed around with the creator. I ended up on Ifrit(JP) because the NA servers were down at the time.

RE: What Server Are You On? - Tristian - 06-14-2013

I'm on Gilgamesh. I'm an Ul'dahn. More of a heavy RPer by definition. Plz pm me in game if interested at Tristian Fullbuster. Chocobo

RE: What Server Are You On? - Lren - 06-15-2013

Lren Rendarren on Ifruit, since I was up early and the NA servers weren't up yet xD;; 

Corthier Rendarren on Goblin! Message me at either if anyone wants to set something up :3

RE: What Server Are You On? - Tristian - 06-17-2013

It seems that Balmung is being used as the server for HRC. So if your still a lowbie, might wanna consider rerolling into that server with everybody else.