Hydaelyn Role-Players
Looking For Help On Character - Printable Version

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Looking For Help On Character - Madda - 07-12-2013

Madda here, this time with a thread on helping with my Thamu...Tha...Black Mage.

Her name is Kokomi Komi, a Dunesfolk Lalafell who is on her way to become the next big name of the magic community. But there is one problem. Kokomi is a bit strange. She's the stereotypical character that is very childish and tends to not take anything seriously. I did want a Moogle friend or companion as well ( I'm a total noob when it comes to Final Fantasy lore ^^" ).

My question to you is simple!~ What are your suggestions for improving this idea

RE: Looking For Help On Character - Chocobald - 07-13-2013

Try to incorporate a Shantoto esque laugh into your repertoire.

RE: Looking For Help On Character - Nox - 07-13-2013

Do you have any backstory? Maybe explain why it is that she is as she is? As far as adding to personality... Is she always like that? Does she snap and take on a darker personality? What does she stand for? What does she hate? If you answer these questions, they'll really help to develop a character. I know they worked for me.

RE: Looking For Help On Character - Isilme - 07-13-2013

(07-12-2013, 11:53 PM)Madda Wrote: Madda here, this time with a thread on helping with my Thamu...Tha...Black Mage.

Her name is Kokomi Komi, a Dunesfolk Lalafell who is on her way to become the next big name of the magic community. But there is one problem. Kokomi is a bit strange. She's the stereotypical character that is very childish and tends to not take anything seriously. I did want a Moogle friend or companion as well ( I'm a total noob when it comes to Final Fantasy lore ^^" ).

My question to you is simple!~ What are your suggestions for improving this idea

Good to see another Lalafel character!

Firstly, you might want to define her strangeness a bit, as lalafel seem to be odd if they ON'T have some quirk. They're not to the degree of Tarutaru for sure, and they certainly can't rival that one Roegadyn from 1.0 who had the thing for Opo-opos, but... defining your strangeness can help.

Moogle companions, I'm not sure of. In 1.0, Moogles were incredibly rare, and virtually unheard of outside of the Twelveswood, but that has obviously changed with the Mogpost. I am personally hoping they give us a moogle companion in game. For now, though, I would lay out what you plan for this companion. He/she will need to be well thought out, as Moogles are considerably more than cute sidekicks in Eorzea.

Take some time to read up on Eorzean lore. If you're in the Beta, dive on in and do the main storyline missions at least.

As for magic... Ambition is the fuel that drives Ul'Dah, so having the ambition to be the best magic user around is perfectly in tune with that setting. But Ul'Dah is also terribly unforgiving. Also, Thaumaturges can be a really creepy lot. Is your character naturally skilled, or does she struggle? How does she feel about some of the less savory things the Thaumaturge guild does?

Beta is a good time to just run through the Thaum guild quests and get a handle on what they're all about, and how that affects your character.