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Lalafell bloodlines - Printable Version

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Lalafell bloodlines - Dromwald - 07-14-2013

Having decided on making Balmung my home come release for my Lalafell, I had just about come up with a background story for my wiki entry and a name (Dromka Zelka) when it occured to me that it might be fun to see if I could dig up some potential family connections - especially since reading that family and bloodlines are important to the Lalafell. I've also decided to change my Lalafell's clan from Plainsfolk to Dunesfolk so a name change more in keeping with that is on the cards so it wouldn't be a problem changing my surname to fit in with any existing family. My character will be a middle-aged, irascible, slightly eccentric Lalafell with a love for the arcane and alchemy.

So, are there any existing or planned Lalafell out there who would be interested in creating some family ties? Smile

RE: Lalafell bloodlines - Teardrop - 07-15-2013

I have a lala rattling around in my head, and she will eventually make her way out (I'm partial to playing wee folk Big Grin)...though I'm not quite sure her proper place yet.  I'll keep your interest in mind if that avenue turns out to be a good fit for Pipino Pino Thumbsup

RE: Lalafell bloodlines - Dromwald - 07-15-2013

Great stuff Teardrop, thanks for replying. On the merest chance you might be a potential relation I'll start thinking about potential names for my character Smile

Hmm, how about Vespino Pino - or does that sound too much like a cheap Italian wine or a scooter...?^^

RE: Lalafell bloodlines - Teardrop - 07-15-2013

(07-15-2013, 12:24 PM)Dromwald Wrote: Great stuff Teardrop, thanks for replying. On the merest chance you might be a potential relation I'll start thinking about potential names for my character Smile

Hmm, how about Vespino Pino - or does that sound too much like a cheap Italian wine or a scooter...?^^
Sounds like a dashing little rascal Big Grin

RE: Lalafell bloodlines - Tivahlt - 07-16-2013

I have a Lalafella alt by the name of Kadezan Kanazan. He's a meek little guy in his early 30's who likes to make practical things...might be a sort of yin/yang thing with your character. Wink Right now I'm thinking he'll be half-and-half (with a dunesfolk character model) so that also might be an interesting family dynamic.

Also we don't really know anything about whether lalafell actually have surnames, or just two names, and I think it might be closer to the latter since females and males have different conventions for last names (male last names are usually longer, at least looking at the naming conventions mentioned in the wiki) so theoretically your character could have any name you liked!

Although, Vespino Pino is a pretty adorable name.

RE: Lalafell bloodlines - Dromwald - 07-16-2013

Well thanks guys - I'll start creating a back story around the effervesent Vespino thenWink

And goes without saying I'll be happy to be in the same familial fold as Kadezan - hey, two possible relatives already!

RE: Lalafell bloodlines - Jonexe - 07-16-2013

Just to chime in...

Lalafell don't have traditional surnames. This is a quote directly from the naming conventions:

Quote:Surnames are only surnames in placement, as they are not taken from the mother or father and are unique to the individual.

The way that reads is each Lalafell either comes up with their own, or it's given to them somehow... but it's not a family name at all.

RE: Lalafell bloodlines - Dromwald - 07-16-2013

Thanks for clarifying that Jonexe - that goes some way to explaining some things that seemed strange to me. So in other words I can make my character's 'surname' whatever I like as long as it fits in with the general conventions and still be related to someone with a completely different second name. I think I shall still stick with Vespino Pino as I'm now sold on the name but I'm glad that's now been cleared up somewhat^^