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Which Final Fantasy games would you play to get you ready for XIV? - Printable Version

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Which Final Fantasy games would you play to get you ready for XIV? - Dameon - 08-12-2013

I'm thinking 1, 3 and maybe 12?

RE: Which Final Fantasy games would you play to get you ready for XIV? - Regulus Heartnet - 08-12-2013

im playing 12 to keep my mind off 14

RE: Which Final Fantasy games would you play to get you ready for XIV? - Fiona Swift - 08-13-2013

I'm actually watching an LP of FF8 right now. HCBailey rocks and makes some great LPs of Final Fantasy games. I'm getting my FF fix while keeping my mind off FF14 at the same time.

RE: Which Final Fantasy games would you play to get you ready for XIV? - Aleister - 08-13-2013

Crisis core.. I'm also toying around with FF1/2 for the GBA and maybe FF4 for the DS. For sure FF4.. <_< Gotta play Kain to train myself for 14.. >____>;;

Lol xD

RE: Which Final Fantasy games would you play to get you ready for XIV? - FreelanceWizard - 08-13-2013

I've been playing back through VII again, since I scored it on Steam for a song. (Between P2 and P3, I played through IV and VI again.)

Really, any of them would be good. Smile (Is there a bad main numbered game? Sure, there are some I don't like, but I don't think any of them can be called objectively bad.) XII is probably the closest mechanically to XIV, but XIV draws thematically fairly heavily from VI, VII, and VIII as well.

I would, however, heartily recommend Xenogears if you want to hone your RP plotting skills. It's not an FF game, but it is insanely good.

RE: Which Final Fantasy games would you play to get you ready for XIV? - Year - 08-13-2013

I actually just picked up XIII today on a whim. It's my first core Final Fantasy game since VI. It seems neat so far, but man the pacing is so slow. Two hours just to start getting experience points.

RE: Which Final Fantasy games would you play to get you ready for XIV? - Hywel Pendragon - 08-13-2013

I've been playing both VI and IX to get my mind off XIV.

...I'm also impatiently waiting for the X/X-2 HD release for PS3. ;__;

RE: Which Final Fantasy games would you play to get you ready for XIV? - Desmond Aryll - 08-13-2013

Dark secret but I never finished XII. I was really into it but it was during that era of moving on to the next gen consoles and it was forgotten...

I really need to finish that damn game.

RE: Which Final Fantasy games would you play to get you ready for XIV? - shotgunbadger - 08-13-2013

Almost done with XIII, gonna boot XIII-2 up, but this wait did cause me to actually buy Theatrythm so I expect that to suck my time up good.

RE: Which Final Fantasy games would you play to get you ready for XIV? - CallmeYahweh - 08-13-2013

Played through XIII-2, IV, and now I'm working on the umpteenth playthrough of Tactics/V. I'm super hyped about X-2 coming out soon.

I love me some class based Final Fantasy. Mmm.

RE: Which Final Fantasy games would you play to get you ready for XIV? - LeCard - 08-13-2013

playing me some VIII, the normal attack is also basically pointless(just like XIV). I mean you can hit them with your weapon, but why do that when you have infinite summons(skills for XIV)

RE: Which Final Fantasy games would you play to get you ready for XIV? - Cest - 08-13-2013

I've been playing some Final Fantasy Tactics A2. To keep myself distracted.

RE: Which Final Fantasy games would you play to get you ready for XIV? - Twinflame - 08-13-2013

The obvious choice is XII or XI if I want to get ready for XIV. But knowing me, I'll play something random like Mystic Quest lol.

(please note: not actually playing Mystic Quest. Never again.)

RE: Which Final Fantasy games would you play to get you ready for XIV? - Selsix - 08-13-2013

I'm actually on Disc III of IX, also thinking of playing through VI after the open beta ends to kill some time before early access.