Hydaelyn Role-Players
Haru Meshu - Printable Version

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Haru Meshu - Covikt - 08-16-2013

I. Basic Info 
  • Characters:Haru Meshu
  • Primary character:Definately not Haru Meshu >.>
  • Linkshells:None
  • Primary RP linkshell:*cough*

II. RP Style 
  • Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):
    I would say Medium, for if no other reason other than I want to enjoy the RP AND the Game :3

  • Views on RP combat and injuries:
    I've never been one for RP combat and such. So my views on it are rather limited, but I do believe as long as it is simple wounds and such (or even a 'simple' death) that it would be healable in the realms of magic.

  • Views on IC romance:
    IC Romance is something that I absolutely enjoy. Call me what you will, but most of my favorite RP experiences have been in this kind of category ^^ All aspects of the romance are needed, but as you would in real life, keep private matters private.

  • Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):
    Non-romantic RP is what I actuall hope to find most here in Eorzea. I want to have an 'epic' journey as my character. I want that feeling of progression and a story behind the journey. Hell, it feels almost as if you would be missing out if you ended up not RPing anything but combat and such.

  • Views on lore:
    Lore... That is one thing I never really delved into, even in my past MMOs and such. That being said, I have loved the Final Fantasy series for some time and I would love to actually get a bit more Lore knowledge sitting in my brain. On a seperate note, Lore-breaking (Despite not knowing the lore) seems to urk me more than I would like. I believe that you can 'bend' the lore a bit to make something fit, but straight up "I'm a prince/demon/blah-blah" is more than bending. I saw way too much of that in WoW Frustrated

  • Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):
    This is an interesting one, I would have to say that /say would be open for RP, probably ONLY Rp in my eyes as brackets and such would be annoying to most. /party would more or less depend on the party makeup. /Linkshell I see more as a OOC channel over anything, UNLESS the linkshell is made to RP'd in. /whisper is more or less the all purpose privacy setting Big Grin I've RP'd many times over whispers just due to being involved in another aspect, or even just being lazy. Though, it could easily be turned into an RP 'asset' for just relaying a reaction to one person :3

III. Other Info 
  • Country:United States
  • Timezone:EST
  • Contact info: Skype: Covikt   Steam: Covikt

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RE: Haru Meshu - Covikt - 08-17-2013

I do want to note, that Haru is a lala and hoping to find a little bit of IC romance for his journey through Eorzea.

Something about a fight for someone else has always intrigued me ^^