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Custom Weapons - Printable Version

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Custom Weapons - DriftingFable - 08-22-2013

Maybe I didn't search hard enough; thought I would have found a topic on this. So I apologize in advance if I'm digging up a topic that's already been debated on.

What's the current verdict on custom weaponry that cannot be currently obtainable through normal gameplay means? As long as its feasible within the universe, makes sense for the character background supplied, and not insanely overpowered; would it be acceptable? I'm talking about stuff like unobtainable swords like Aldis' Frenzy with their own unique backgrounds, rarer forms of weaponry like gunblades, tools or crafts that are not usually brought to battle as weaponry like scythes, and even some sort of fusion between the two weapons creating something truly unique within the realm. While players at the moment cannot utilize them in gameplay, they do exist in the universe in some form or are at the very least somewhat plausible given the proper explanation much like the male miqote situation(well the odds of a "gunscythe" is probably the least likely xD but it can be built if someone in the empire's got the skill and resources to do so). 

I would however imagine based on how unique the weapon is, it could be lacking in action trait support compared to the established classes. To me, there's nothing physically prevented someone from holding a baghnakhs('side from gameplay mechanics), but only a trained Pugilist can pull off Bootshine combos. And with the most likely lack of a guild support for said weapon, you'd either have to be one rare individual to be taken under the wing of a teacher who has not yet founded a guild or you'd be struggling to try and develop your own style. Both paths probably won't produce the quantity of skills housed by the established classes. The wielder for the most part would be very much reliant on their pure physical ability and shock factor of wielding their unorthodox weapon choice versus utilizing tried and true techniques that have been passed down for generations.

Mechanics aside, how would one go about using a custom weapon in RP? Yeah they wouldn't show up in-game and wouldn't be able to be utilized in pvp type RP scenarios, but chances are if someone noticed it on their person it would really be the most distinctive thing on the character. Aldis being the example yet again, as one look at his unique blade was enough to talk a rowdy Roegadyn out of a fight. Although Aldis has the advantage of having his custom blade actually being modeled in game, so would an RPC simply have to reference their sheathed weapon from time to time so it doesn't suddenly pop out of thin air when the time comes?

Ultimately, is it a direction that can welcomed or should it be avoided like the plague in favor for sticking with whats in game?

RE: Custom Weapons - Asyria - 08-22-2013

As far as I'm concerned, thi goes into the same category as the whole custom race or half-this and half-that thing.

First, why? Why is the character using such a weapon? Does it really add to the character or is it just "because it's cool?" If it's the latter, I'm not gonna like it. If it's the former, no problem.

As a side-note a gun-scythe is pretty easy. Add a scythe blade to a long rifle like a bayonet and voilà!

RE: Custom Weapons - Fox - 08-22-2013

I see no problem with it if it isn't being done to godmod, etc. Your character, you can play how you like so as long as you don't impede upon others. I think that is something that is best for people to keep in mind when it comes to these things. The game does have a lot of weaponry however, and I don't see much of a problem of using something like a scythe or say daggers. Everything in moderation when it comes down to it, just make sure you're enjoying yourself while doing so. Smile

As for how to do it, I would say best to write it out in a nice description when needed. Besides we craft weapons as it is, if you would like a certain style of blade that isn't in the game I see no problem with it.

RE: Custom Weapons - Clover - 08-22-2013

I say, why not? If your character wants to use a certain weapon, nothing is stopping them RP-wise ^^
Game systems will always be limited, but RP shouldn't.

RE: Custom Weapons - Naunet - 08-22-2013

(08-22-2013, 12:07 PM)Asyria Wrote: Does it really add to the character or is it just "because it's cool?"

"Because it's cool" is a 100% perfectly valid reason to do something! Twin and I definitely had that thought when we were deciding what kind of bug to use for our latest nightmare construct creation in TERA roleplay. "We've done wasps and termites and flies. Oooh let's make it a swamp creature. Ooooh mosquitos are in swamps! And LEECHES! Yes! Blood magic via mosquito muwahahaha. This is awesome!"

^Totally our thought process yup. Legit. *sagenod*

RE: Custom Weapons - Asyria - 08-22-2013

What I mean with the "because it's cool" is stuff like really special weapons (like that gun-scythe) just screem "look at me I'm special!" to me.
I wouldn't have any issues with a dagger or halberd or anything.

RE: Custom Weapons - FreelanceWizard - 08-22-2013

(08-22-2013, 11:56 AM)DriftingFable Wrote: Ultimately, is it a direction that can welcomed or should it be avoided like the plague in favor for sticking with whats in game?

So... you can of course do whatever you like in RP, but when you start adding elements to your character that aren't visible in game, you run into issues with depiction. Just as those with weird accents have to consistently type them out (or reference them in emotes), you'll have to spend a fair amount of time describing this new weapon to everyone you meet and even probably to those you RP with regularly, as it's not what they see on their screen and is therefore easy to forget. Also, you need to have an IC explanation for the existence of the weapon, how you learned to use it, and how it was made. All that takes work and requires a pretty strong commitment to consistency.

To echo Asyria's point, you need to consider what this buys you narratively. Any time you deviate from "normal" as defined in lore, it should be with an eye to improving your story and other's, IMO. When you deviate in a way that's an imposition on other players -- as it is in this case, since they'll have to remember that you have a signature weapon that isn't what they see on screen -- you should have a really good reason for it so as not to come off as a "special snowflake." What does the weapon say about your character, his past, and his future? What story hooks does it create or develop? How does it fit into the larger lore and setting? For something like this, I don't personally feel that "because it's cool and makes me unique" is a strong enough narrative justification, especially since there's all sorts of cool things that already exist in game, and you can achieve uniqueness in other, more narratively solid ways. Smile

RE: Custom Weapons - Ildur - 08-22-2013

"It's cool!" is a perfectly valid reason for physical aesthetic choices, mostly because they don't ussually give anything to your character but flavor. Things like scars, tattoos, jewelry, skin marks, etcetera. This could apply to weapons: maybe your blade has an odd shape or something.
However, every time you pick a 'trait' or 'asset' that is not superted by the game (like, say, having your character's head completely bandaged, or having a flintock) you have to be constantly reminding people about it, or at the very least every time someone joins the scene.

On the specific subject of weapons, you have to consider what the weapon brings on the table both from a characterization/storyline point, as people have mentioned before me. But you also have to consider what, if any, power it will give the wielder, how powerful that is and then balance your character accordingly: if the weapon is too powerful or exotic, then you'll have to give your character some very glaring weaknesses to compensate.

And, no, being 'an introverted and agressive loner' is not a weakness. Tongue

RE: Custom Weapons - Gideon Aryeh - 08-22-2013

I have a question will there be some sort of appearance changer meaning I have Sword X but I made it look like Sword Z?

GW2 and WoW I thought had excellent systems for this. Has anything like this been announced or talked about?

If there is such a thing in the game then I would say that doing it cause its cool is very very valid. Though I would try to stay away from claiming items that don't yet exist that are impactful to the lore of the series. Having a special watch though is different as something as obvious as a blade which impacts something in the game directly.

I will say this though find the most badass item that is in the game that represents what you want and go with it. Or name one of your weapons, named weapons are always cool and can be just such and such actual sword from the game. Naming it will give it a special flair in rp.

RE: Custom Weapons - Cato - 08-22-2013

One of the major issues that arises when role-players deviate from what their character model, armour and weaponry looks like to an outsider is that it can quite quickly break someone else's immersion or simply leave a bad taste in their mouths. If I have Theodric break the ice by commenting on another character's lance or axe then it'd feel very contrived and awkward to be expected to suddenly assume that it's a broadsword instead. It may seem minor to some people, but a smooth experience is essential for role-play to prosper.

It's better to set aside the infamous 'rule of cool' and just work with what we have at our fingertips, else we end up going down the shady path of seeing people try to justify anything and everything under the sun as has been the case in other MMO's that I've role-played in. In turn, this often serves to alienate quite a few role-players from interacting with people outside of their immediate social circle.

RE: Custom Weapons - Uther - 08-22-2013

Well you're going to get a lot of nay-saying because people don't like anyone shaking things up. My response: Fuck 'em. Do what you want with your character. Eko lived twenty-some years of his life with his teeth, his fists, his nails, and a stone knife. (I won't get into it now. Think Tarzan.) I have to RP that as a pugilist because this game can't give us a decent knife class to save its life. But you can be damn sure when my avatar is doing slow kung-fu style one-inch punches, I'm imagining him stabbing and biting his way to victory. 

Another example I can think of is Shuck. He RPs all of his crazy shield lobbing and flashing as inventions rather than magic or anything, because that's who his character is. He's an engineer, not a wizard. He only had to explain his inventions to me one time each and I still remember all of them. So don't listen to people who say it'll be a hassle for the RPC as a whole to deal with.

If you tell me you have a gun-scythe, I promise you I will remember and respect your choice to use a gun-scythe (despite the fact that imo a farming tool on a gun does more harm than good. Either way, not my decision.)

You paid the money for this game, you put the thought and effort in to make your character. You do whatever the hell you want with it. You shouldn't have to conform to people who don't have the imagination to simply picture you with a different weapon. 

Also, "because it's cool" is the only reason to do anything in this game. It's a pretend world. Why would you want to be lame?

Disclaimer: That's not an excuse to god-mode or meta-game or anything weird.

RE: Custom Weapons - FreelanceWizard - 08-22-2013

Of course a player can do whatever they want with a character. The question is not can they, but should they?

Ultimately, though, it comes down to the effects on other players and how that impacts your RP. Beyond having to tell everyone you meet once (and possibly more than once!) that your pugilist arms are actually knives, or that the lance on your back is actually a broadsword, or what have you, deviations like that cause OOC issues. Players who hew extremely strictly to lore will say, "No one gets to use broadswords, so you're violating lore, and we're done" -- or "I'm sorry, but that is a lance. Are you touched?" Players who comment on how cool your gloves are have to be corrected OOCly and a brief retcon performed. New RPers won't know what to make of all of this and may just say it's too hard to get involved in RP with you. All of these little things add up, and there's a real risk of being segregated from the rest of the RP community because of them. Whether that matters to a player is up to them to decide.

Also, I'm not sure where you get this idea that there are "people who don't have the imagination to simply picture you with a different weapon". The issue isn't that people don't have the imagination to do that. The issue is that there are real problems that occur in RP when you RP something that isn't how you actually appear in game. IMO, unless you're getting something just extraordinary out of it narratively, there's no reason to do it.

RE: Custom Weapons - Clover - 08-22-2013

I personally wouldn't have much of a problem if someone described their weapon as an unusual one. Other than my fish memory, I mean, but that can be fixed by a mere reminder.

I think it's interesting to see what people come up with, and using an unusual weapon is not exactly lore breaking. So long as the player has fun and everyone gets to RP, why not? ^^

Just my two cents!

RE: Custom Weapons - Dubs - 08-22-2013

I find giving weapons personalities a bit more easier to process than actual physical alterations. Swyrbhrat for example isn't really emphasizing physical appearance of the weapon but he does give his axe an identity and talks to "her" from time to time which may provoke odd stares but like other players that have egi / fairies to interact with, why not a weapon.

"Faithful Grymgohta is a harsh mistress, but I wouldn't have it any other way."

RE: Custom Weapons - Uther - 08-22-2013

(08-22-2013, 04:41 PM)FreelanceWizard Wrote: Of course a player can do whatever they want with a character. The question is not can they, but should they?

Yes, they should. If they want to. Because it's their character and no one should be telling them what they are and are not allowed to pretend.

If, hypothetically, I'm playing a warrior and I say "((Hey everyone, I know warriors have axes, but my character is a swordsman so I'll be RPing I have a broadsword.))" and someone responds with "((No. That's a violation of the lore. You have an axe because you're a warrior and no one has broadswords.))" I'll probably dismiss them as a pompous ass. Lore is great, but no one should be able to tell you what your character has and doesn't have.

Let's move to the pugilist glove scenario you mentioned. Someone would never come up to me and say "cool gloves", because like I mentioned earlier, Eko fights bare-handed mostly or with a knife. My weapons aren't shown when sheathed. That's meta-gaming. If they said it after a fight, (My sheathe speed is 1 second, not the average 3, thanks to some simple character options.) I would kindly say "((Eko isn't using gloves right now.))" If they threw a fit about it, that's their problem.

I think it's ridiculous to discourage RP weapon exchange when we have people in this community with magitek robot arms and no one bats an eye (No offense if you're reading this.). If anyone is that concerned about what weapons someone is RPing vs. what weapons their character is using, they need to calm down. It's not a big deal. At all. It's not a question of can you complain, it's a question of should you complain.