Hydaelyn Role-Players
Rhostel Evenhand, et al. - Printable Version

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Rhostel Evenhand, et al. - Rhostel - 08-22-2013

I. Basic Info

II. RP Style
  • Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):
    Medium? I love to roleplay, but I'm too shy to do it all the time.

  • Views on RP combat and injuries:
    *shrug* It's something I've so rarely faced, I don't have any strong feelings. There's no pattern to it, my characters just rarely end up in fights against other player characters. When they do, I'm pretty easygoing, so long as the other person isn't abusing my trust.

  • Views on IC romance:
    Light and fluffy is fine, or old married couple dynamics. Not interested in anything intense.

  • Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):
    Sure, that's fine. I think my character wikis have some potential seeds for those who might be interested.

  • Views on lore:
    I like to stick to it very closely. I like others to give it due deference, but allow them significantly more slack than I do myself.

  • Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):
    /say should be in character by default, but special circumstances are fine. I'm more forgiving than some about using ((certain punctuation)) to hold entire OOC conversations in public, but only up to the point where it gets insipid. Linkshells should be used however the owner declares. Most other channels, apart from /em, should just default to OOC because anything else is going to be a headache.

III. Other Info
  • Country: Australia
  • Timezone: Useless, I don't keep a stable sleep schedule
  • Contact info: Uh, Nonsensicles on Skype

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RE: Rhostel Evenhand, et al. - Rhostel - 08-22-2013

Yes, holy crap I finally did one of these. No reason I didn't before, just no reason it felt necessary before?

Anyway, I guess I'm getting the itch to find an RP Linkshell for Rhostel, maybe even a Free Company? The thing is, Rhos is (intentionally) a rootless, wandering do-gooder adventurer with no real long term goals or baggage. She could fit seamlessly into any number of LSes, and would happily join most if not all if asked. Thing is, she's got no particular drive to seek out any group to join them for her own reasons. Truth is, she's a little bit broken by events a handful of years ago, and her ego has basically evaporated. She doesn't have reason for much anything, and just does whatever is in front of her until it's too hard and she wanders off to find a new thing.

Soooooo ...I don't know. There's a lot of Linkshells that seem like they'd be a good fit for her, but none that stand out as especially suited to her. Given how she is, I'm not sure any such group can exist. (Even an Ala Mhigo liberation movement, if it existed, might not be any stronger a candidate than others.) My plan right now is 'make friends, fall into something' but that's always my plan and it has a 30% success rate if I'm being generous.

Input is very welcome.

EDIT: Okay, I maybe have a plan now for an FC, but it's OOC. So yeah. RP Linkshell still of interest.