Hydaelyn Role-Players
Tradecraft & Fieldcraft Encyclopedia - Printable Version

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Tradecraft & Fieldcraft Encyclopedia - lady2beetle - 08-26-2013

Hello, fellow RPCers! I am in need of your help!

I want to put together a comprehensive spreadsheet listing all the recipes in the game, what the ingredients are and where you get those ingredients. I feel like it would help a great deal to be able to see at a glance where to get a recipe's ingredients or to see what recipes an ingredient is used in so you know where to sell it. And of course that spreadsheet will be available for all to use (ask anyone who used my FTB Bee-keeping spreadsheet - they'll tell you I'm a little crazy about them, but they always turn out cool!)

But I'm a silly non-legacy player so I do not have all of the professions or any of them leveled to 50. So I need your help. What I need to start is a list of every recipe and its ingredients. I figure if each person takes one small piece, we'll knock it out in no time. You can get me this info in one of two ways. Either you can screen shot each recipe in your chunk, or you can write down the info and post it here. I'm not picky! And, so it makes it easy for you to pick a chunk and fill out out right quick, here's a list of what I need:

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Seriously - if you have a spare moment, just take the time to jot down one set of recipes and ingredients and send them to me or post them here! And if you start with the highest level of ingredients that you know (that haven't been provided) then it'll allow newer players to participate as well. Will you guys help me? Please?