Hydaelyn Role-Players
Gahrak Vishar - Printable Version

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Gahrak Vishar - Gahrak - 09-04-2013

I. Basic Info

  • Characters:Gahrak Vishar, Keaira Dorne

  • Primary character:Gahrak Vishar

  • Linkshells:N/A

  • Primary RP linkshell:N/A

II. RP Style

  • Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):

    I'd say Medium to heavy RP, I like to be IC as much as possible. Most times I
    will be in character.

  • Views on RP combat and injuries:

    I am okay with duels or RP fights, I can also do /rolls as well if that is
    something people like to do, injuries I am okay with, but anything major or
    life threatening should be discussed OOC.

  • Views on IC romance:

    While it is something that may happen, it is not something that is actively
    pursued, if something happens it happens.

  • Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):

    Relation ships, be they romantic or no is what makes the world interesting when
    it comes to RP. It can help build background or potential future story arcs for

  • Views on lore:

    I love to learn the lore. I'll admit I don't know alot about the lore in Eorzea
    but I am looking forward to learning as much as I can about it.

  • Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):

    I'm adaptable really, in local or /say I try to be OOC but when it comes to
    linkshells or guild chat, I will tend to just go with the flow.

III. Other Info
  • Country:USA

  • Timezone:GMT-5

  • Contact info:Whispers in game, PMs here Skype
    name is Gledriran.