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Nothing Left to Lose (Story) - Printable Version

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Nothing Left to Lose (Story) - Edgar Callant - 09-09-2013

1572 – Not long before the Calamity

Fog exited his mouth as the breath met the cool air. More followed after a coughing fit caused the tall highlander to stagger. He leaned against a large rock as he breathed heavily. Exhaustion was getting the best of him after days on the run. Dalamud loomed close above as it continued its slow descent upon the world.

The horizon became brighter as the sun started to rise for the new day. He had to find cover before it showed itself. He would stick out like a Roegadyn at a Lalafell family reunion once the sun lit up the land.  He silently cursed himself for heading into the desert earlier in the night.

He sat on the rock and took deep breaths to relax. He rubbed his face with his hand. Another bout of coughing came on him as the smell of blood entered his senses. He stared at the dried blood on his hand…his blood.

He shook his head at the sight. Twenty-eight years of keeping his magic hidden, only to have it fail on him the first time he needed it in an emergency. What little he knew of it was enough to close some of his wounds but most remained open along with muscle pain. Exactly what he expected followed. His men turned on him without hesitation. Some of them he served together with since he enlisted.

“I think I see him!” a faint voice echoed in the air. That was his cue to leave. The wounded man struggled to get on his feet. His right food dragged as he limped forward. Dust kicked up as he finally got to a good rhythm and speed.

A light bang reached his ears followed immediately by a bullet slamming into a cactus next to him. He grunted as he tried to move faster. He glanced over his shoulder to see the dust cloud being caused by his men. As if they could be called that anymore.

He regretted discarding his armor now as he watched the cloud grow closer. He stopped abruptly at the ledge of steep hill. His fist clenched at the situation. Another bullet came whistling by that gave him the nerve to head down the hill. He tried to keep his weight balanced to allow him to slide.

He stumbled at the bottom as he moved to land on his strong leg. He looked up the long hill with a cocky smile as his pursuers arrived at the top. His smile disappeared as he about faced and moved on.

A third bullet was fired off. This time it met his shoulder and slammed him into a shallow oasis. More coughing came out as he swallowed water unintentionally. He clutched his shoulder and tried to use what little healing ability he had. He felt himself get dizzy as his head became light. Before he could react, darkness overtook him…

“Get him ready!” a strong voice screamed him into consciousness. The highlander’s eyes slowly opened. “That’s enough! He’s coming to.” He stared down on the shorter Hyur in front of him. He had a wide grin on his face for unknown reasons. “Welcome! You're about to go into the Coliseum and fight to the death. If you die, I will lose nothing. If you win, I will make thousands of gil and you just may be useful to me. To be honest with you, I don’t really care for the outcome.”

The highlander licked his dry, cracked lips. Finally able to gather enough from his dry mouth, he spit a small amount down onto the midlander in front of him. “You give me a weapon and you won’t live long enough to enjoy that gil…” That wiped the grin off his face.

“We’ll see,” the short man let out a huff as he walked away. The highlander held a smirk this time. His head jerked as the three other men pushed him through the gate into the arena.

The crowd was in a roar as the competitors walked into the open grounds. The men that ushered him in tossed a sword a few feet away and scurried back into the door as it slammed shut. He groaned as his sore body knelt down to grab the sword and he faced his opponent.

The Miqo’te was already within range with his lance. The highlander bent back to dodge the pierce attempt and swung his sword up to slap it out of his way. The crowd grew louder at the start of combat.

He was still sore however felt he definitely received healing. His feet were a bit heavy, allowing him to keep his stance up with average footing. He continued to parry jabs from his enemy as he kept up the advance. Deciding to turn it back, he dodged to the left and swung toward the lancer. He struck nothing but air as the other ducked.

They spread apart to plan their next attack. His right leg gave in and he fell to his knee. He knew he had to end this fight fast or he would be ended. The lancer charged once again at the open opportunity. The warrior stood up and hobbled out of the way.

The highlander reversed his grip on the blade hoping the lancer would be unaware of his strategy. The opponent spun to end his charge before returning on the offensive. The tall Hyur shuffled back to prepare for his counter. He intentionally swung high just above the lance.

The Miqo’te felt he had it, thrusting at his chest. The warrior dodged to his right but was much slower then he wanted. The tip of the spear glanced against his side. He gave a grunt has he held through the instant pain. Adrenaline kept him moving as he countered. Grabbing the lance, he pulled and stabbed with the reversed blade. The Miqo’te’s eyes widened as he was lurched forward. The blade hit square in his chest.

It was withdrawn out just as fast it entered. The lancer held his chest as he fell to his knees. The highlander discarded the lance he now held to the ground. Breathing heavy he finally placed his hand over his flesh wound on his side. He tried to tune out the screams of the crowd as he looked down on his enemy.

The gates opened and his handlers came out with hesitation. The highlander gave them a smirk as he beckoned them over and stood ready for more combat. They all gave him room trying to find a way to approach him.

After another pain wave hit him and he fell to his knee once more. He threw down his sword into the ground. The men held him up and escorted him out of the arena in a hurry with his feet dragging.

The midlander overlooked with a huge grin. “Get me a healer.  I want him ready to fight as soon as possible.”

“Yes, master,” his peon bowed and scurried off.

The midlander walked into the pit and approached his new gladiator. He snapped in his face to get his attention. The highlander slowly looked up, still breathing heavy. “Tell me what your old ‘friends’ called so I can reward my new champion.”

The slumped Hyur looked back down defeated.

“Look at me when I speak, slave!” the midlander was beginning to get fed up.

“I have no name…”

The midlander remained silent with a glare.

“…Edgar Callant.”

((Feel free to PM me with any of the following: comments, criticism and/or suggestions to make it more lore accurate. I'm still not 100% up on lore in the FFXIV however strive to learn as much as I can of the setting.

If your character ever attended this or future fights, don't hesitate to bring it up with Edgar if we meet in-game. Smile

Thank you for reading Smile ))))

RE: Nothing Left to Lose (Story) - Edgar Callant - 09-13-2013

1572 – A few days later...

The staff tapped against the ground in step with its holder. She really didn’t need it to walk but liked to lean against it when relaxing. So it stayed out and ready for use. She tucked some of her long blonde hair behind her ear. She felt slightly nervous being led by this Hyur into a long, dark hallway. But she was asked to help heal someone, and she couldn’t turn away from giving help.

The Hyur stopped at the end of the hall in front of a big wooden door. He spoke as he grabbed the handle, “Master says he will pay you whenever you-“

“And as I said for you to tell him: pay is not necessary,” She smiled to the worker. She gestured for him to open it. He obeyed and the door creaked open. She looked into a large room with a mat and then upon the highlander who was focused on the window.

“Kneel when the door opens slave!” The man kicked at the taller Hyur’s knee. She saw the blood on his left shoulder as he finally kneeled.

“Hey! Leave him!” she stepped up and pointed out the door. With a grunt, he finally left mumbling under his breath. She sighed at the roughness and turned back to her patient. He was breathing heavy with his head down. She normally introduced herself but felt his wounds were more important at this time. “Please remove your shirt so I can take a look at your shoulder.”

He obliged with ripping his shirt over his head and his dark, black hair fell back down to his shoulders. She froze at the sight of his scared back. Then she finally saw the wound on his left abdomen. ‘What have you gotten yourself into?’ she shook her at the situation. Starting with a short prayer, she began to focus on curing. He remained on his knees as she started to work.

The room was quiet for hours as she finished bandaging his chest. She tried her best to fight off the redness on her cheeks as her hands brushed across his muscled body. She shook her head at the thought and thanked the twelve his back was to her. She moved the bandaged now over his shoulder.

“Th-thank you,” He started.

“You’re Galnean?!” She leapt back at the accent of his voice. She watched his head drop down in a defeated manner. Her heart beat skyrocketed in fear as she looked down on him.

“Not anymore…” he finally released. She kept her distance as she struggled with her oath she made to help others and her own prejudice. “I suppose we hurt you in some way by your reaction.”

“’Some way’ is putting it light.” She tried to keep her voice down. “My parents died during the invasion of Ala Mhigo…I was away in Gridania training as a Conjurer then…”

“I’m sorry,” he offered with his head remaining low. She could sense his sincerity. And she allowed herself to calm down. She trembled more as she returned back to the bandage and finished wrapping it around his shoulder. She tried her best to settle her nerves.

“All set,” She gave him a weak smile even though he was still looking down. She looked around at the very empty room. Then she glanced out the window and stared at Dalamud. “It is so close…” she whispered to herself.

“It will be here very soon,” he looked past her at it.

“How do you know?” she turned around quickly. She caught sight of more blood in his hair right above his eye. “Forget about it, you are still hurt.” She brushed his long black hair out of the way to reveal the wound. Another prayer as her hand glowed and her healing surrounded the gash. She knew it would leave scar, but after seeing how many he already had she figured he wouldn’t care.

“Thank you again,” His face remained neutral.

“You’re welcome,” she still felt a bit conflicted with him. She decided to open up, “I am Rebeccah Dunn.” She showed another smile to him.

“Edgar Callant,” he replied bluntly.

“I suggest you take a few more days of rest before doing whatever it is you do,” she took his short reply as a hint to leave. She picked up her staff and walked to the door. “Goodbye.”

She strolled up to the Hyur who escorted her in, “Give him a few days to make sure he recovers fully.” He nodded and they parted ways.

An hour later…

Edgar strolled out onto the field with more confidence this time. Still not one-hundred percent, the white mage’s healing did much better than the healing he got before his first match. He stretched a bit to get ready for the fight.

He still only had a sword. He still shook his head about the guards refusing to give him a shield. The other gate opening refocused him on task.

A Hyur midlander stepped through dual-wielding daggers. He gave it a couple of flourishes before taking his stance. Edgar remained standing in an upright position with feet shoulder length apart.

Finally deciding to make the first move, Edgar began moving forward. He brought the sword down in a hard over swing. The midlander dodged quickly to the right and before Edgar could react, gave two quick cuts. One connected against his arm and the other on his lower side. Just as fast as he attacked, he opened distance to prepare for his next counter.

Edgar closed the distance a bit quicker this time and gave a jab. Once again, the rogue dodged in the same direction. Edgar guessed it and quickly slashed in pursuit. The agility won as the rogue ducked and gave two quick slashes into his upper leg.

And just as the last bout, a gap was created between the two for the next one. Edgar gave the short Hyur a smirk. “Just one hit you know.” He threatened. The rogue stayed quiet and in his stance ready for the next evasion.

Edgar stepped it up with a stab this time and before allowing the rogue to start his dodge, twisted the blade in the same direction faster and weaker to keep the speed. The rogue had to parry. The warrior kept the up the pressure and got the rogue stuck with parrying.

The dual-wielder gave ground keeping up the parries. He surprised Edgar as he took a few stabs throughout the defense, clipping his arms each time. Edgar kept the push as the wall approached. The rogue noticed as well and debated his escape attempt.

With what seemed like the hundredth swing, the rogue dodged to his right to break the offense. Edgar spun on his left foot with a backswing and caught the rogue off guard. The blade cleaved into his chest and left bicep. He stumbled back as a dagger fell from his hand.

Edgar had a victorious smile as he looked upon his second enemy of the arena. “Told you so.” The rogue took one last attempt with his remaining dagger. Edgar slapped it down with his blade with little effort. The fight ended as he brought the blade down for the finishing blow.

((Feel free to PM me with any of the following: comments, criticism and/or suggestions to make it more lore accurate. Thank you for reading Smile ))

RE: Nothing Left to Lose (Story) - Edgar Callant - 09-16-2013

1572 – The Calamity
Rebeccah stepped heavily with an annoyed sigh. Not even one day afterand they already asked her to come back. She continued to the large wooden door that she was lead to the previous day. She struggled to get it to open due to it still being locked.
“Sorry, Miss,” the peon arrived and unlocked the door for her. Shepointed him away and tried to open the door herself. He obliged and hurried off. She finally got it open and gave the Hyur inside an angry look.
“So much for waiting a few days?” she crossed her arms and stared downon him.
He shrugged as he showed the cuts up and down his arm from the daggers.He then pointed to the few on his legs. She shook her head and pushed the door shut.
“Stand up then,” she ordered. He obeyed and stood with ease, making herslightly intimidated as he towered over her by a whole fulm. She knelt down and examined his legs first. She felt her face get hot again as she pressed her hand against the wound to heal it. She rolled her eyes at herself and tried to focus.
“Would you mind telling me how you are getting roughed up like this somuch?” she requested to her patient. She moved onto another cut waiting for his response. She finished the second before finally adding, “Edgar?”
She looked up to see him staring out the window. She stood up andfollowed his gaze to Dalamud. Meteors lit up the sky as they plummeted down in balls of fire. The ground shook as they collided with the ground near Ul’dah. Dalamud had a new glow upon it.
“There is probably a battle there now,” Edgar finally spoke with a nodin the direction.
“Would…would you be there now if not for being here?” She spoke timidlyas they both still looked at the moon. Before he could say anything, it began to glow a brighter red. “By the Twelve…”
Seconds later it exploded in fiery chunks. The ground quaked again aspieces of it pounded down. One collided not too far and blew dust and soot through the window. Edgar covered Rebeccah as they turned their back to the window and knelt for more protection.
A roar emitted in the air as more explosions occurred. They couldn’tsee anything through the cloud that stifled the room. All they could do was remain quiet listening to the mayhem. The ground wouldn’t stop quaking. The roaring continued for what seemed like hours.
Then a new bright light cut through the mist. Just as quickly as itappeared, it disappeared in another blinding flash.
Theyremained motionless for a few more seconds. Edgar felt her trembling as he released his protective hold over her, “It’s okay. It’s over now.” He hesitantly placed his hand on her shoulder for support.
“W-what wast-that?” her voice fit her scared state.
“I don’t know…”

((Short but hopefully gives some detail of how he experienced the Calamity.

Feel free to comment by PM regarding the same items.

Thank you for reading [Image: smile.gif] ))))

RE: Nothing Left to Lose (Story) - Edgar Callant - 09-18-2013

1573 – Defiance

Edgar entered the arena with a sword and wooden shield. He felt great. He was ready and looking forward to the fight. The crowd cheered for him as he remained the only contender in the field.

He raised his arms up to pump up them up more. He loved engaging the crowd now. He couldn’t remove the grin off his face as the other gate opened. He began to bang the sword against the side of the shield.

A bit of déjà vu struck as a midlander came through the gate. Edgar gave him a slight bow as he approached. The Hyur had a look of terror on his face as he shuffled back to the exit. But the gate was shut.

He let out a cry before turning. Edgar was there with his sword coming down. The hyur barely got his shield up to block it. Another cry came out as it connected and knocked him to the ground.

Edgar didn’t hold back. The sword came down a second and a third and a fourth. Each accompanied by a scream from the victim. The wooden shield began to crack under the assault. His barrage was relentless.  Multiple strikes followed.

The shield finally shattered. The force was enough to stop the blade from dismembering, instead only fracturing his arm. He fell limp as he yelled out in pain.

Edgar’s smile slowly fell away as he glared at his opponent. “I am above this…you are no challenge.” He turned on the balls of his feet and walked toward his gate.

The Master’s grin also disappeared. Anger grew in him and he stood up in a rage. Leaning over the edge of his balcony, he yelled, “Get back there and finish him slave! You are here to kill, not walk away!”

The slave stared up emotionlessly at his so called master. He drew his sword back and built up a few steps, launching the sword up at the balcony. He laughed as everyone dispersed from its trajectory, including the master.

“You will pay for this, slave!” he spit out. He turned to the peon and whispered an order who then ran into the pits and out of sight. The gate creaked open shortly after.

Edgar gave the master his normal victorious smile as he headed off the field. A second later a coeurl leapt out with a pounce. Caught completely unaware his back slammed on the ground. The beast bit down on his shoulder without remorse. He let out a scream and bashed his shield against its head.

The blow staggered it off him. He scrambled to his feet and raised his shield as it tried to whip him with its giant whiskers. He felt the electricity from the contact surge into his arm. He looked around for a way to get an upper hand. He caught sight of his opponent still weeping at his gate. His weapon remained in his hand.

He rolled in a dodge as the animal lunged at him again. He finished the roll into a sprint. The beast flowed with grace in pursuit. It charged a shock of lightning and shot it at him. The thunder ball struck him and all his muscles tensed at the electricity.  He slowed and fell to his hand and knees as he tried to control the pain.

The coeurl jumped early right as Edgar fell. Its claw caught his back but it cleared above him. Edgar struggled through the pain, crawling to the hyur and ripping the sword from his hand. The midlander scrambled from them both to stay as far away as he could.

The beast was already back on top of its prey. Edgar brought the shield up as its fangs caught it. Before he could even swing his blade, he was lifted off the ground as the monster held the shield in its mouth.

Through vicious shakes, his body flailed left and right. His bitten shoulder emitted a loud pop causing another anguish of pain. He struggled to get to the shield strap on his arm in all the twirling.

Finally getting the strap off, he was unsure if it was fate or luck, he was flung around the beast’s side and onto his back. He ignored his pains and drove the sword into the monster’s back. It bucked around and threw him off, but the wound was too much for it. It crawled after him as it began to lose control before finally passing.

Edgar pushed himself up with his good arm and stood up with a defiant look to his owner.

Rebeccah had her usual smile as she glided into his room. She wasn’t surprised to see his beaten state, after seeing him like it so many times.

“What got you this time?” she questioned while getting set up to work.

“A big cat,” he played around.

She gave him a puzzled look. “Not normally fighting beasts like that, why this time?” She went to place a bandage on his shoulder until he winced. As it moved she clearly saw it was dislocated. “I’ll need help to set your shoulder, so for now I’ll just focus on these cuts and the bite.”

“Let’s just say I upset someone and they wanted to make sure I gave everyone a good show,” he joked while struggling to not react to the pain.

“Why do you feel a need to rebel against him so much?” She knew exactly who he was speaking of.

He shrugged with only one shoulder moving accurately, “I have nothing left to lose.”

“As you say,” she said quietly. She guided her hand over a couple small scratches on his arm. “Might as well clear up the easy ones.” Before she could pray, Edgar placed his hand over it and a small glow appeared. She focused on his action as it healed the small one.

The room was quiet for a few seconds. She didn’t know how to start.

“I’ve had this ability for a long time…” Edgar started, “it’s barely useful.” She nodded slowly hoping he would continue. “Could you train me how to use it more effectively?”

She turned away as she struggled on her response. She returned her gaze on him, seeing his pleading look made her feel worse. “I don’t know if I should.” She added bluntly.

Edgar understandably nodded and remained silent to let her continue.  She started again but was unfocused by his request. Her heel tapped the ground as she thought on it more and more.

“You don’t have to be so tense,” He gave her a smile as he leisurely pointed at her foot.

“Okay!” She finally let out as he tilted away at her outburst, “I will.” He rubbed his ear as she moved in front with a huge grin. “First thing: Let’s set that arm. Second: I will teach you of the Twelve.”

(( Thank you for reading Smile.

PMs are still open Smile.))

RE: Nothing Left to Lose (Story) - Edgar Callant - 09-20-2013

1575 – Beat Down

Edgar stood in the arena once again. He stared across at his opponent Roegadyn waiting for combat to start. This time the enemy began the charge. Edgar grinned as he prepared for the charge.

He stood his ground with his heavy shield ready for the attack. The Roegadyn thrust his own shield against Edgar’s. The force pushed him back but he readied his defense. The enemy moved his shield against the other and tried to stab over it. Edgar kept his head away from the attacks.

The Roegadyn kept the pressure up well. He knew his adversary was well versed in the arena and didn’t want to open up any advantage. He poked around the side of the shield this time, catching Edgar off guard as it stabbed shortly into his side.

Rebeccah winced as she saw the blade attack him. After all these years she finally decided to come to a match. She knew what he did since his first few matches but could never get the nerve to watch one, especially after seeing how banged up he could get.

With a grunt of pain, Edgar knocked his shield at the other to break them apart. The Roegadyn was impressively quick as he brought his sword down upon the shield just as quick as he was pushed away. Edgar traded an attempt only to meet the shield as well.

This continued blow for blow for minutes while they shuffled around the arena. Edgar’s arm became sore as the heavy shield began to dent from the strong blows of the Roegadyn.

They came to one of the walls at the edge. Edgar pushed his shield as the blade met it to stumble the ‘giant’. He leapt and pushed off the wall with his right leg. Using the momentum of the fall and his strength, he brought the sword down. The Roegadyn defended just in time only to have the blade cut cleanly from the force. It caught his cheek creating a flesh wound.

He easily disarmed the highlander by yanking the sword out of his hand. Just as fast as he pulled it back he slammed the shield against his chest. Edgar fell back losing grip of his shield in turn. The apparent winner gave a cocky smile as he also discarded his sword and shield approaching the other.

The Roegadyn grabbed Edgar by his shirt and lifted him off the ground. Lowering the fight into a brawl, he thrust his fist against Edgar’s jaw. He pounded against his face multiple times. Rebeccah turned away as the beating continued.

Edgar oddly smiled at the beat down. The Roegadyn stopped with a confused look. “You won’t be smiling when I’m done.”  After a few more attacks, the Roegadyn let Edgar go to massage his split knuckle.  Edgar staggered around with the smile remaining. He wobbled while trying to keep upright.

The ‘giant’ stepped beside him and wrapped his arms around the highlander’s neck. With a good squeeze he cut off the air flow. Edgar finally decided to retaliate with a few elbow jabs into the abdomen of his opponent. His other hand tried to wiggle its way between his throat and arm to release pressure. He lifted the enemy off the ground but quickly set him back down as the weight almost crushed him.

This time he swung his fist down lower, crushing against the Roegadyn’s groin. He yelped at the pain and released immediately. He tilted forward allowing Edgar to grab his head. Building up speed, he rammed his head against the wall with both collapsing to the ground from the force.

The crowd became silent as they waited for a victor to stand. Edgar shook his head multiple times to try and focus. He struggled to get on his feet however successfully stood. His smile remained as he looked into the crowd and saw Rebeccah shaking her head at him.

“Most of it is bruising,” Rebeccah spoke quickly and emotionless, “I can reduce the swelling but it’ll take time to heal naturally.” She knelt to his side to examine the blade wound and began working to seal it.

Edgar could sense the tension from her. She didn’t seem in her happy, go lucky mood she normally arrived with. “So how did I do?” he joked with a huge grin. She shook her head and continued to focus on his healing. “Um, are you okay?”

She let out a frustrated sigh, “No.” That was it.

“What’s wrong?” he pried for a more thorough answer.

“How could you smile during all that?” she let out. He remained silent in thought. “Why do you let them beat on you like that?” She was convinced this probably wasn’t the first time he intentionally let himself get wounded.

“Makes for a better fight, I suppose,” he replied casually. “The more wounded I am the more time I get in between matches too.” He fidgeted with his hands.

“More time to think of how you can get beat up the next time?” She snapped back.

“More time with you,” he blurted out uncontrollably. The loss of control expanded as he felt his face burn for the first time around her. She kept her face down since hers was as red as his. He decided to continue, “I can’t thank you enough for what you are doing…”

She smiled for the first time since she got there. She struggled to find words to make her reaction less embarrassing. “Y-you’re welcome,” she stuttered out. “Everything should be all set. I think today we’ll skip the lesson so you can rest.” She scrambled around dropping her staff. She quickly fumbled around and was out the door before he could react.

The door slide shut and she pressed her back up against it finally taking a breath she didn't realize she was holding.

((Thank you for reading Smile ))

RE: Nothing Left to Lose (Story) - Edgar Callant - 09-23-2013

1577 – A few months ago

The highlander & young Miqo’te clashed against shield and lance. Edgar smirked at the skill of his opponent for his age. He also had flashbacks of his first fight especially when he tried the same tactic but failed this time.

Edgar had a defense up waiting for an opening. The lancer was impressive at keeping his distance. But the opening finally arrived as he dodged a thrust and hammered the lance to the ground with his shield. Before the lancer could withdraw, he stomped down snapping the tip off. Continuing with his momentum, he swung the sword around at his enemy.

The Miqo’te dodged but his staff was caught in the attack and cleanly became two more pieces. He twirled the now baton bringing it against Edgar’s cheek. Edgar stepped out of offense and shook the blunt hit off.

The warrior returned to his attack. The Miqo’te went to parry only to have the lance broken into another piece. Edgar pushed forward and another chunk was created. Two more parries turned the lance into nothing more than a handle. He knew he won as the Miqo’te threw the pieces down.

Edgar took his normal stance with his feet shoulder length apart. The Miqo’te knelt and lowered his head for the end. He felt conflicted in the presentment, “How old are you, boy?”

The Miqo’te jumped at the words and hesitated to reply.  “Seventeen,” he responded with his head remaining down. Edgar shook his head as he struggled to bring the finishing blow.

“Get out of here,” he turned himself toward the door and didn’t look back at his opponent.

The Master grew furious once more. It was a long time since Edgar did this, but this was the last straw. The gate opened and he watched Edgar stroll in leisurely.  He turned to his peon, “Get the whip.”

Edgar threw his sword and shield down in the same spot he was told to do so for countless times. The Master entered and signaled for his escorts to Edgar. They lunged after him and quickly got a hold of him. One jammed his fist into his gut to get him down.

“That is the last time this will happen,” The Master spoke angrily.

Rebeccah glided through the hallway with a smile on her face. She felt great today for some reason. She couldn’t tell why but enjoyed the moment. She slowed her pace as she heard the crack of a whip.

“46!” the number echoed through the hallway. “47!” She followed the sounds out into the open area. “48!” She placed her hand over her mouth at the sight.

Edgar leaned all his weight against the pole with his arms tried around it. His eyes squeezed tighter at each blow. His back was gashed up from the constant strikes.

“49!” the brute flicked the whip across the victim’s back once more.

“Stop this!” Rebeccah felt herself scream out. The entire group but one turned to her. She walked briskly up to the Master with her finger in his face. “How do you expect me to help when you do things like this?!”

The Master ignored her question but signaled to have the highlander removed. They obeyed and began dragging him back to the room.

“I want an answer!” She screamed up at him. He let out an unemotional sigh while standing around. “I want it upfront today then!” She held out her hand. He gestured to the peon who shuffled up and handed out bag of gil. Without another word she snatched it and turned briskly in pursuit of the others.

The men exited the room as she finally arrived. She waved them out of her way to enter the room. She began to tremble of worry for him as she approached. She knelt beside the mat they discarded him on. His breathing was slow but unhindered.

She brushed his hair back as her eyes watered up, “What did you do to bring this on yourself?” She spoke her thought.

A few breaths later, “I refused…to kill a boy…” he struggled to get out. She gained some relief at the sound of his voice.

“I don’t understand…” she paused while still brushing his hair, “why are you so defiant with him?”

He coughed as he tried to speak before finally saying, “I can’t let him win…”

Two weeks later…

It was the first day Rebeccah felt good again. She took a good breath of air and released it in a relieved sigh. She arrived at the door and jammed the key in with a twist. She still had trouble getting the heavy door open but was successful after a second.

“How are you feeling?” she spoke out before entering. He stretched in his seated position and gave a yawn. She admired his flexed body with a smile.

“I am fine,” he responded tightly with the stretch ending. He caught the smile on her face and gave his own, “You seem to be in a good mood.”

She shrugged and grabbed at his hand. “Come on, we are going out for a walk today.” Her feet slide her closer as she tried to lift the man up. He raised an eyebrow at her suggestion.

“Are you sure?” he was hesitant but stood up to help her out.

“Yes, we are going to the courtyard, so we won’t be breaking any rules with your ‘master’,” she joked at the title. He let her guide him out the room.

They walked casually around the walkway in the courtyard in silence for a few minutes. “So…” her voice cut into the silence but she was shy to continue.

“So.” he responded with a small chuckle. It still sounded so foreign when she heard his new speech. Even after being the one who helped him get his words a bit more like Ul’dahn.

“I-I have been getting gil lately,” she started but her nervous self made her stutter, “t-to hopefully pay for your freedom.”

He stopped and looked out away from her into the courtyard. “Why?” She noticed his entire demeanor change immediately.

“Because I think you deserve to be free,” she placed her hand on his arm to get his attention, “No one should be a slave, period.” She gave it a slight rub feeling the tension in it.

“Don’t waste it on me,” he retorted bluntly. “I am only good for killing.” His voice was emotionless.

“Don’t say that,” she argued, “You let that boy live. That is more than most can say. You are not a monster.”

“I am what I am.” he admitted to her. She was speechless. She didn’t expect this outcome. “Why do you want this?”

“Because…” she fidgeted with her clothes with her eyes to the ground.

“Why?!” he pushed back angrily.

“Because I-“

“There he is! Get him!”

((Thank you for reading Smile. One more post and the story will be complete.))

RE: Nothing Left to Lose (Story) - Edgar Callant - 09-26-2013

1577 - Nothing Left to Lose

Edgar jogged quickly through the large oasis in the foothills of the desert. His new bronze armor clinked as it rubbed against itself. He clutched to the sheathed sword hilt with his left hand as he moved through a tunnel and came upon a town.

He walked through the gate trying to draw as little attention to himself as he could. The town was pretty active, probably because it was midday and the weather was sunny. He stared out onto the open water that reached out to the horizon.

He felt a tug at his back causing him to spin quickly. He caught the hand of the young thief before he could un-tie the pack. The kid’s eyes widen at being exposed. Edgar sighed before releasing him with a slight push. The kid sped off back into the crowd.

His left hand quickly returned to its place on his sword. He strolled down the steps and off to the side to the water front. He slipped off his right gauntlet with his eyes shut. He finally opened them to look upon his hand. He stared at the dried blood on his hand…not his blood.

He dunked it in the water to wash as much of it away as he could. He removed his other gauntlet and cupped water in both hands to splash on his face. His hands remained there as he held back his fresh memories.

The lifeless hand fell to the ground.

His hands ran up into his hair and felt the length. He took a knife and cut at it without thought. He threw it all into the water before deciding enough was gone. His body still was shaking from everything that had happened.

He clenched his fist and punched into the sand. “Halone…what do I do now?”

As if on cue, a boat hand shouted across the town. “Last call for La Noscea!” Edgar examined the dock and boat before he replaced his equipment. He withdrew the cost of gil and traded for a pass after approaching the vendor. He entered the boat and found his place at the bow. He clutched to the railing as the last few travelers scrambled onto the ship.

It set off to the west and wasn’t long before they were on the open seas. A man walked up near Edgar and took a deep breath. “I love the smell of the seas.” He spoke mainly to himself. He caught sight of the heavily armored man at the bow. “Why you headed in La Noscea, traveler?”

Edgar remained silent with his focus on the horizon. The man repeated his question to break him out of his stupor, “No reason.”

“Ah, a wandering soul,” he lit up a pipe and took a few puffs, “Must be nice traveling freely like that. What brought you to this trade?”

Edgar rolled his eyes at what little the man knew of his situation. But he felt compelled to answer, “I have nothing left to lose…again.”

(( Thank you again for reading. Big Grin

I'm going to open the thread up to IC comments if you were present for any of his arena fights and OOC public comments as well. Feel free to PM me instead if you prefer.

I might add some more arena fights over time if the mood strikes. ))