Hydaelyn Role-Players
Twilight Refuge (Inactive) - Printable Version

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Twilight Refuge (Inactive) - Michikyou - 09-18-2013

[Image: 63cEW45.png]
"Welcome my family, to the Twilight Refuge"

My name is Naih'ir, a Keeper miqo'te on the Bulmung server. Me and a friend (Miah) decided to make this link shell in joining interested members of the Keeper community who wished to join a clan that may evolve and adapt new traditions due to the terrible losses of ones prior clan in the Calamity. For those interested you may PM me on the forums for my Skype account and we can get in contact (Michikyou On forums)

About Us

The Twilight refuge is a home to all Miqo'te whom have lost their homes, clans, families or friends due to the destruction of the Calamity. Tasks of the Refuge include helping the lost ones; the people without a home, handing out blankets and organizing hunting parties for ration gatherings for those orphaned after the disastrous events. The Refugee aspect of this LS is not limited by race. The refugee helpers and refugees will have role play hubs throughout Ul'dah and the deserts surrounding once members reach a supportive enough number. .  

The Clan itself has been started by a female and male of the same home tribe - now both without a home and seeking fellows in a same desperate situation as they look for their old friends and family.
Keeper clans consist of small family groups of up to three. The females in each clan are generally the more dominant of the genders and are responsible for the hunting and organisation of such events, they are close knit and trust their team mates fully. Males however are few in number and often very solitary - many leaving clans to pursue a solitary life. 

  • Anyone may join the guild -Anyone-. The section for Refugees and helper is open to any race, gender and persons wanting to be involved in helping others get back on their feet. 

  • People interested in joining the 'Clan' can join as normal refugees and then be selected in by the current members of the clan to make sure they fit the family. Only Keepers can join the clan. (Unless along the line plot dictates we become a mixed clan)

Recruitment Info:

How to Join...

Joining the guild is simple; we do not have many application processes for now but we will require that you role play with us actively and have an IC reason for joining. An IC interaction will determine the final status of any application.

Application on website

  • We expect all members to be mature and honest on the thread, you can go back and re-edit your application at any time.
  • Recruiting into the guild will be done ICLY, we can schedule roleplay and encounters for your character if you wish.

Recruitment Status
Elezen - Open
Hyur - Open
Lalafell - Open
Miqo'te - Open
Roegadyn - Open

[align=center]Clan Positions

Matriach -Undecided-
Huntresses/hunters: Miah Poolali,
Organisation: Naih'ir Molkov

Reugee Positions

People of Aid:

History of the Clan:

Before The Calamity

The Calamity was an event to change all things with the relaxed and traditional clan in the east-south part of the shroud, Far from the reaches of the wood-bound city. The peoples of this clan lived in partial solitude - a tight knit group of three families. Pollali, Molkov and (undecided name). In structure there were six males - however not all these members were born of the tribe. One boy had bee brought in from another clan as refuge and to dilute the blood of the current clans to prevent inbreeding. Unlike other clans - all male children were to be raised and 'mothered' by one female. Naih Molkov. She having two sons dead at birth took a responsibility in raising her third and other children of her sisters as her own.

Primarily the clan dealt in trading pelts, sinews and maintained their own small gysahl greens farm and small chocobo ranch which aided with additional income. One male was to care for the chicks and other tamed wild life used in addition to the huntresses force.

Most females of the clan bred with one selected mate before moving onto the next after siring two or three children - usually accepting wandering Males as temporary partners. Outcasts of the group were generally those with a softer demeanor, and those who sympathized with the Elezen who pushed them further and deeper into the shroud due to accusations of poaching.

After the Calamity...

However the Calamity fell these clans hard, the clans and the accepted trade partners of this clan lost man their homes in the south-eastern shroud. The fires plagued the forests and the hunts became scarce. On the night of the Calamity many of the keepers fled in panic, forgetting their loyalties - losing their family and ultimately left without a purpose or chronicle to continue. Only few of the original clan remain; Naih'ir and Miah are the two known survivors of this original clan - many from other clans have come to see their plea.

Niah'ir's plea one of hope for his peoples - not just one singular clan but all refuge of each of the keepers clan. A home for miqo'te alike who are seeking to find their traditional roots - with perhaps a small twist as organization is passed to a male without intentions of handing dominance to any gender over another until all fog has been lifted. The journey of finding a home - a purpose and a place where each member can belong has begun.

The Refuge History...

Work in progress

RE: Twilight Refuge - Rinh Hallani - 09-18-2013

Hmm, Rinh might like to join this! Looks great. ^^

RE: Twilight Refuge - Miah Polaali - 09-21-2013

We would love to have you on board if you ever decide. Wink

RE: Twilight Refuge - Random Encounter - 09-21-2013

Really interested in this.

Just to make sure though, this is a LS and not a FC correct?

RE: Twilight Refuge - Miah Polaali - 09-21-2013

This is on LC thought we also work closely with an FC. But, it is not required to join them to be apart of this LC. And there is IC and OOC comunication on LC.

RE: Twilight Refuge - Michikyou - 09-22-2013

(09-21-2013, 09:09 AM)Phae Wrote: Really interested in this.

Just to make sure though, this is a LS and not a FC correct?
Correct, I am unsure if it will be a FC, if I make it into a FC it wont be for anything other than a few dedicated members - and when the LS is larger.

(09-21-2013, 05:49 PM)Vet Wrote: This is on LC thought we also work closely with an FC. But, it is not required to join them to be apart of this LC. And there is IC and OOC comunication on LC.
Agreed. We have a few guild allies, we usually use [LP] "message" as IC in guild chat.

RE: Twilight Refuge - Random Encounter - 09-25-2013

Thank you for the info. I'm already involved in a FC so sadly I wouldn't be able to join if this was FC only. Knowing that its indeed a LS primarily, I'd like to join if you'll have me that is.

RE: Twilight Refuge - Michikyou - 09-25-2013

certainly, Miah should be able to contact you, or myself.

RE: Twilight Refuge - KieairaKitty - 09-27-2013

I'm rather interested in this, would love to get involved ICly somehow.

RE: Twilight Refuge - Michikyou - 10-03-2013

Updated! Cool

(09-27-2013, 06:44 AM)KieairaKitty Wrote: I'm rather interested in this, would love to get involved ICly somehow.

Would love to see you aboard.