Hydaelyn Role-Players
What's Your Weakness? - Printable Version

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What's Your Weakness? - Rhylund - 09-18-2013

It’s very easy for a player to go on about what their character does well, but what tends to add the most depth to any character are their weaknesses, flaws, and fears. I think it’s something that a lot of RPers tend to neglect and it’s a damn shame. Because I’m not above quoting a Pixar movie, “when everybody’s super, nobody is.”

So what are the things that make your character imperfect?

RE: What's Your Weakness? - Aldeus - 09-18-2013

(09-18-2013, 02:52 PM)Rhylund Wrote: It’s very easy for a player to go on about what their character does well, but what tends to add the most depth to any character are their weaknesses, flaws, and fears. I think it’s something that a lot of RPers tend to neglect and it’s a damn shame. Because I’m not above quoting a Pixar movie, “when everybody’s super, nobody is.”

So what are the things that make your character imperfect?

Greatest weakness?  Manqo'te.  That and dying Tongue

RE: What's Your Weakness? - Naunet - 09-18-2013

I do think a lot of roleplayers often tend to focus on their characters' strengths, which is not a bad thing... until it's done at the exclusion of their weaknesses. I also find exploring and discovering and developing upon a "weakness" or "flaw" to be far more compelling story-telling. But that's just me. ^^;

Antimony's most immediately obvious character flaw, when one meets her, is probably her tendency to be more than a little high strung when interacting with people. She's perfectly fine and collected and reasoned and just generally well put-together when at work or carrying on by herself with her hobbies, but stick her in a social situation and suddenly you get a woman who will ramble endless apologies, freak out at the slightest hint that she has said or done something inappropriate (even if that hint is imagined!), and just generally be rather spazzy... in a very bad way. This quality has definitely not endeared her to her employers, though at least two people she's met on a non-professional basis are either capable of suffering through it or find it endearing. It's not supposed to be. xD Now, she's not like this all the time and has in the past conducted herself decently in social interactions (though not without some significant internal difficulty), but she definitely lets stress get to her more than she should.

There are also things like how she is not in any way, shape, or form capable of physically defending herself. She's not unfit (she travels often enough for her work that she's reasonably healthy for her age), but she has zero combat training and is more inclined to hide at the first sign of trouble than anything else. Some might call that cowardly; others (including Antimony) would simply call it self-preservation. Either way, she is just not physically strong. At all!

There are other nuances to her character that I and others may discover over the coming months and (hopefully!) years of roleplay, so I'll just leave it at that for now. ^^

RE: What's Your Weakness? - K'nahli - 09-18-2013

Well, to keep it short and sweet...!

K'nahli Yohko

Quote:Strengths - K'mih Yohko, Talented Archer
Weakness - K'mih Yohko

Andre Winter
Quote:Strengths - Determination and a life of training
Weakness - Lack of field experience, Past Issues, Morality

Alex Hawthorn
Quote:Strengths - Highly skilled warrior and a reputation that reflects it
Weakness - Ego

RE: What's Your Weakness? - Oroban - 09-18-2013


But no really, he's overly naive and positive, and he's aware that it gets him sneered at sometimes. He also has a habit of being overly formal and standoffish. Or trying to wax poetic and coming across as a weirdo. Or his temper. Also bullets.

RE: What's Your Weakness? - Rinh Hallani - 09-18-2013

Rinh is confrontational, blunt, incredibly stubborn and an obnoxious know-it-all, as well as having a rather frightening temper. And that's on a good day haha. I love that she's so flawed but manages to succeed in spite of, or perhaps even because of, those weaknesses.

RE: What's Your Weakness? - Magellan - 09-18-2013

(09-18-2013, 02:52 PM)Rhylund Wrote: It’s very easy for a player to go on about what their character does well, but what tends to add the most depth to any character are their weaknesses, flaws, and fears. I think it’s something that a lot of RPers tend to neglect and it’s a damn shame. Because I’m not above quoting a Pixar movie, “when everybody’s super, nobody is.”

So what are the things that make your character imperfect?

Omg I quote that line all the time when it comes to RP. XD

I think I am rather unique in that I focus on my char's weaknesses instead of her strengths. To me, the joy of RP comes from struggling with what they are bad at, not flaunting what they are good at. So far, my character has overcome;

-A fear of magic
-A sense of isolationism/stunted emotional maturity

She is still struggling with th latter one, but has made strides. She also struggles with self-doubt, and an overly-critical attitude towards herself.

RE: What's Your Weakness? - Sini'to Shadar - 09-18-2013

Well, that is easy.

His big flaw is his focus one one single person and his greatest fear loosing said person. It makes him deadsick. He has to deal with it somehow and need to overcome it.
He needs more development overall, tho.

He is too risky and too daring. He acts before thinking, sometimes he allows himself jokes on strangers without much thinking about the outcome.

RE: What's Your Weakness? - Nako Vesh - 09-18-2013

Nako is reckless, brash, stubborn, and blunt. She can be arrogant, and sometimes looks down on men. She's still baffled when she sees a man in a leadership position, as her formative years were spent in a matriarchal culture. She has absolutely no talent for academia, and is very slow with maths and formulas.

RE: What's Your Weakness? - Raeletta - 09-18-2013

I tried really hard to avoid this when I made Rae, since I knew it would make her rather boring, I was fairly happy with the results Smile

My char tends towards blind trust, is a bit of a bully, places her reputation above a lot of things she shouldn't and constantly deals with pain from a part-cured facial injury.

RE: What's Your Weakness? - S'anhu - 09-18-2013

I've been putting a bit of thought into this for S'anhu.

His biggest flaw is his immaturity. He doesn't handle responsibility well, which is the real reason he struck off on his own. He didn't want to deal with his family issues so he hit the road instead of facing them. I'm going to have a lot of fun developing him as he learns his lessons without the support he's used to.

He's also quite sheltered and naive. He really only knew his smaller tribe and the occasional trader. Now he has to meet new people from all walks of life, and he has no way of knowing who he can trust and who will swindle him.

RE: What's Your Weakness? - Edgar Callant - 09-18-2013

Edgar is both typical of a lifetime warrior, overconfidence and ego. He is also a blood knight, looking to fight just to have a good fight.

RE: What's Your Weakness? - raindrops - 09-18-2013

Braids' sense of self-preservation could use a little work, in that she doesn't have one at all. She isn't used to battle and is still kind of terrified of the idea. Her low sense of self-worth means that she doesn't like being relied upon, out of fear of letting people down and causing problems for them, which causes problems when you're a healer (and thus kind of need to be reliable). She hates expressing anything negative at all, which means that she doesn't have any real outlet for anything that upsets her.

Losing memories of a Warrior of Light who was an enormous part of her life has also done a number on her, both mentally and emotionally. Emotionally, she's paranoid about losing or forgetting people who are close to her as well as about forgetting more about herself. Mentally, you can't really forget a person who was such a massive part of your life cleanly, so she struggles with the mental equivalent of 404 pages every now and then. It doesn't help that she's not got the vastest base of knowledge to begin with, having lived in a cave until five years ago.

The racism and xenophobia of Gridania and the Wildwoods has made her afraid of Wildwood Elezen and very wary about being in the shroud or around people from the shroud. She's bitter about this, not that she'd ever express it (because of the aforementioned dislike for expressing negative things).

RE: What's Your Weakness? - Dogberry - 09-18-2013

Dogberry's got some serious trauma issues and a sense of survivor's guilt that leaves him with a death wish. He doesn't want to confront his past, so he picked up a new profession, a dangerous one that he secretly hopes will get him killed. Most of Dogberry's time is spent avoiding having to deal with what happened to him during the Calamity.

Fresh Bread is a coward.

RE: What's Your Weakness? - cuideag - 09-18-2013

Jajara is not particularly bright. She can get along alright in social situations, and she can handle herself alright in a fight if she has to (or so she likes to think), but give her a puzzle and it'll knock her flat on her butt. Sometimes she has great difficulty following conversations especially those involving plans, places, and people she's not familiar with - something that happens often with the XI:7 and it's dealings.

She also tends to be on the naive side of things and can have a hard time telling if she is being lied to. Sarcasm and satire can fly right over her head as well.

Also, heights. But she's been fighting that battle with the help of a friend.