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[Balmung][Interest Check] Marketplace and Twin Adder RP FC! - Printable Version

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[Balmung][Interest Check] Marketplace and Twin Adder RP FC! - Oriane Suhzu - 09-19-2013

Some of you may or may not know me in-game, I haven't quite been active within the roleplay community yet but I sure plan to be! I don't have many posts on the forums here as well but I am planning to change that very soon.
I have had a couple of ideas bouncing around in my head lately that I just have to get out, and I'm choosing to do this in the form of an interest check. My goal here is to figure out how many of you would be interested in the two ideas that I have, which I will go over in just a moment!

Quote:Seventh Syndicate (S:7) - Twin Adder Roleplay Free Company
The Seventh Syndicate, otherwise abbreviated as S:7, is a special section of the Twin Adder Grand Company. This may sound a bit cliche, but it's something that hasn't exactly been done within the roleplay community (at least, I haven't seen it, so correct me if I am wrong!). This company is designed mainly around being a source of diplomacy, espionage, and intelligence gathering within the Twin Adders. Considering the Twin Adders have no love for violence, I think this would be especially suited for them as they would need to have a means to work and find things out instead of sending soldiers and such.

My goal with the Seventh Syndicate, despite how ominous it sounds, is to provide a different outlook and take on the traditional "spy"-type guilds. I want us to be a hub of information, freely given to help the people. We're not mercenaries, we're a selection of people trying to do the right thing by putting our respective skills to work. As such, this will primarily be a good-aligned FC. If anyone has any interest in this, or particularly wants to help it start up, let me know through a /tell in-game or even a PM on here!
Quote:The Agora of Byregot - Marketplace Roleplay Linkshell
The Agora of Byregot is a travelling, free-form marketplace. I plan for us to host monthly (perhaps bi-weekly) events; we'll go from town-to-town, setting up our marketplace in various cities or encampments and selling our wares and services there. This will not be a traditional marketplace for sale of goods, but also for information, services, and whatever else you might think of that you can put a price on. The Agora does not condone the sale of slaves.

My goal with The Agora is to provide a static, monthly event that I think everyone can participate in. Not only is it a vague enough base to provide roleplay experiences for everyone, but I think it could end up being a fun little event too! The Linkshell itself can be used for OOC sales and chitter, such as finding that local 50 Goldsmith you've always been wanting- while we can have other meet-ups as well depending on where the marketplace is situated that month. If you're interested in this, the Linkshell itself is already created, just needs a bit more work on it before I can open it up fully and begin to start up the monthly events! Send me a /tell in-game or a PM on here to get a linkpearl.

Any comments, advice, or compliments would be appreciated! And again, if you're interested in either of these, don't hesitate to send me a /tell in-game, post here, or even PM me on the forums. Thanks!

RE: [Balmung][Interest Check] Marketplace and Twin Adder RP FC! - Nimarhie - 09-19-2013

Oh Taijha would love the marketplace, she will come to sell her medicines and her handcrafted clothing. Smile

RE: [Balmung][Interest Check] Marketplace and Twin Adder RP FC! - Taishan - 09-19-2013

Both ideas are great, but I particularly love the one on the Agora. A marketplace would be great for Zahja since she's mostly a crafter and gatherer anyway.

RE: [Balmung][Interest Check] Marketplace and Twin Adder RP FC! - SessionZero - 09-19-2013

Arianys would love the market. She's not much of a vendor yet but she would love to come poke around everyone's wares and be a social butterfly lol

RE: [Balmung][Interest Check] Marketplace and Twin Adder RP FC! - Oriane Suhzu - 09-20-2013

I've made some additions to the Free Company idea, to free up more open roleplay with us as well as for those who might want to join us.

Quote:The Seventh Syndicate (S:7) - Twin Adder Roleplay Free Company
As it has been said before, the Seventh Syndicate will be mainly a division within the Twin Adder Grand Company. However, I feel this becomes too constricting for the people who might want to join and roleplay with us. As such, we will be having separate ranks for "emissaries" from the other Grand Companies.

For example- say you're one of the Immortal Flames but wish to find extra work? Or perhaps you need some intel on a certain person you've been tracking for your Company? The Twin Adder can provide this for you. You would have a separate rank such as emissary, allied soldier, perhaps even diplomatic ally. The possibilities are endless and can be worked out and determined based on your character.

Above all, I want to be able to include everyone and anyone who'd like to join in this. It just being a Twin Adder FC seems like it would limit us too much and I am all for free roleplay where it can be done.

Not only this, but I would like to add that this will be a RP-PVE Free Company. That means that while we will be focusing on roleplay, we will also be doing end-game content and such things like leveling, gameplay of the PVE variety, etc. I personally hate giving up the two of them and have experience leading RP-PVE guilds before. It's a great thing when it's done right! Don't sacrifice your love for PVE and RP when you can have both.

RE: [Balmung][Interest Check] Marketplace and Twin Adder RP FC! - Khadan - 09-20-2013

This gets Kayllen's approval stamp of "Baller". Looks awesome Thumbsup

RE: [Balmung][Interest Check] Marketplace and Twin Adder RP FC! - Clover - 09-20-2013

I'd like for Clover to ICly join the Twin Adders, so I'm very interested in any RP group who will focus on this, especially if some players will play the role of our superiors. It'd be cool if we had a real Grand Company structure, with high ranks who will take the lead and soldiers who will do as they're ordered.

I can't join any FC, however, as I'm already in an European one (X_X)

Also, I believe someone was making a FC/Linkshell dedicated to the Twin Adders. I have a fish memory and can't remember the name, but I hope they see this thread and post here! I think you should join forces ^^

RE: [Balmung][Interest Check] Marketplace and Twin Adder RP FC! - Oriane Suhzu - 09-20-2013

(09-20-2013, 05:10 AM)Clover Wrote: I'd like for Clover to ICly join the Twin Adders, so I'm very interested in any RP group who will focus on this, especially if some players will play the role of our superiors. It'd be cool if we had a real Grand Company structure, with high ranks who will take the lead and soldiers who will do as they're ordered.

I can't join any FC, however, as I'm already in an European one (X_X)

Also, I believe someone was making a FC/Linkshell dedicated to the Twin Adders. I have a fish memory and can't remember the name, but I hope they see this thread and post here! I think you should join forces ^^
I hope they will too! I heard whispers of one, but I haven't seen anything on it.. so, I mean, if there is one.. joining forces would be quite snazzy.

And I'd love to RP with you anytime just as a Twin Adder person, too, Clover. But also, perhaps honorary membership in the FC? You don't have to join, but I'll personally alert you to meetings, events, etc. I'm certainly willing to do that for an avid Twin Adder fan.

RE: [Balmung][Interest Check] Marketplace and Twin Adder RP FC! - Rhylund - 09-20-2013

Hey Ori!

I may be interested in the marketplace LS, but the important question is... will there be wind shards?

RE: [Balmung][Interest Check] Marketplace and Twin Adder RP FC! - Oriane Suhzu - 09-20-2013

(09-20-2013, 07:52 AM)Rhylund Wrote: Hey Ori!

I may be interested in the marketplace LS, but the important question is... will there be wind shards?
Not for you, you addict.
I'll send you a linkpearl when you're on later.

RE: [Balmung][Interest Check] Marketplace and Twin Adder RP FC! - Yloise - 09-20-2013

Bhara would love to have a place to fen--sell her fishes. Smile