Hydaelyn Role-Players
[Balmung] Looking For: Owner? - Printable Version

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[Balmung] Looking For: Owner? - Ehki-Idolmo - 09-28-2013

[Edit: Moved primary server to Balmung after bumping into some friends from TERA there! If you're on Gilgamesh and still want to explore this, please do!]

Hello again!

I mentioned in another post that Ehki, my character, plays a servant to a wealthy Ul'dahn household. It occurred to me while I was playing that it might be fun to have another player serve as a member or master of this household, and to have that manner of interaction between my character and theirs.

With that in mind, here are a few things to think about!

- This character can be an existing character or an alt. I have a family written, but I can set it aside in favor of a real player's involvement with their own story.

- This character would have a personal history with Ehki. Based on the events in her backstory, they would have met shortly before the Calamity, and therefore he or she probably would not have been present at it.

- This character can be either a benevolent keeper who treats Ehki like a member of the family, or a more malevolent one who treats her like property. I roleplay Ehki as someone repaying a substantial debt, and can do that in either situation, as you prefer. Her loyalty comes out of her backstory, which I'd be discussing with anyone who is interested.

- It would make the most sense if this character has a strong connection to Ul'dah and Thanalan, as that is where I live IC.

With all of that in mind, I'm looking for a player willing to play Ehki's master! Despite the above guidelines, I'm very open to suggestions, and would prefer to play with other humans over making some sort of perfect backstory component for myself.

If you are interested, either reply to this thread or send me a private message with your character and your idea. In terms of specifics, race, gender, class and other basic considerations don't matter very strongly. What I'm more interested to know is why your character would have a handservant, what they would use her for, how they would treat her, as well as any long-term developments I/she could be helpful for!

Thank you! I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

RE: [Gilgamesh] Looking For: Owner? - Sin - 09-29-2013

Play more on Balmung, please!

All of these stipulations fit perfectly with Jullien and his household in Ul'dah.

I'm at work now, but I'll be home tonight. Send me a PM! Or add me to skype: marshmallowfrootloops.

RE: [Balmung] Looking For: Owner? - Ehki-Idolmo - 09-29-2013

Thanks for the heads-up! I sent you some questions :D Also, feel free to add me in game if it would be easier to do /tells.

This angle is still open at the moment for people on either server.

RE: [Balmung] Looking For: Owner? - LandStander - 09-29-2013

I just made up an alt a few nights ago. I have yet to RP with her though as I am still working on getting her an airship pass. I am also on Balmung ^^

Her backstory:

To sum her up, she is an older woman (in her early 50's) who came from a wealthy family. Her family owned a variety of businesses mostly to do with selling raw mined minerals, but they also owned farm land out in Coerthas. She lived very lavishly until the Calamity. Basically the mined collapsed, sealing it and killing the miners inside. They had to pay a hefty sum to the families for the deaths and they lost their farm land due to Coerthas now being a snowy wasteland and pouring with all sorts of baddies and Garleans. 

She still has some money left over, but its quickly drying up having no income at all, though she still buys lavish things to put on the facade of still being rich. 

As of now she has no surviving family members (though if I ever find someone willing, I wouldn't mind having a child or two). She had a husband, but fearing being broke and poor, he left her, taking some of her money with him. 

Her personality:

She is a sassy jerk who believes that she is better than everyone else. So she will likely treat her as property. 

Underneath all this the two might end up becoming close friends as she might be the only servant who stayed behind to help her out, after she was unable to pay the rest. Or maybe she just has not told Ehki that she is running out of gil. I don't mind playing this from any point of view if you were interested ^^. 

I'm mostly on my character Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn if you wanted to send me a tell and speak more about it.

RE: [Balmung] Looking For: Owner? - Lost River - 09-29-2013

Should also check out my character Lucinne Jandalaine, She's RP'd as a member of the Immortal Flames Grand Company; so her involvement would be direct in some manners; it'd also bring more RP experiences!

Even if not, I look forward to seeing you in game. ^_^

RE: [Balmung] Looking For: Owner? - Ehki-Idolmo - 09-29-2013


That's an uncommon concept of yours! When I get back from work I'll try and toss you a message with some clarifications on my end.

Lost River:

Can you let me know a little bit more about Lucinne? If you send me a PM that briefly describes her and her circumstances, I'd love to discuss with you.