Y'lyfriel Sikah - Sahde Vhidgo - 10-03-2013
I. Basic Info
- Characters: Y'lyfriel Sikah (Miqo'te Seeker of the Sun)
- Primary character: Y'lyfriel Sikah
- Linkshells: n/a (yet!)
- Primary RP linkshell: n/a (yet!)
II. RP Style
- Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):
Honestly, it's hard to say. My heart lies with deeper character interaction and compelling story-telling, which leans towards "heavy." However, I can just as often be found running around the world OOC, participating in all manner of shenanigans. Probably "medium leaning towards heavy," then.
- Views on RP combat and injuries:
Perfectly fine, so long as it's handled appropriately (i.e. give me a say in how/when/if my character undergoes serious injury.) Combat roleplay offers a way to affect lasting, physical impact on our characters in a way that in-game mechanics just don't.
- Views on IC romance:
Also just fine, so long as it's allowed to develop naturally. Nothing forced, nothing scripted. No "pre-destiny," as it were. That being said, I enjoy open-world exploration, adventuring, and combat RP more (mainly as it entails less sitting around, talking. More running around, shouting )
- Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):
Sure, why not? As long as it's compelling and fun, it's fair game. My only stipulation is that the story-arc not be focused solely on the development of whichever character is in the spotlight. (Moreso, I like "family ties" and "personal story" RP to function as a medium for those participating to engage their characters, and grow them, in unique ways.)
- Views on lore:
It should be followed. When it isn't, said deviations should be made known to anyone that might be affected by it.
- Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):
I positively adore that Linkshells are potentially an IC function. So, /say and /e are spatial, while /linkshell is long-distance IC. Everything else will likely be OOC, unless otherwise designated
III. Other Info - Country:United States
- Timezone:Central
- Contact info:PM me here on the site!
~Special announcements can be found in the posts below~
RE: Y'lyfriel Sikah - X'linwh Tia - 10-14-2013
Hmm..you look familiar.
RE: Y'lyfriel Sikah - Sahde Vhidgo - 10-24-2013
News Edit:
I have transferred to the Balmung server