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Bhara is dead. - Printable Version

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Bhara is dead. - Yloise - 10-05-2013

I tried to log back in to find my account locked, this morning.

I am not going to bother with trying to get my account back since it will expire on the 8th and I haven't subscribed yet. So for now, I will buy a new key and think about what I want to do in this game, because I do not have the heart to remake Bhara after this disaster. I will get back to everyone who wishes to play with me when I decide on a new persona/character and start leveling her up.

At least I know how the game plays already, so just taking this as a new start to learn something new!

See you in game...

(I will change my name/pic once I decided on my new character...after work tonight (Saturday).)

RE: Bhara is dead. - Dren - 10-05-2013

Nooo =( Bhara was one of my favorite characters that I met thus far =/

RE: Bhara is dead. - raindrops - 10-05-2013

Oh no! That's terrible. Do you know what's happened with your account/have you talked to customer service at all? It might be worth taking a shot at getting it back rather than dropping money on a new key and having to work on a new character.

RE: Bhara is dead. - Edgar Callant - 10-05-2013

This is horrible. Sorry to hear Bhara. I'm getting overly paranoid of hacking now but I can't order a token as their website keeps erroring out -.-

Good luck with any future characters and feel free to friend me again if you want to RP on them.

RE: Bhara is dead. - raindrops - 10-05-2013

If you have an android/iphone (or are willing to emulate an android on your computer) then there's the software token. There's been some problems with it but you have nothing to worry about as long as you remember to make a note of the emergency password (so you can remove it easily if something does go wrong). 

If you genuinely can't get a token or use the software one, the best you can do is to use a strong password and never use the same password in multiple places (most accounts that get 'hacked' are people who've used the same password and email combination on a forum they've forgotten about - these forums tend to be forgotten, so they're not up to date security-wise) and to change passwords on a semi-regular basis.

Sorry for taking this off-topic, but I think it's important to know.

RE: Bhara is dead. - Cato - 10-05-2013

If you enjoyed role-playing your character then you might as well just remake her or at least try and get your account back. It'll save you a lot of frustration, time and money.

RE: Bhara is dead. - K'dath - 10-05-2013

(10-05-2013, 12:31 PM)Theodric Ironheart Wrote: If you enjoyed role-playing your character then you might as well just remake her or at least try and get your account back. It'll save you a lot of frustration, time and money.

This. While I can see the angle you're coming from and relate to that frustration, buying the whole game over again is basically paying for two months worth of time and getting one. Meanwhile your compromised account it sitting there with all your stuff.

No one likes wrestling with customer support. It's frustrating. It's a head ache. But it's a day of chewing out some poor CS compared to setting $15 on fire and losing your character.

RE: Bhara is dead. - cuideag - 10-05-2013

(10-05-2013, 01:11 PM)K Wrote:
(10-05-2013, 12:31 PM)Theodric Ironheart Wrote: If you enjoyed role-playing your character then you might as well just remake her or at least try and get your account back. It'll save you a lot of frustration, time and money.

This. While I can see the angle you're coming from and relate to that frustration, buying the whole game over again is basically paying for two months worth of time and getting one. Meanwhile your compromised account it sitting there with all your stuff.

No one likes wrestling with customer support. It's frustrating. It's a head ache. But it's a day of chewing out some poor CS compared to setting $15 on fire and losing your character.
^ ^ ^

I'm so sorry it's happened to you but I would totally consider figuring out exactly what happened and what steps can be taken to fix it.

RE: Bhara is dead. - Tobias Nightbringer - 10-05-2013

I've not met you, but I agree with what K, Theodric, and Cuideag have said. I would do it solely based on the principal. I would not let some asshole hacker use my account as a gold farming robot. 

In any case, I hope whatever route you choose will go according to plan for you. Safe travels.

RE: Bhara is dead. - Sigyn Shieldbreaker - 10-05-2013

This actually happened to my ex too. I thought he got bored after hitting 50 but it turns out he got hacked and account locked. What a bunch of jerks.

RE: Bhara is dead. - Yloise - 10-05-2013

Ok got my new account, now need to think of a new character...can lalafel's be evil? Or because the cuteness they always seem chaotic neutral?

I really appreciate the folks who are telling me to fight for the account, but really, I had very little invested in Bhara as a character/equipment/Gil.

It is hard to reroll (new character idea) to begin again, and now that I have had time to cool off from the incident this morning, this is the way I want to go, but I plan to get in touch with my current friends and make new ones with a new concept.

I appreciate the well wishes and I hope to see you all again in my new persona...should be in the next few hours before I settle on a character and write her new bio up. Smile

RE: Bhara is dead. - Tobias Nightbringer - 10-05-2013

(10-05-2013, 10:12 PM)Bhara Wrote: Ok got my new account, now need to think of a new character...can lalafel's be evil? Or because the cuteness they always seem chaotic neutral?

...wait are you trying to imply they're NOT ALL evil masterminds? xD

RE: Bhara is dead. - Yloise - 10-05-2013

(10-05-2013, 10:16 PM)Tobias Nightbringer Wrote:
(10-05-2013, 10:12 PM)Bhara Wrote: Ok got my new account, now need to think of a new character...can lalafel's be evil? Or because the cuteness they always seem chaotic neutral?

...wait are you trying to imply they're NOT ALL evil masterminds? xD
I have not yet met more than one to compare.

Maybe I need to reread the census again?

RE: Bhara is dead. - Yloise - 10-05-2013

Gah, character restrictions, ill try again at 1am CST to make a new char. at least i have one saved to get my foot back in the Balmung door again. Smile

RE: Bhara is dead. - sugarfrosted - 10-05-2013

Met only one, eh?

Anyways, sorry to hear about everything but it's cool you came to terms with it in your own way. As for the lil'fellas, some may have been evil but got too lazy to antagonize anymore on a solo basis (too many bruises and empty bellies).