Hydaelyn Role-Players
[Balmung] Looking for roegadyn family members! - Printable Version

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[Balmung] Looking for roegadyn family members! - Salty Lake - 10-05-2013

Hello! My character, Salty Lake, is around 35-40, and had a daughter when she was a teenager, and gave that daughter up to be raised by her parents. Salty was a pirate in her youth, and her family disowned her, so she's never returned to visit, though she sends them money. She learned recently that her daughter left home and may or may not be studying magic of some kind.

Would anyone who's got a young roegadyn character, around 17-23, want to play her? Salty is a seawolfe, but the father could have been hellsguard, if your character is a hellsguard.

I'd also be interested in finding a "father" for the brat, if your male Roe wants to be Salty's teen romp! (She could have some brothers/sisters out there too.)

RE: [Balmung] Looking for roegadyn family members! - Lost River - 10-05-2013

You could be related to Lost River (Hah, both names are based on water) from either marriage (as Lost is a Hellsguard, but her mother remarried a Sea Wolf) or by lineage, she does have Sea Wolves in her actual genetic family.

Lost River is a survivor from the Battle of Carteneau; a black mage, she had a touring party but she was the only survivor. She was thought to be dead, but of course now has resurfaced in the viewpoint of the public.

Perhaps Salty can be the first family member she runs into.

Some back-plot if you wanted to use. ^_^

RE: [Balmung] Looking for roegadyn family members! - Salty Lake - 01-02-2015

Hey all! Bumping an old thread. I have someone playing Salty's daughter now, but if anyone plays a male roegadyn age 40 or older, who used to be a pirate or hang out with pirates about 25 year ago, he could be Salty's baby's pappa.