Hydaelyn Role-Players
Neostriker Faerune - Printable Version

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Neostriker Faerune - Neostriker - 10-14-2013

I. Basic Info 
  • Characters: Just one (he's more than enough as it is)
  • Primary character: Neostriker Faerune
  • Linkshells: The Moonwatyr Clan
  • Primary RP linkshell: None but I am searching for one so if you want to add me, I'm available (nudge nudge, wink wink)

II. RP Style 
  • Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):
    Medium for the most part. I really enjoy roleplaying and try to fit some in from time to time between story progression and gear/tome farming. With the main story completed for me, I have found plenty more time to roleplay and have finally decided to throw my name into the RP community forums.
  • Views on RP combat and injuries:
    I try and avoid the use of it with people I am not familiar/comfortable RPing with. My past experiences with it have been unpleasant and too many cases of people trying to get away with unreasonable actions. I have had it work well with friends and see the value in RP quality it can bring to the table so I remain open to it with some reservations held of course.
  • Views on IC romance:
    Love love love love to have it. I always welcome the complexities an IC romance can bring so long as it is one that follows a natural course and doesn't seem forced or rushed. I find romances even as simple as flirting can bring about everything from simple humor and friendship to hostilities that bring about conflicts, all of which just enrich an RP session.
  • Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):
  • I insist on it. Getting to know a character always helps to draw a viewer/reader/RPer into the story. The more details you can bring into light adds to the depth of your character and will always be welcomed with me.
  • Views on lore:
  • I enjoy lore though I admittedly lack thorough knowledge of much of the lore myself. That doesn't keep me from researching some lore from time to time and trying to keep up with what is true/possible and what is too far fetched or flat out incorrect.
  • Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):
    I'm quite comfortable with the use of all chat functions in RP though I try and avoid the use of party chat unless its use is intended to facilitate a private conversation (i.e. a group of fellow adventurers sitting at a table conversing about upcoming plans to rid the land of kobolds, keeping their conversation low as to know allow others nearby overhear their plans)

III. Other Info 
  • Country: USA
  • Timezone: EST
  • Contact info: Contact me here in the forums or you can /tell me in game

IV. Character BIO Information 

He remembers little of his life before The Calamity. Despite his efforts, the only part of his past that comes back clear is his affinity with the aether. He finds that his unknown past unnerves him more than charging into and vilekin den or staring down mighty primals. Is there a family awaiting his return after all these years? If he has a family, did THEY even survive The Calamity? Was he a person of good will or was he someone that brought about grief and sorrow to others in the name of gil, power and fame? Too many questions and not only no answer to match them with but no means to even begin searching for them. Unsure if his muddled memory is the result of trauma or perhaps witnessing something that The Twelve are attempting to shelter him from, he has given up hope in trying to regain his past.

It is this decision that shapes his outlook on life, always trying to root himself in the present time. What he does with his time here and now is all he has left, time for making new memories and starting a new life. New. . . . Neo. Perhaps that is why he decided to give himself that moniker. Striker Faerune was the name sake his companions agreed fit his skills, one who seemed capable of commanding the aether with precision. So why not add a touch of his own flair to a name that really isn't his. If he was going to use it, he was going to make it his own.

Striker spends much of his time selling his skills with the aether to those that need assistance: from tasks the require the location of certain artifacts to the challenge of halting the charge of beasts upon the walls of the city-states. Whatever his past, he finds that he has a great passion for artifacts and items holding unique enchantments (either simple or complex) and doesn't deny his pleasure in acquiring a gil or two.

~Special announcements can be found in the posts below~

RE: Neostriker Faerune - Neostriker - 10-16-2013

I will be away from the game between the dates of:
18 Oct 2013 - 25 Oct 2013

If anyone wishes to get in touch with me in that time frame, please leave me a message and I will respond as soon as I return.