Hydaelyn Role-Players
The fantasia Dilemma - Printable Version

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The fantasia Dilemma - Elixerlon - 10-21-2013

Hello! I'm a bit of a lurker on the fourms but I was wondering if so.some might help me with a dilemma. Now I made a arcanist and I enjoy him greatly. The problem is I've found that I'm not as fond of the hellsguard roegadyn as I was at character creation. I was thinking of changing him to a duskwright since ill be getting my Fantasia potion some time this week. But that leaves me with the very roegadyn name of wise wolf. So should I try and come up for a reason for such a name? (I was thinking it being a alias, he's supposed to be kind of a pirate.) Or just ignore it and hope they add name changes some time in the future.

 Suggestions? Thoughts?

RE: The fantasia Dilemma - Rinh Hallani - 10-21-2013

I'd incorporate it into the RP! Use it as an alias and perhaps reveal your 'true' Duskwight name to only a select few? Or something else altogether! It's not too hard to find good RP reasons for it. I have a few friends who have made do very well with what might at first appear to be a non-RP name.

RE: The fantasia Dilemma - C'kayah Polaali - 10-21-2013

Having it be an alias sounds good. Maybe it's a nickname he was given by a Roegadyn he used to associate with. It's a pretty flattering nickname, so there'd doubtless be a good story behind it...

RE: The fantasia Dilemma - Olofantur - 10-21-2013

Hmm, i'm not sure when/if SE will be introducing a paid name change. I imagine that would open things up to a host of other issues, so maybe down the line in one of the larger 2.X updates?

A note about a "free" way to name change. I'm unsure as to whether you want to go this far, but my creating a character on a different server with your primary characters name, then transferring that primary character (the one you want changed) to the server with your new alt, you get a free name change (pre-existing characters take naming precedents.)

As for working the name into your potential Duskwight character? that could be interesting... i've always though of the Elezen prideful of their traditions, but you need only look to the wiki of Duskwight clans to see the variance of dispositions. I think the key would be how you work it in. You mention using it as an alias, perhaps he's wanted and thats why he assumed the name? Or maybe it was a tradition of the old band he worked with to provide a name on their entering the crew proper? (Like the skulls and shackles pre-made campaign for DnD, if you know it.)

It could have been a trial when he joined, maybe they set a wolf on him when he signed up and instead of fighting it head on he did something particularly clever. Just a thought.

RE: The fantasia Dilemma - Elixerlon - 10-21-2013

I'll incorperate it into the character, I have a few ideals, His clan is supposed to be located near Limsa Luminsa. (I was thinking in a cavern system either near luminsa itself or on an island just off the coast.) I was thinking that his clan might have been more Mercenary than most so maybe they hired themselves out as sailors. Maybe a ship navigator, He might have gotten the name from succesfully navigating the ship through the storm, Well the wise part anyway.

Thanks a bunch for your opinions! Smile

RE: The fantasia Dilemma - Olofantur - 10-21-2013

Sounds like you've got a good idea of where you're going and how to get there, hope to see you in Eorzea before too long, and best of luck on your journey!