Hydaelyn Role-Players
Bonjour à tous / Hello everyone ! - Printable Version

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Bonjour à tous / Hello everyone ! - Frost - 11-15-2013

Good evening everyone (it's actually pretty late for me ^^ )

As you have guessed (or not), I'm a French RolePlayer. I've been playing in the European servers since the launch of the game and I have started RolePlaying in a new French Roleplaying Community two month from now.
But in France, there is no real community, everyone is starting new ones, and we are so few that we can actually Roleplay like 1 time in a week (a lot aren't motivated).

And so, I thought:" Hey, if there is no real Roleplay community in France, I could try the american one !" (translated, I don't actually think in english Rolleyes ).

That's why I'm here, introducing myself to your community (quite impressed about it by the way). I know very well the Lore of Eorzea, I created a lot of characters to make RP events (but I was the only one making them so...), I really want to Roleplay in this awesome world...

...but I'm still doubtful about this wall of language and about the shedule. Is it really worth it to enter a new community if I am not online at the same time ? (there may be some from England ?) Can I really appreciate RolePlay if I don't talk in French ? (I am good in english for my young age, but still...)

Thanks for reading, and hello to all of you ^^ !

RE: Bonjour à tous / Hello everyone ! - Olofantur - 11-15-2013


et bienvenue à la Coalition des Roleplayers

Comme une note, nous avons un groupe européen, basé autour du lien suivant:

Vous avez peu de crainte, vous trouverez beaucoup de gens là-bas. Comme une note, la barrière de la langue peut-être pas un aussi grand obstacle que vous pensez. Nous sommes un groupe assez ouvert ici.

But i'll switch back to english for a while. Here's another Linkshell, this one for everyone, lots of people.

To continue, here's a link to the "welcome" post where you can read a small overview of the Roleplay resources here.

please feel free to message me and let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Edit: should mention, I still have family there! a lot of them, though there are many of us in Quebec as well my family still has a home in Gamaches.

RE: Bonjour à tous / Hello everyone ! - Faye - 11-15-2013

Bonjour! You'll find there are usually players on at all times of the day (there are other European players on the Balmung server, as well as North Americans who keep strange hours) and a lot of role-players here who don't speak English as their first language. I think you would fit in fine and find plenty of people to role-play with! If you ever want to role-play in French, my own French is pretty bad and rusty, but I there are a few French-Canadian role-players in my free company who I'm sure would be glad to role-play in either French or English! Smile

RE: Bonjour à tous / Hello everyone ! - Lady Whiteraven - 11-15-2013

Bonjour! Bienvenue dans la communauté. Mon jeu est normale pendant la journée ici, donc le temps de soirée. N'hésitez pas à me contacter à tout moment. Comme Olofantur a déclaré, il ya plusieurs compagnies gratuites et un lien Shells configuration pour les joueurs européens. Je suis sûr que l'on sera un bon endroit pour vous ou n'hésitez pas à vous dégourdir les ailes de jeu de rôle et de vérifier tous les autres là-bas. Mon français est un peu rouillé, donc s'il vous plaît pardonnez toute grammaire horrible.

RE: Bonjour à tous / Hello everyone ! - Olofantur - 11-15-2013

(11-15-2013, 10:01 PM)Skaenmoen Zaesylbwyn Wrote: Bonjour! Bienvenue dans la communauté. Mon jeu est normale pendant la journée ici, donc le temps de soirée. N'hésitez pas à me contacter à tout moment. Comme Olofantur a déclaré, il ya plusieurs compagnies gratuites et un lien Shells configuration pour les joueurs européens. Je suis sûr que l'on sera un bon endroit pour vous ou n'hésitez pas à vous dégourdir les ailes de jeu de rôle et de vérifier tous les autres là-bas. Mon français est un peu rouillé, donc s'il vous plaît pardonnez toute grammaire horrible.

Twelve that was a hell of a lot better than mine. I'll stand by my excuse of not writing it a lot and only reading/speaking it during meetings/ with family!

RE: Bonjour à tous / Hello everyone ! - Lady Whiteraven - 11-15-2013

Lol, appreciated. I blame my history degree and minor in Latin. It gave me excuses to work on other romantic languages, including French. As long as Astal feels it is okay, then I'm good. Lol

RE: Bonjour à tous / Hello everyone ! - Karaan - 11-16-2013

Since french is my native langage, it will be a pleasure to rp with you in french

Tu n'as qu'ajouté Karaan Nolan dans ta liste d'amis et on pourra avoir une discussion pour savoir quand on peut faire un rp dans n'importe quel langue Big Grin

RE: Bonjour à tous / Hello everyone ! - Frost - 11-16-2013

Thank you everyone Big Grin

I'll see what I'll do in times. I will not forget to PM all of you and I'll see those European Linkshells.

PS: It's not really necessary to write in French, I read English everyday and I'm quite used to it Rolleyes .

RE: Bonjour à tous / Hello everyone ! - Rinh Hallani - 11-16-2013

Olofantur already mentioned Europa so I'll just say welcome and do get in touch if you want an invite! We have some French players with us already in Europa, as well as many other non-native English speakers, so that's not a problem at all. ^^

RE: Bonjour à tous / Hello everyone ! - K'nahli - 11-16-2013

Welcome to the server ^^/

Cuisine de France.

RE: Bonjour à tous / Hello everyone ! - Frost - 11-16-2013

Currently making my character, thanks to all of you Smile

(That's why I changed username Rolleyes )

PS: It's funny how you translate "Linkshell" or " Free Companie" in French, those words are actually the same in both language.

The name of my character is Ciel Frost.

RE: Bonjour à tous / Hello everyone ! - Lady Whiteraven - 11-16-2013

(11-16-2013, 10:35 AM)Frost Wrote: PS: It's funny how you translate "Linkshell" or " Free Companie" in French, those words are actually the same in both language.

Lol. I wasn't sure if they were the same or not, so I did my best to translate them. Welcome to the community.