Hydaelyn Role-Players
Calling you Imperials out there! (Balmung) - Printable Version

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Calling you Imperials out there! (Balmung) - Cemi Epocan - 12-17-2013

So! I have been keen to get some form of plot going for Cemi, rather than just floating around from place to place trying to engage with folk and their RP.
In her past she had a run in with Garlean's in the Twelveswood and it forged her bitter hatred for them.
I was curious to know at what the Imperials would think about some sort of plotline with Cemi Epocan and any who wants to get involved! I mean, Imperials are so few and they need to make an impression on the community and get their prescence known more no? OOC that is.
So I was thinking maybe have a few clashes and forge a rivalry with a few Imperials. I will plant events on here and any wishing to attend can! But I intend to keep the numbers even on either side. It could be anything from clashes with might or even words. Perhaps even capture or interrogation. I hear sometimes captives forge bonds with, and gain sympathy for their captors.
Who knows, she might even end up not hating them at all. It entirely depends on where the plotline goes and what both sides want.
It could be nice having small skirmishes with the Imperials and vice versa. Get the community a bit more involved with those outside their little bubbles if you get me!

If any Imperials are interested I would really appreciate hearing from you!

RE: Calling you Imperials out there! (Balmung) - Vysce the Lad - 12-18-2013

Aw, I'd want to make an Imperial guy... but I think I need to research them a bit more lest I step on any toes... Geek

RE: Calling you Imperials out there! (Balmung) - Evie - 12-18-2013

You might also want to look through this thread if you haven't already.

Garlens are you out there? (Balmung)

RE: Calling you Imperials out there! (Balmung) - Vanikath Truan - 12-18-2013

Garleans/Imperials are out there. Though using a cover, Van is a Garlean agent. I'm always interested in roleplay plots with folks. Feel free to contact me in game or on PM.