Hydaelyn Role-Players
Your character in 2013 - Printable Version

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Your character in 2013 - ArmachiA - 12-26-2013

So the year is coming to an end and some of us have been RPing for a few months now (Like what 4 or 5?) so I thought it would be fun to ask for a bit of a year in review.
  • What kind of stories has your character gotten into? Give a summary if you want. What has your character been up to!?
  • How has your character changed since the game re-launch? Have they grown up or gone to the Dark Side? How has the stories around them effected them, if at all?
  • For you Legacy players, how is your character adjusting to the five year thing?
  • What has been your favorite RP moment so far?
  • What was the most shocking RP moment this year?
  • What was the most surprising thing you found out about your character?
  • What relationships did your character build? Did they meet a new best friends or a bitter rival?
  • What are you looking most forward to seeing in the future with your characters growth and story?

Also, other things I didn't think to ask.

I'm feeling nosey, indulge me. Smile

RE: Your character in 2013 - Rhio - 12-26-2013

I approve of this exercise.

What kind of stories has your character gotten into?
Rhio's gone through a lot since the relaunch. She started out confused, lost, and low on resources, hoping mostly to reconnect with people she considered friends. As it turned out, two of those people wound up rejecting her rather thoroughly, which stung, but she's started to rebuild her life despite that fact. In fact, she's probably in a better place now than she was at the end of the prior version. The usual set of love stories, betrayals, alliances, deceptions, and occasional pleasant conversation.

How has your character changed since the game relaunch?
She's gone from having more or less nothing to having quite a bit - an apartment in Gridania, a girlfriend, a small circle of friends, and the prospect of more in the future. She's also nursing quite a bit of newfound bitterness at those she'd expected to reconnect with, although that's not really a change; she's always had a list of enemies.

How is your character adjusting to the five years?
For her part, Rhio is largely doing her best to ignore it. Nel, her lifeline at the transition, treated her mostly as an old friend that had been away for quite some time, and that's how she's treated others that didn't jump forward. There's nothing she can do about it, the world moved on without her, and all she can do is try to fit herself back into the world.

What has been your favorite/most shocking RP moment so far?
When Rhio's current girlfriend asked her out on a date. It was so bracingly unexpected, especially considering how often she finds herself pining after someone rather than being pined for. It was unexpected, it was surprising, it worked perfectly, it allowed for a great deal of character development.

What was the most surprising thing you found out about your character?
How Rhio makes most of her money.

What relationships did your character build?
Lots. Rhio's developed a longtime (if distant) friendship into a romance while at the same time losing two longtime friends. She's also found herself at least two very close friend, with one of them hoping for more and the other quite happy to simply be her confidante. She's also engaged in her usual plethora of backroom deals and built at least a small reputation for that, along with making at least one new enemy.

What are you looking most forward to seeing in the future?
I'd really like Rhio to resolve matters with at least one of her outstanding enemies; I doubt it'll happen, but it would be nice. (Note that "resolve" does not necessarily mean "patch things up.") I'd like her to develop her current relationship and start getting a better sense of where she fits in Eorzea as a whole. She's always been a wanderer, and it's time for her to start putting down firmer roots.

RE: Your character in 2013 - Kailia - 12-27-2013

Let me first start off that I aint a legacy player so some of the questions don't apply Smile

What kind of stories has your character gotten into?

K'ailia finished her conjurer training and went back to the tribe, stopping along the way to Limsa Lominsa, then Ul'dah with her mother. While staying in Ul'dah, she ended up signing up for Ul'dah garden. Returning to the tribe she retook her trial of adulthood, completed it, and suggested the tribe move out of Sagolii desert, an idea that was shot down immediately.

She took many aetheryte trips from the tribe to Ul'dah, and eventually found a white mage soul crystal in the Sunken Temple of Qarn, and began learning as a white mage, applying her knowledge of conjury to it. This got her promoted to Chief Medical Officer in Ul'dah Garden. The tribe then sent her and a scouting party to find a potential new home for the tribe, and things broke down from there. She ended up leaving the tribe, which effected her mother badly, and on top of that her mother was assaulted by Ventus who K'ailia learned a secret about afterwords and began a treatment for his condition, which soon after, he went into a coma making her the new Headmaster.

How has your character changed since the game re-launch?

She's become an independent young woman who has now set out on her own as a white mage, in hopes of securing lasting peace for her tribe.

What has been your favorite RP moment so far?

I think my favorite RP moment was when she along with the rest of Ul'Dah Garden relaxed on the beach of Costa Del Sol, when everyone was getting their swim suits

What was the most shocking RP moment this year?

K'ailia suddenly being put in the headmaster position of Ul'dah Garden. I did not see that coming, not even from an OOC perspective.

What was the most surprising thing you found out about your character?

While she loved her tribe, and I was not expecting her story to develop to her leaving the tribe.

What relationships did your character build?

She ended up building relationships with a couple Keepers of the Moon, and a number of outsiders, but still ended up having a negative relationship to a tribemate that keeps fluctuating between negative and positive.

What are you looking most forward to seeing in the future with your characters growth and story?

I think what I am most looking forward to is her moving to Limsa Lominsa. And hopefully next year, maybe she will consider reconnecting to her old tribe once things settled down.

RE: Your character in 2013 - Roen - 12-27-2013

Oh!  I like this thread!  Smile

Although I too am not a legacy player, so some of the questions do not apply to me either.  I came to Balmung for the roleplay!  I will answer those that I can.

What kind of stories has your character gotten into?
Roen has gotten to know people since her arrival in Ul'dah.  Her own self discovery is happening gradually, but she has come to care for a few people she has met, and that is her current motivation right now for what she does.

How has your character changed since the game re-launch?
At launch, Roen was very quiet, guarded, and kept to herself. Very serious and intent in her goal.  While she is still a very private individual, she has warmed up to more than a few people, even asking for their help on a few occasions.

What has been your favorite RP moment so far?
Oh boy, there are quite a few.  I like the whole range of RP, from quiet talks to dramatic life and death situations (not her own yet).  But recently, it has been those filled with hilarity. Two comes to mind, one with two costumed characters in front of Quicksand, and another IC dungeon run.  I was in tears at times, laughing my head off.

What relationships did your character build?
Quite a few!  These are what drives her story for the moment.  I've found it very satisfying for her to start forming some bonds, coming to regard unexpected people as her friends, mentors, and some even close enough like a sister.

What are you looking most forward to seeing in the future with your character's growth and story?
Definitely her growth.  Unfortunately the gain in power from the game mechanics is too fast for my character's growth.  So despite the fact that Roen may reach 50th level paladin, I will not have her reach that kind of power IC any time soon. I want her growth both in abilities and personal maturity to feel realistic.

I also look forward to exploring elements of her past as well.

RE: Your character in 2013 - ansemaru - 12-27-2013

What kind of stories has your character gotten into? Thus far, most of Aumeric's story has been that of his Free Company, Lansquenet. Since I started playing the game, he's starred in a play as a names-changed-to-protect-the-innocent version of Lucrecia, gotten volunteered to dance half-nude for money (and realized he can't dance), volunteered himself to teach a Miqo'te how to read, and has gotten mistaken for both an Immortal Flames soldier and a Garlean spy while trying to carry out business for his company. As an FC, Lansquenet has tried to flow with the ongoing events of the world- planning on organizing a gambling ring at the Wolves' Den and a bar in the Lavender Beds, as well as ongoing attempts to make their names known as entertainers across Eorzea.

How has your character changed since the game re-launch? 
Well, for Aumeric, re-launch was "launch". He started as innocent and unsure, freshly kidnapped and having trouble interacting with people outside of the FC. But after some conversations and enough time spent around the other members of Lansquenet, as well as a successful show in which he was the co-star, he's become more confident and outgoing. It's also helped him that he's now the senior of several members who've joined Lansquenet since the game's re-launch.

What has been your favorite RP moment so far?
Either the time Aumeric was mistaken for an Immortal Flames soldier at Camp Drybone by an actual Immortal Flame, and got out of suspicion by revealing he was an actor (but not that he was there to steal something), or the time he tried to listen in on a conversation between one of his fellow free company members and a stranger at Camp Bronze Lake and got mistaken for a Garlean Spy. Or maybe the time he accidentally stumbled onto his FC's leader bathing in the hot springs at the Hermit's Hovel. Aumeric really has some rotten luck, but it's one hell of a time RPing the situations that come out of it.

What was the most shocking RP moment this year?
Probably the day when Aumeric got volunteered into dancing by Fenr'ir. It came out of left field and was kind of bewildering and hilarious, but provided a great opportunity for character development. As did the conversation he had with Barbarccia afterwards, in which he gained a bit of perspective on how he felt about his "kidnapping".

What was the most surprising thing you found out about your character?
I didn't expect him to develop feelings for a Miqo'te. That's all I'm saying.

What relationships did your character build? 
He really bonded with the other members of Lansquenet! That's really too many people to list here, but I'm particularly fond of his friendships with Cendrillon Braids and Y'tuma Tia, and the grudging respect/mentorship he's got with Maya Alcor.

What are you looking most forward to seeing in the future with your characters growth and story?
I am particularly excited for the eventual revelation that Aumeric's family organized the whole fake kidnapping that he thought was his gambit to get out from under their thumb, and the crisis that will come from the fact that he was meant to learn to be a criminal, rather than an actor.

RE: Your character in 2013 - Whittledown - 12-27-2013

Fun idea!  Since Hornet was around prior to the re-launch I've just left those Legacy specific questions out.  Here's Hornet's 2013 recap:

What kind of stories has your character gotten into?  Hornet has been kind of all over the place.  She's helped form and grow the Black Lotus Cartel, she's fought pirates to save a merchants daughter, she's plummed the depths of catacombs in search of a corrupted relic, she's stormed a Castrum to rescue a woman that perhaps she shouldn't have tried to rescue in the first place, and all sorts of otherstuff I'm too lazy to write all out.  There has been love!  Heroics!  Hate!  Battle!  Lies!  Betrayal!  It's been a hell of a run for Hornet so far, I'm looking forward to more in 2014!

What has been your favorite RP moment so far? I'm a sucker for a sappy scene so I would have to say it was a private moment between Hornet and Fleeting Dawn.  They were huddled in a small hut in Coerthas and it was the first time they really opened up to one another and it was the beginning of Hornet realizing that her feelings for Fleeting were far more than just friendship and desire.  I did not anticipate Hornet falling in love with anyone but in that moment she fell and fell hard.

What was the most shocking RP moment this year? This would probably be Dennthota's letter to Hornet letting her know that Denn was attacking a Castrum.  This spurred Hornet into action to save her, which Hornet did, and also triggered the collapse of Denn's web of deceit and ultimately resulted in Denn earning the full measure of Hornet's rage.

What was the most surprising thing you found out about your character? Hornet has always thought that there are two types of people in the world to fear, those whose greatest desire is power and those whose greatest desire is love.  And of the two, those who desire love are by far the most dangerous.  When I created Hornet, I had no idea that she would be the sort of person that she herself is most wary of, those who above all else desire love.

What relationships did your character build? Hornet's built a lot of relationships this year.  She's become friends with Gharen, Caleb, Berrod, and Sigyn out at the Grindstone.  She's fallen madly in love with Fleeting Dawn.  Dennthota at first annoyed her, then earned a bit of respect, and now is probably #1 on Hornet's 'To Kill' list.  She's got a new crew with the Black Lotus Cartel and has really enjoyed getting to know all of them and hopes to learn more and more about them in the new year.

What are you looking most forward to seeing in the future with your characters growth and story? Oh jeeze, I'm up for anything.  I'm excited to see how things begin to shake out with Dennthota, how Hornet's relationship with Fleeting will grow, if she'll ever achieve ultimate victory in the Grindstone, and how her relationship with her best friend Anais and the rest of the BLC will play out over the longer term.  I have no idea what's going to happen but I get the feeling that Hornet's in for a hell of a ride.

RE: Your character in 2013 - Naunet - 12-27-2013

(12-27-2013, 02:18 PM)ansemaru Wrote: I am particularly excited for the eventual revelation that Aumeric's family organized the whole fake kidnapping that he thought was his gambit to get out from under their thumb, and the crisis that will come from the fact that he was meant to learn to be a criminal, rather than an actor.

I love what you've done with your character, and I just wanted to say that it sounds like you've got some really great development building in the future. Smile Kudos.

Now, as for Antimony...

What kind of stories has your character gotten into?
Oh lord, where to begin... A string of chance encounters with a couple wanderers (and self-named acolytes of Oschon) led to a strange friendship as well as having to escape a rather unexpected assassination attempt. She's lost employment and regained it in a similar vein, though hopefully with fewer assassins. She continues to nurture a probably unhealthy habit of befriending hobos that happen to wander into her path. About a month ago, she was sent to Ul'dah to investigate the likely corrupt dealings between certain individuals in the Brass Blades and a mafia-like Seeker family, but the whole process has gotten interrupted by various complications, including the revelation that one of her hobo friends is both the grandfather (not by blood) of one of the individuals she's investigating as well as the person responsible for an attempt on said individual's life. There was also the somewhat related incident where she met another wandering vagrant who she's become rather attached to in a motherly sort of way but who ended up almost getting her arrested by antagonizing the previously mentioned individual. Oh! And some of the family she fled from five years ago managed to find her, which opened a whole 'nother can of worms and has led to some... uh, kind of rash decisions, because apparently running from one's problems does not actually solve them. Who'da thunk?

How has your character changed since the game re-launch?
I'm not a legacy player, but I did RP Anti in the betas, so I'll just base my answer off that. And the answer is: she hasn't changed a whole lot, which is actually kind of the point of some of the rp. Still an easily worried and anxious, highly meticulous, lonesome individual. She needs to change, but she's actively refusing, which has caused some significant problems. xD We'll see how that works out.

What has been your favorite RP moment so far?
Ooh that's a tough one... I almost want to cheat and mention the retro-RP I've done (there's been a lot of K tribe rp set pre-Calamity to help us get a handle on how our characters feel and interact with one another), but... that seems like cheating. xD I think it would have to be either the scene in which Antimony's superstitious tendencies (and complete lack of understanding as to what the All Saints' Wake holiday is) got in the way of a practical joke to the annoyance of Megiddo and Ulanan, or the highly emotional conversation she had with K'ile recently.

What was the most shocking RP moment this year?
It actually just happened, and I really didn't expect it because not a scene or two prior, Antimony was making plans (or at least, tentatively suggesting them) that were rather contrary to this moment. Suffice to say, her interactions with family have not gone well, compounded by the stress of work, and she made a decision I really didn't expect her to do that might actually end with her getting fired.... oops.

What was the most surprising thing you found out about your character?
For a while, I thought Antimony was actually satisfied with her mostly solitary existence. I didn't expect her to react so strongly to people.

What relationships did your character build?
She's developed a strong friendship with the estranged lalafell Ulanan, who is strangely overprotective of her. At the same time, she's kind of half-friends with the hobo-assassin Megiddo. I'm not sure if one can call it friends. I mean, he did try to kill her once, and he kind of scares her, but she's also been more than happy to invite him into her home or have friendly chats, so... who knows. xD A while back, she became kind-of-friends with an (ex?) pirate in Limsa... Ah, and to add to her hobo collection, she's become a sort of mother figure for a young, vagrant miqo'te who dreams of becoming a dragoon. She's developed professional relationships as well, with the CRA and the woman who has taken responsibility for her work, Illira Carceri. Old family relations both reignited and then, not long after, were very forcibly shattered. It's been an interesting time for her.

What are you looking most forward to seeing in the future with your character's growth and story?
I'm very interested in how her relations with the K tribe will develop, as well as what might change with her position in the CRA. But in a more specific sense, I'm very much looking forward to continuing the developments that have most recently occurred. Coerthas is a cold place...

RE: Your character in 2013 - Lutra - 12-27-2013

What kind of stories has your character gotten into? 
Rhesh'ir has mainly starred in adventure stories! First, it was happenstance meetings within the Shroud.  Though he is a bard, a socialite among the waywards, he was definitely playing the role of the hermit.  He enjoyed his solitude. But that was practically ripped away from him when he met three young miqo'te, one of which has connections to his past. It's been a long road since then.

Then, he was tricked and kidnapped by an elezen Wood Wailer and hyur conjurer, who tortured him within the adventurer's guild inn within New Gridania.  His friends helped save him, and eventually dealt with the perpetrators. Rhesh'ir wasn't happy about the aftermath.

He also had a near-death experience within the Shroud after leaving the group. It was then that he met the hot tempered faerie, Terpsi. She's been harassing him ever since. (Out of sight, of course.) After that, he relinquished his fate to the ever growing group that he and the others seemed to attract.  He led them through Thanalan, where they, as a group, were taken by a branch of the X tribe and sacrificed to the primal Ifrit by the Amalj'aa.  Through luck and blessings, they defeated the primal and made their escape to Blackbrush.  

It was an easy road to Ul'dah from there, but not mentally. Several of his group, including him,  still suffer from that experience. They have scattered since arriving to the city...

How has your character changed since the game re-launch? 
Rhesh'ir has grown a little more social and open, though most of it has not been by choice.  I think once he realizes that getting help isn't always a burden, it might become a regular thing.

What has been your favorite RP moment so far?
Honestly, there have been so many with different characters, I really can't say.  I am so fortunate to be surrounded by some of the best RPers I've ever known. (<3 you guys!)

What was the most shocking RP moment this year?
Shocking... hmm. 

I'm not sure. Pretty much everything other characters do surprises me in some way or another. You think they'll react one way when, boop! Nope! It's the complete opposite.  That is part of the fun of RP in general, I think.

What was the most surprising thing you found out about your character?
That he is such a troll! He loves to tease people he likes, and mercilessly, at that.

What relationships did your character build? 
For the most part, Rhesh'ir has built "brotherly" type friendships.  He views many of those around him as his new family, only this time he is the elder one, instead of the youngest. Family is something Rhesh'ir has always treasured no matter what part of his story, so this is really very important to him.  He could never go back to being alone now, even if he wanted to.

As for romance, he is not openly pursuing anyone. Mainly, this is out of fear due to a recent story arc. But there is someone special in his heart.

What are you looking most forward to seeing in the future with your characters growth and story?
I am looking forward to him finally becoming the leader he used to be, instead of hiding in the shadows out of fear and uncertainty.  I want to see him become a good, dependable friend, instead of just one that slinks around the sidelines. 

All in all, I am truly enjoying this game, my fellow RPer friends, and my character. This has been one of the best experiences I've ever had, and it can only get better. 

RE: Your character in 2013 - Clover - 12-27-2013

Nice idea! My characters haven't developed too much, but I'll give it a try.

What kind of stories has your character gotten into?

Clover> She moved from Limsa Lominsa to Gridania (where she was born). There, she's been working at the Botany guild. She's made a few friends whose wounds she had to tend. Someone said "I love you" to her for the first time in her life, and she still doesn't know how to react. Lately, she's been pondering to join the Twin Adder, even if the idea scares her.

K'mih> She managed to pass the adulthood test that every 16 years old Miqo'te from her tribe has to do. She's realized that she likes her father too much for her own good. Other than that, she's been living happily in the tribe, playing with her siblings.

How has your character changed since the game re-launch?

Clover> She's still the same girl.

K'mih> She's mostly the same as well, simply more aware of her growing affection for her father.

What has been your favorite RP moment so far?

I can't really pick one. There are many scenes I've enjoyed.

What was the most shocking RP moment this year?

When a boy (whose name I don't know if I should reveal (?) ) confessed his love for Clover. I never expected anyone to develop that kind of interest for her.

What was the most surprising thing you found out about your character?

Clover is a bit more awkward than what I initially expected *laughs*.

What relationships did your character build?

Clover> She's made several friends so far. In most cases, it all started when she healed their wounds the best she could. The friends she's interacted with are: Alana Black (childhood friend), F'yue Tia, Andre Winter, Xydane Vale, and -recently- Schezar Stormbreaker.

K'mih> Albeit she's interacted with a few characters outside her tribe, I can't say she has built anything tangible with any of them. I'm hoping she'll become good friends with her new sister K'tahjha.

What are you looking most forward to seeing in the future with your characters growth and story?

Ummm... I'm RPing in a very relaxed fashion in FFXIV, with no real goals. I guess I'd like to see if there's anything that can have any sort of influence in K'mih's relationship with her sister K'nahli, but other than that, I'm not really looking forward to anything. Perhaps it's because right now I'm more focused on the future of my other non FFXIV RPs, which I'm not taking as casually as this one.

RE: Your character in 2013 - K'nahli - 12-27-2013

What kind of stories has your character gotten into?
K'nahli had the chance to participate lightly in some influential tribal events. Due to the tribe's deteriorating state, a lot of focus has surrounded the future of the tribe, what's the best course of action to take and the varying effects this has had on the individual's state of mind. In addition to this she has visited Ul'dah on one occasion and had the chance to experience the bizzare world of modern civilization.

Andre has taken life rather lightly since having traveled to Gridania. He freely allowed himself to indulge in the Twelveswoods' natural beauty and on one particular occasion found himself aiding in fending of an Ixal attack from which he met a peculiar, young girl named Clover. He has met with her a couple of times after that and finds himself enthralled with the girl's nature and the similarity of certain interests she retains.

How has your character changed since the game re-launch?
K'nahli hasn't changed much at all but that is only natural as she is not one that is easily subsceptible to anything that could impact her life considerably.

Andre is much alike as he began with the exception of finding himself having an unexpected, platonic interest in Clover. He was always a social being but her sense of mystery and love for stories has taken an (OOCly) unprecedented impact on him.

What has been your favorite RP moment so far?

For K'nahli it was probably her very first scene where she got to display her soft side towards K'mih. Her Trial Of Adulthood was coming up and K'nahli was made a little wistful through her sister's words. It was basically said that even if she failed her trial, it would matter little to K'nahli since she wouldn't hesitate to leave all behind her and travel with K'mih to the outside world.
I wasn't expecting to display that side of her so soon and because I also have an OOC affection for K'mih it made me happy to have a slightly, tender scene with her.

For Andre it was probably the last scene that I played with him. It was never finished and barely any tags were posted but it began with a natural flow and I had this calming feeling that allowed me to enjoy it. He had met with his new friend out in the same spot he had previously encountered her by her request. I felt that it was a scene where both Andre and I would learn more about the character and also, because we both share an interest in her, its only natural that I enjoyed it.

What was the most shocking RP moment this year?
When K'nahli's sister revealed that she would feel most comfortable were she to couple with her father as opposed to any other nuhn. The concept was a bit alien to her naive sister and she didn't understand why there was a problem with choosing her father, who was a figure she respected and naturally felt more comfortable around, rather than a random male.

A tia confessing his feelings to K'nahli and expressing his desire to become nuhn with the hopes of claiming her as a partner. She still doesn't fully trust the situation but it was startling nonetheless.

What was the most surprising thing you found out about your character?
K'nahli was a bit more resentful than I had initially conceived and might appear bitter a lot more often.

Andre I was surprised to have found common ground with Clover. I was initially unsure if, because of Clover's quiet personality, she would accept him as a friend/acquaintance but I am actually eager to RP them more and learn more about her character.

What relationships did your character build?

K'nahli became more aware of her emotional dependency on her sister K'mih and has had a revitalized distaste for her father(whom is also K'mih's father) as a result.

Andre, as mentioned already, has had an unexpected hint toward a meaningful friendship with Clover. Other than that, most other scenes seemed to have been forgotten about on the forums, sadly.

What are you looking most forward to seeing in the future with your characters growth and story?

I'd like to see K'nahli's and K'mihs bond tested despite the OOC heartache it would cause me. I am also admittedly curious if she can still develop a love interest after everything that has happened in spite of my firm beliefs that she won't show any consideration toward anyone.

Andre I want to see develop his relations with Clover as well as other people who may bring about memories or links to the reasons he left Ul'dah. He's very casually designed so I have no big plans or goals for him, haha.

RE: Your character in 2013 - Val - 12-27-2013

What kind of stories has your character gotten into? 
   Valhasn't really gotten himself involved in TOO much, mostly due to me being entrenched in school and IRL stuff. However, he's managed to make a few good friends and get himself involved in various FC activities. He went from being a simple bar-hopping mercenary living on the streets/barracks to a full time bodyguard in a home.

How has your character changed since the game re-launch? 
   Val was a pretty unlikable individual. Now, he seems a bit more open to the ideaof at least being approachable. He tends to think a bit before speaking if his significant other is around, though he hasn't quite learned how to do that without her present.

   He was also thoroughlyagainst the idea of a relationship. In fact, he often made fun of or laughed at individuals that had committed to such a thing. Now he finds himself in the midst of one, and quite happy with its arrangements.

What has been your favorite RP moment so far?

   There was a pretty nice post that I made after acertain individual decided to try and kiss Val's significant other that I enjoyed a good bit. My other favorite moments would be when Val was sparring with Siobhain. Those have been my favorite fights so far! The other would have to be when Val and his lady were jumped by a group of Imperials. It was a struggle, and they would have lost had D'artanon not shown up to save the day~

What was the most shocking RP moment this year?
   I believe the most shocking thing, for Val at least,was agreeing to join a FC. He prides himself on freedom and being able to go where he wants, when he wants. He enjoys not being told what to do (unless money is involved--then it's just a job, albeit an annoying one). Agreeing to a commitment of sorts was first a business decision for him; she had money and offered him a place to stay. He grew to like it. Then he was asked to officially "join" them. He disagreed at first and, while he still isn't entirely happy with it, he's making the most of it.

What was the most surprising thing you found out about your character? 
   He likes being in a relationship, and he can be quite the caringindividual when moved enough to do so =|

What relationships did your character build?
   Val made a couple of enemies, the most notably beingTobias. He absolutely cannot stand the individual and would prefer to simply not be in the room with him. The individual he respects the most is Siobhain, she having defeated him in combat on more than one occasion. The other respected individual he knows is Berrod, whom he respects for also defeating him in combat and is more than happy to sit and talk him through whatever troubles or hardships he may be having, despite Val not being the best of people to go to for advice. He is married to Faye and the two seem rather happy together despite their recent hardships with the Garlean Empire. 

What are you looking most forward to seeing in the future with your characters growth and story?
   I don't really have a lot in mind with Val's growth orhis story. He's more or less just there to be a supporting character to other people's stories. If anything, I'd like to see more individuals approach him and he get involved in other people's campaigns/plots/whatever. I think that will allow him to better grow as an individual and be more open to conversing with people.

RE: Your character in 2013 - FreelanceWizard - 12-27-2013

What kind of stories has your character gotten into?

Most of L'yhta's time was spent rebuilding the Ivory Tower from its state in her backstory (seven old spellcasters, all now dead) into a thriving professional organization of mages. As part of that, she helped people gain self-confidence, find a home, open up to others, and struggle with mental issues. She also dabbled a bit in inter-FC politics. Of course, consequently, she never really had much time to do anything for herself, which has led to other problems.

How has your character changed since the game re-launch?

To be honest, L'yhta is becoming more cynical. I've had her on the shelf for a bit for OOC and RL reasons and while I work out the IC implications of things that have happened to her, but she's not reacting well to being pulled in a lot of different directions. I think she may be undergoing what one might call an alignment shift, going from Neutral Good to Chaotic Good (or Scrupulous to Unprincipled or Anarchist, in Palladium terms).

For you Legacy players, how is your character adjusting to the five year thing?

Joke's on you, I don't play any of my 1.x characters. Muahaha. Smile

What has been your favorite RP moment so far?

All of the times -- rare though they may be -- I got to actually do some master/apprentice RP were great. L'yhta's a very Qui-Gon Jinn sort in that regard, which makes the scenes fun; she had one apprentice, for instance, improve his brewing skills and negotiate his brew being sold at a tavern as a way to learn how words can be as powerful as spells.

What was the most shocking RP moment this year?

It wasn't really shocking for me, but L'yhta giving up her position in Mysterium probably shocked a few people.

What was the most surprising thing you found out about your character?

It surprised me the level of caring and niceness she exhibited -- and the degree to which her past continues to bother her. Small setbacks sat and smouldered (after all, being in charge, she couldn't exactly show weakness) and eventually led to her breaking and running off twice. That's not exactly great leadership skills there, but then, those were never supposed to be her strong suit.

What relationships did your character build? Did they meet a new best friends or a bitter rival?

Most of the relationships she created were extremely shallow -- that's really the curse of the FC leader character. She began to forge more complex friendships with a few characters, but then they left her social circle. Alas. She did make a significant rivalry out of a Fellow of Mysterium, which is probably the most complex social relationship she's formed thus far.

That said, there is one elezen she would like to kick in the berries...

What are you looking most forward to seeing in the future with your characters growth and story?

I think it'll be interesting seeing how she deals with, and how others react to, her being more cynical, more snarky, and arguably rebellious against most forms of authority. I'd like to see her have more close friends, some enemies, and have a larger social circle.

Now if only I could have the time in game to do all that.

RE: Your character in 2013 - Lan Darklyn - 12-27-2013

I'm not a legacy player myself but storywise Lan was around for the Calamity.

[*]What kind of stories has your character gotten into?
[*]Not too much in this department yet. Lan has spent a lot of time trying to make sense of the whole time shift thing as well as copeing with the loss of his unit during the battle of the Flatts.Because he blames the Garleans for the Calamity itself he has taken to hunting their soldiers in secret, captureing their scouts and hanging them as his own brand of justice, all in secret of course! And he has recently joined the Ul'Dah Garden, seeking that familar feeling of a "unit" and at the same time looking to learn new things.

[*]How has your character changed since the game re-launch?
[*]Lan started out as a dedicated sword and board soldier but has for the time being retired his sword and sheild in favor of a spear. He has gone from being a protecter to being a more aggressive fighter and a hunter of sorts.
[*]What has been your favorite RP moment so far?
[*]Hmm most likely the last get together at the Coin and Coffin tavern. The folks in The Order of the Sword and the Rose did a great job!

[*]What was the most shocking RP moment this year?
[*]Hmm not sure on this one.

[*]What was the most surprising thing you found out about your character?
Lan has a good tolerance for booze, but for some reason whiskey makes him really hot and he ends up wearing just pants, all other articles of clothing just get strewn about at random as he strips and tries to cool off.

[*]What relationships did your character build?
Lan met a Keeper that sort of help shake him out of his depression. A boistrous Highlander that loves his rum and is always looking for a fight. A young new Headmaster to a school. And a woman who in their first meeting corrrected his posture and told him to lose his turban and find some proper clothes...and he liked it!

[*]What are you looking most forward to seeing in the future with your characters growth and story?
[*]I can't wait to see how Lan changes now that he is a part of the Garden. And I can't wait to see what happens if his secret strikes against the Empire come to light.

RE: Your character in 2013 - LandStander - 12-27-2013

What kind of stories has your character gotten into? 
Dennthota started off as just a side character to help people move their stories along, but she has evolved into her own being now. She reunited with the child of her dead lover which caused her to join the Garlean force. She found herself falling for someone who she would least expect something like that to happen to and even found herself in a love triangle. She betrayed and lied to those close to her and found allies in people she would least expect. 

How has your character changed since the game re-launch? 
Dennthota has always been an antagonistic character so her joining the Garleans was just the kind of something that was destined to happen. They have money, power, and are feared and respected by millions; just the kind of thing that interests her :3. Though I feel like she is becoming a bit more conscious of other people's feelings. She has lost a bit of her wild streak, but still causes enough trouble to keep herself busy. Also she has gotten in touch with her motherly side having had to watch over the young Garlean soldier. 

What has been your favorite RP moment so far?I love good drama and so my most favorite moment was when Remi had captured Denn after she turned Garlean and locked her up to question her. Denn convinced her to loosen the chains and then proceeded to attack Remi, and was making her way out when the "moment" happened. She convinced Denn to stay behind so that she could help her and Denn willingly locked herself back up...

What was the most shocking RP moment this year?
Fleeting Dawn wins this one. She had attacked Dennthota's imperial scouting unit. Denn had no idea who it was as she was attacking using the coverage of the tree's and actually managed to take out the four NPC's in the scouting unit before becoming seriously injured. Once Denn found out it was Fleeting who was attacking them, Fleeting confessed her love to Denn. It literally sent her on a roller coaster and unraveled everything. 

What was the most surprising thing you found out about your character?
Although she is physically tough; I found out that she is very emotionally vulnerable. And even though she comes off as a huge jerk who only cares about herself, she actually has a soft spot buried in there. 

What relationships did your character build?
She has made a lot of friends and I am surprised at how few enemies given her brash and sometimes just straight rude behavior. She even found some love interests which I had never planned for. I kind of gave her a personality to keep relationships at bay, but they found their way to her door anyway, haha. Dennthota has also developed a rivalry with Obsidan Hornet and I have really enjoyed that. I can't wait to see how it all plays out. I have a feeling that it ends up with Denn on the edge of her axe, haha. 

What are you looking most forward to seeing in the future with your characters growth and story?
I am just curious how long she can stay alive,  haha. She seems to constantly find herself in a lot of trouble. I would love to see how the long triangle ends up as well because both parties currently think that the other betrayed them. 

RE: Your character in 2013 - Gharen - 12-28-2013

What kind of stories has your character gotten into? While Gharen has yet to get into any real stories of his own he's been a support in stories for people around him, He left for a month in order to find a cure for a friends sickness and has become a mentor and teacher to others within the grindstone. And is currently embroiled in an a story to maintain the freedom of one of his students who was until recently a slave.

What has been your favorite RP moment so far? My favorite moments have been when other characters start pick and pry at just who Gharen is. Only one character has gotten past the wall he puts up to keep others at arms length but others, especially recently, have found chinks in his armor.

What was the most shocking RP moment this year? I think that Gharen who is quiet, anti social, and doesn't openly approach others very often has managed to make more connections than I really expected him to in such a short time. A moment early on and one more recently with Hornet having left confused and with his guard down.

What was the most surprising thing you found out about your character? This is a tough one. Gharen deep down wants connections and relationships with others but at the same time suppresses that desire and puts up walls to keep everyone out. Like a moth to a flame he seems to unknowingly (and awkwardly) put himself in harms way, physically and emotionally.

What relationships did your character build?Wow.. lets see.. Siobhain, A'khenna, A'nzil, Qaeli, Val, Hornet, Jajara, Roen, just to name a few off the top of my head.

What are you looking most forward to seeing in the future with your characters growth and story? I'd eventually like to see Gharen get over his personal hangups. He was designed to be someone whose world view could be pushed to one direction or another for good or bad based upon the RP events that occur around him.