Hydaelyn Role-Players
Leilani Leilai's Storytelling Circle! - Printable Version

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Leilani Leilai's Storytelling Circle! - Tiergan - 01-09-2014

A cluster of hastily scrawled posters have been tacked up on the walls of every major tavern and pub in Gridania, Limsa Lominsa, and Ul'dah.  It states the following:

Have you a breathtaking story of greatness an' heroism?

Or perhaps a tale of betrayal, mystery, and intrigue?  Have you ever wanted to share your fantastic recountings of epic adventures ...while helping a young bard achieve her greatest dreams at the same time?!

I, Bard Leilani Leilai, invite YOU to my very first Storytelling Circle at Gridania's Mih Khetto's Amphitheatre!!

It is my goal t'be the bestest bard there ever was, but all th'older bards have a leg up on me on account of bein' older and stuff, and knowing more stories.  So that's where you come in!  Tell me your stories and I'll have your greatness RECORDED IN THE ANNALS OF HISTORY THROUGH SONG.

The first eight volunteers t'give me their names will be able to tell me their stories and afterwards, I'll work my magic and them all into th'most beautiful of lyrics.  You'll be able to hear your tales crooned by bards and people in all th'taverns an' bars of Eorzea as they catch on like wildfire! 

Visitors are more than welcome to come and are encouraged t'listen to the stories being told in the spirit of bard-dom!

Hope to see folks there soon! May th'Twelve watch your back!

-- Bard Leilani Leilai

OOC Information

Mih Khetto's Amphitheatre -- Old Gridania
When: Saturday, January 25
                 2PM PST
                 5PM EST
                 10PM GMT

What The Heck Is Going On?: 
Bard Leilani Leilai is looking for 8 awesome people to volunteer as storytellers.

Afterwards, Leilani will take the story told to her, turn it into a song, and send it to the original storyteller.  True, false, it matters not.  You can tell any tale you like and Leilani will make it into a song for you - or at least provide you with a brief snippet of the full song.

People are free to come to the Amphitheatre to listen to the stories as an audience.  However, I am keeping the maximum number of storytellers at 8 to prevent the event from dragging on for a very long time.  If enough people end up wanting to be storytellers, Leilani will host more Storytelling Circles after this one.  (After all, she needs more songs to be th'BESTEST BARD THERE EVER WAS!)

I want to volunteeeeer! What should I do?: 

  1. Make sure to prepare your story beforehand!  That way you can enjoy hearing the stories of others instead of ignoring them as you hastily try to think yours up on the fly. 
  2. Try to keep the story reasonably short!  While we all love reading, the massive Homeric epics should probably be saved for the forums so that the event doesn't start to drag on for three hours. (It's happened before at another event.)
  3. Your story can be about anything!  It can be something your character heard at a bar.  It can be a creative fiction they wrote themselves.  It can be something that happened to your character.  It can be something that happened to another character.  It can be totally made up things that happened to another character's imaginary wife's steel-plated Allagan Space Primal!  Just remember to have fun!
  4. If 8 people have already volunteered by the time you do, you'll be added to the list for the next Storytelling Circle. 
Volunteers So Far

1) Xydane Vale
2) C'rhisi Tohbei
3) Ghalleon Helseth
4) Claire Fialo

RE: Leilani Leilai's Storytelling Circle! - Knight Kat - 01-09-2014

This is an awesome idea Tiergan!

I always work Saturdays during the day though. I wouldn't ever be able to attend Sad
However, I wish you luck with this.

RE: Leilani Leilai's Storytelling Circle! - Tiergan - 01-09-2014

Nooooo :CCC

If this one works out, I'll make sure the next one is not on a Saturday for you. ;_;

RE: Leilani Leilai's Storytelling Circle! - Tla - 01-09-2014

I love you for the time you chose! I'll try to be there in any way - but I'd better leave storytelling to more capable persons!

RE: Leilani Leilai's Storytelling Circle! - Xydane - 01-09-2014

You know what - this is something my character may find amusing. You can count me in! Big Grin

RE: Leilani Leilai's Storytelling Circle! - Tiergan - 01-09-2014

Leilani thanks you for your bravery kindness in being willing to share a tale with her!

RE: Leilani Leilai's Storytelling Circle! - Fates Skein - 01-10-2014

Please sign up C'rhisi Tohbei for this.  I think this event is -perfect- for her. Big Grin

RE: Leilani Leilai's Storytelling Circle! - Tiergan - 01-10-2014


RE: Leilani Leilai's Storytelling Circle! - Tiergan - 01-10-2014

[[A new parchment has appeared beneath the Storytelling Circle Poster]]

"I, Leilani Leilai, have realised that I ought to submit a sample of some of my work to encourage th'masses.

Thus, here is a small excerpt of one of my latest songs The Wulf and the Coeurls, the 100% true story of how Miss Brynhilde Wulf faced off against terrifying foes!"

Lady Brynhilde moved like the wind, fearless before her foes!

She struck down her enemies, that were larger then roes!
Half-man, Half-coeurl, they each fell before her might!
But alas - she was injured at the end of her fight!

That's when Lady Oak came in swift as the breeze!
She summoned Ancient Roe power and saved Brynhilde with ease!
Out came the spear-tip, lodged in Brynhilde's side!
And e'er since has love grown, burnin' brightly inside~.

Next, I'll post up the 100% true story of the Legend of Striding Oak.  [[The words appear to be scribbled out]]  Miss Oak has asked me not to post up the story on account of how everyone probably knows th'tale by now and I needn't share it again. 

Just don't be shy~! Come share a story with me!"

RE: Leilani Leilai's Storytelling Circle! - Clover - 01-10-2014

This is such a cute idea! I wish I could participate.

Well, my character Clover loves tales, this is definitely her thing. However, I'm not an English native and I'm very shy/afraid of messing things up, so I'd rather avoid the storyteller role if we're going to RP ingame. I wonder if random people could come to the event just to hear stories, not to tell them?

RE: Leilani Leilai's Storytelling Circle! - Tiergan - 01-10-2014

Oh definitely!  Leilani The Great encourages an audience. 

I'm sorry if that wasn't clear.  I should probably put that in bold so people don't think they can't come along unless there is a story to tell.

However, don't fret about your English being your second language!  Telling a story might be an excellent way to practice and I'm positive everyone will be very patient with you or Leilani will shank them in their sleep.

Big Grin

RE: Leilani Leilai's Storytelling Circle! - Darkfae - 01-10-2014

OOC Note:
Cross posted to the Dark Embers events calendar. This sounds hilarious, though it's kinda early and a lot of people work and stuff on Saturdays in our group. I hope you get a good turn out though! Moogle

RE: Leilani Leilai's Storytelling Circle! - Tiergan - 01-10-2014

Doh! I'll keep that in mind.  I'm starting to notice several people saying "I would, but not if it was Saturdaaaay. ;_;"

RE: Leilani Leilai's Storytelling Circle! - Tiergan - 01-18-2014

List updated!

RE: Leilani Leilai's Storytelling Circle! - Musemi - 01-18-2014

Such a cool idea Tier! I'd love to put myself on the list please :0) (it's Izzy)

I'm just not sure on which character.... it seems like something Claire would do. So,... yes! Put down Claire Fialo please!