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Wibbly-Wobbly Timey Wimey Stuff - Printable Version

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Wibbly-Wobbly Timey Wimey Stuff - Tiergan - 01-14-2014

From what I understand, the start of ARR was the year 1577.

However, with Heavensturn, technically a new year has started.  Does this mean the year is 1578?

[Edit: I'm basically trying to figure out if Tiergan and Lurial turned 28 or if the game just continues to go with the year being 1577 forever.]

RE: Wibbly-Wobbly Timey Wimey Stuff - John Spiegel - 01-14-2014


1577 is the year ARR starts if you're continuing from the 6th Astral Era.

The 6th Umbral Era started with Bahamut's Big Hissy Fit and
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So depending how you/your group are RPing the game progression, it's either the 6th Year of the 6th Umbral or the 2nd year of the 7th Astral (the switch from 6th Umbral to 7th Astral can be assumed to have just used up the rest of the 6th UE's days or something)

The way SE is doing the big patches shows things are changing... Renevnat's Toll got remodeled, Little Solace... etc. So time is progressing "softly"... as in that the progression of the main story ushers in some changes.

So yeah, it depends on your group and how you're dealing with the main story progression for what year it is....

My peeps more or less are waiting for the first expansion before we RP that the events of the main story happen... and that'll take a few months and various journals of "Oh, I read that some folks smacked Titan down!" and the sort with the creshendo being Archeron and the multiple GC strikes of the Garleans and all that.

RE: Wibbly-Wobbly Timey Wimey Stuff - Tiergan - 01-14-2014

Eras are not a measurement of time.  Astral and Umbral Eras are just names used to denote periods of abundance/disaster.


RE: Wibbly-Wobbly Timey Wimey Stuff - John Spiegel - 01-14-2014

(01-14-2014, 02:22 AM)Tiergan Wrote: Eras are not a measurement of time.  Astral and Umbral Eras are just names used to denote periods of abundance/disaster.


They're marked by years though. 1500 years is not the amount of years ever. 1572 is the amount of years since the start of the 6th Astral Era, which came after the 5th Umbral which was a calamity.

"Eras" can be equated to "Dynasties" more or less. They're a subsection of the time spectrum that may overlap with another societies way of grouping time.

RE: Wibbly-Wobbly Timey Wimey Stuff - Tiergan - 01-14-2014


I understand now. THANKS! Big Grin

RE: Wibbly-Wobbly Timey Wimey Stuff - John Spiegel - 01-14-2014

Yup. Another culture might have a different year for it... same event, though..

The Jewish calender says it's 12th of Sh'vat, 5774. That's clearly not the date convention we use but we're referring to the same day (more or less... I'm not going to learn how the Jewish calender measures time just to explain my point better.)

RE: Wibbly-Wobbly Timey Wimey Stuff - Tiergan - 01-14-2014

So then that means Tier IS a year older than.  Oh balls.  Why must you age with me character? ;_;  Just stay forever youunnnng!

RE: Wibbly-Wobbly Timey Wimey Stuff - Xha'li Moui - 01-14-2014

Unless Teir's nameday is in the first few days of the year he hasn't aged yet.  Xha'li for example will stay 18 till March 28th IIRC by our calender.

RE: Wibbly-Wobbly Timey Wimey Stuff - Naunet - 01-14-2014

(01-14-2014, 10:15 PM)Xha Wrote: Unless Teir's nameday is in the first few days of the year he hasn't aged yet.  Xha'li for example will stay 18 till March 28th IIRC by our calender.

Or at the end of last year. Anti started out 47, but her nameday was in November, so now she's 48.

RE: Wibbly-Wobbly Timey Wimey Stuff - Tiergan - 01-15-2014

Tier and Lurial's birthday was December 1st, so they're technically 28 now.  They were 27 when the game launched.