Hydaelyn Role-Players
Gilgamesh Night Owls? - Printable Version

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Gilgamesh Night Owls? - Leencat - 01-14-2014

I have a work schedule that leaves me getting online around midnight. I'm not fond of it, but can't do much about it. As a result, I find myself up until three or four in the morning. My timezone is EST.

I'm a little shy about getting into RP when I first join a community, but I'm eager to start finding some RP in-game. If anyone else is heavily active to play or RP late at night or around a time that matches midnight in my timezone, I'd be glad to chat and plan some RP.

My character (presently only one) is a Miqo'te Seeker of the Sun named N'arysha Eshir; if you have any questions about her for the sake of planning RP or are just curious, feel free to message me in-game or PM me.

And thank you in advance for any responses!

RE: Gilgamesh Night Owls? - ansemaru - 01-14-2014

M'usually around at those hours. Not always RPing then, since it's sort of the ideal time for me to do solo play after my FC goes to bed, but I'd be up for RP in the wee hours just as much as any other time of day!

EDIT: Aaaand I just remembered that I moved servers to Balmung, and am no longer on Gilgamesh. Curse my reading comprehension and memory levels!

RE: Gilgamesh Night Owls? - Gideon Aryeh - 01-14-2014

I'm on late at night so you can hit me up! Hell I'm actually on right now

RE: Gilgamesh Night Owls? - Chika Ito - 01-14-2014

I'm typically up around midnight to about six am the next day. So if you ever need someone to keep you company shoot me a tell Smile

RE: Gilgamesh Night Owls? - Leencat - 01-14-2014

Thank you so much, adding you all now as I log in-game for a bit. Always welcome to add more people if anyone sees this and wants to reply or add me.

EDIT: Scratch that - I can only apparently try to add someone online.