Hydaelyn Role-Players
[Balmung] In search of a new home and like-minded contacts! - Printable Version

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[Balmung] In search of a new home and like-minded contacts! - Cato - 02-04-2014

I've recently returned to the game after taking a break for a few months to attend to some urgent real life matters. Unfortunately a lot of the role-players that I had befriended and planned out role-play with have since moved on. Some have vanished altogether, others have likely re-rolled and yet more have simply settled in with different crowds that offer what they seek.

Honestly? I feel a little lost. I take my role-play seriously and seek to adhere to the canon lore as closely as possible. I'm not afraid to mix in a bit of humour from time to time and I adore character driven stories that unfold gradually over time. I also like to explore mature themes such as the gritty effects that war and betrayal can have upon someone. So if that sounds appealing, feel free to get in touch!

A word of warning, though, my character has a dark secret. I'm not saying that to sound mysterious, but rather to cover my bases if and when it becomes a plot point and people try to claim that I should have given them warning first. I don't like to fully reveal everything about my character on an OOC level, though. It ruins the element of surprise and dulls the impact of potentially shocking revelations, after all!

I'm looking for both individual role-players and a guild at this point. For individual role-players it should be pretty easy to find a reason to interact with my character if they need the services of someone posing as a mercenary. For guilds, however, I have a strong preference for one that is active, friendly and regularly indulges in the various aspects of the game on both a professional and casual level. As wonderful as the guild I am in now is it appears to have gone inactive and the members are busy dabbling in other MMO's and various multi-player games.

If you have any questions then feel free to ask and I'll do my best to answer them! Thanks for reading!

RE: [Balmung] In search of a new home and like-minded contacts! - Aldotsk - 02-04-2014

Feel always contact me through the game. 

My character is Ellaria Althene if you wish to create connections and possible ideas to shape my FC Smile

RE: [Balmung] In search of a new home and like-minded contacts! - Shaori - 02-04-2014

Welcome back!

I'm still looking to meet as many new people as I can manage, so feel free to chat with me if you're ever interested.  Shaori Starbreeze in game, or even a PM here if you are so inclined.

RE: [Balmung] In search of a new home and like-minded contacts! - Celsius - 02-04-2014

If you'd like, my FC, the Hungry Wolf is looking for members. We're a Shroud based mercenary troupe, so that could work right with your character. We're small right now due to much of what you said your current guild is going through, but we're really trying to actively recruit members. We're even looking for people to help run events and come up with story lines and such. If you're interested, check out our site (hungrywolfacademy.enjin.com), pm me here or in game, or even just check out our LS listing here.

If you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer ^_^

RE: [Balmung] In search of a new home and like-minded contacts! - Evie - 02-04-2014

You're welcome to come and meet Equilibrium. We have a linkshell page here on the RPC or and enjin (equilibriumrp.enjin.com) if you want to look at that. If you want to give us a try let me know either here or in game (/tell Evelyn Strider).

RE: [Balmung] In search of a new home and like-minded contacts! - McBeefâ„¢ - 02-04-2014

If you're ever bored, feel free to come hang out with Natalie in the quicksand. I don't have any really cool plots going on at the moment, but sitting around there and chatting with people is a really good way to expand your circle, and meet people for future contacts. Also Ellaria's and Shizu's FC's are both really cool, so I suggest you at least look into them!

RE: [Balmung] In search of a new home and like-minded contacts! - Siha - 02-04-2014

On the same note as Natalie's post feel free to poke me anytime, my main would probably the best for what you're wanting, I play her steady and she right now may have need for a Mercenary in the future. Not sure but who doesn't these days, ha ha. Anyways, feel free to RP with me anytime, dark secrets don't bother me and my character knows the feeling of spiraling down into some darkness over betrayal and mistrust at the moment maybe they could have a talk about it.

P.S. I can't say about Shizu's FC because I haven't had the pleasure of getting to know them but Ellaria is wonderful and active in her FC, and looking to shape it with some great ideas!

RE: [Balmung] In search of a new home and like-minded contacts! - C'kayah Polaali - 02-04-2014

I've RPed with Aya, who's from Shizu's FC, and she's a big pile of fun.

RE: [Balmung] In search of a new home and like-minded contacts! - LandStander - 02-04-2014

Welcome back! I'm still doing the thing that we talked about (sort of) if you are still interested in that plot.

RE: [Balmung] In search of a new home and like-minded contacts! - Cato - 02-05-2014

Thanks for the responses! I'll get in touch with each of you at some point over the next few days to discuss potential ideas and ways to get some role-play started as soon as we're both able. I'm looking forward to it!

RE: [Balmung] In search of a new home and like-minded contacts! - Darkfae - 02-05-2014

You may want to take a look at Dark Embers. While we're still gathering information from our members to make more personalised plots via our Advanced Character Worksheet (an optional thing we have that basically allows the members to give the storytellers/leadership broader information about their characters to work into the FC story arcs), we plan on rolling out plots that incorporate our members and our RP allies personal stories, as well as the stuff SE provides via the main scenario, class/job, and side quests; as it is right now, members are advancing their own personal plots and they're sort of intersecting anyway, but there's a lot of background work there too. We're actually getting into some stuff that involves more than just our FC here soon, so there's also that. We also try to adhere to the lore as closely as possible, even though a lot of it was made inaccessible in the change over from 1.0 to 2.0 - it's so sad a lot of sites outright scrapped the old quests rather than archived them!

As for personal RP, feel free to nudge me on either of my characters, and if you're looking for any sort of antagonist, I have one of those in the works that is meant to span across multiple individuals and FCs, and potentially work with other antagonists who become interested.

RE: [Balmung] In search of a new home and like-minded contacts! - Roen - 02-06-2014

Welcome back!  It can't be fun to feel lost, especially if you are looking for some RP to sink your teeth into!  

I am just going to echo what Natalie and Siha said.  Big Grin  I would be happy to have Roen run into Theodoric to expand your circle.  She's looking for some Highlanders to question anyways... (er... I am assuming you play a Highlander from your pic)

And if you are playing a Highlander with loyalties to Ala Mhigo... I -might- have a hook for you.

RE: [Balmung] In search of a new home and like-minded contacts! - Steel Wolf - 02-10-2014

*shinku-shoryuken's the thread to the top of the list* 

I'm a newly minted Balmungian myself, and I'm always open to meeting new RP contacts...so count me amongst those willing to take a moment or five out to interact.  :3