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What Is Your Favorite RP Experience? - Printable Version

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What Is Your Favorite RP Experience? - Edgar - 02-17-2014

What can I say? I'm curious.

Allow me to explain the question. Basically, in the history of your Roleplay encounters with other people, which moment was your favorite?

I'll give my favorite as an example.

Essentially, my character, Edgar, had stumbled upon everyone's favorite Lalafell, Jajara Jara outside Drybone. The two had had a bit of a disagreement prior; Edgar and Jara had been talking in his home about Jara's workload and Edgar began to lecture her about it, pointing out that she was in obvious distress over many things, the work being the worst of it, and that she needed help. The way he actually worded it, however, may have come across as far too intrusive and possibly even presumptuous, and she sent him reeling with a bitter response. Edgar, upset by this, ordered her to leave, pointing to the exit as if to say "There's the door."

For a while, the two stayed away from each other, but guilt would begin to claw at the hearts of both.

Back to Drybone, Edgar approached her timidly, and the two began to talk. They apologized for what they had said, but Jara insisted Edgar was in the right. As the conversation continued, the problems Jara was facing were brought up again, and Edgar noticed that she was beginning to break down, little by little. Edgar finally had had enough, and pleaded that Jara stop holding her emotions back and just let it all out.

And so she did. For what must have been the first time in a long, long while, Jara burst into tears. Edgar sat behind her and slowly pulled her in, effectively cradling her against his chest (Ed's not that big, but he's still big enough to coddle a Lala). The time had come for him to repay her for all the moments she had been there for him.

It was a pretty emotional moment, and it set in stone the friendship between the two characters, in my opinion.

So, what was your favorite RP moment? Don't be shy, now.

RE: What Is Your Favorite RP Experience? - TheLastCandle - 02-17-2014

It's.. hard for me to choose a favorite, to be completely honest. From Yvelont meeting Erisande, to becoming Kiht's mentor, to being approached by Vairemont in regards to his past in Ishgard, and the many other interactions in between, I have been blessed with many fun experiences and I hope for many more to come.

RE: What Is Your Favorite RP Experience? - SunKittyEm - 02-17-2014

There was a moment, way back when I first made my character. She had yet to really be firmly established in my mind and though she went around wearing an eyepatch, I wasn't sure for what reason. Maybe it was to hide auspicious mismatched eye colors, disdaining typical Seeker tradition. Or maybe she lost her eye. I wasn't sure.

Until, in a long, long conversation with someone she'd only begun to know, she opened up and told the story. Of being a young miqo'te in a tribe, fascinated by -causing pain- and being cruel to little animals, to fleeing her tribe when their nunh tried to claim her... to the moment when, alone, starved and half mad with it, she cornered and was beating a ceourl(MAN I FUCKING HATE THAT NAME) pup whilst studiously avoiding killing it... and got surprised by its sibling pup and had her eye raked. She continued to describe the days of walking after barely escaping being rounded on and hunted in turn, fleeing from anything big enough to threaten her, too tired and hungry to find sustenance... and stumbled into a village with a conjurer, which just barely managed to save her life and keep the majority of her face from scarring. But when she'd got there, her eye was a black mass of swollen tissue, infected and making her quite feverish. Now, she hides the eye under an eyepatch to spare others the grisly scar tissue underneath.

During that one session of rp, the character changed and solidified in my mind. She became -real- and enjoyable. I remember that moment fondly.

RE: What Is Your Favorite RP Experience? - Clover - 02-17-2014

Um, I have to admit that my favourite RP experience isn't from FFXIV. Not to say I don't enjoy the FFXIV RP; I've just been taking it casually for several reasons (one of them is that this community lacks a common plot, and I haven't been in the mood to make my own like I've done for Bless Online or Blade&Soul), so it hasn't taken over my mind like other RPs have. It's enjoyable and lovely, good to have a nice time, but it's still so casual that it's not the kind of RP my brain has been overwhelmed with.

Anyway, there are many moments I've enjoyed in FFXIV, so I can't really pick a favourite.

RE: What Is Your Favorite RP Experience? - Steel Wolf - 02-17-2014

I'm afraid my moment wasn't in this game, sadly.  I'm still hoping to make some memories here, though.  :3

On point...my moment took place in City of Heroes, in the Mecca for Random that was Atlas Park.  My character, The Midnight Kestrel, was idling about beneath the taint of Atlas' statue, like most tend to do, when another character named The Brunch Ninja, approached out of nowhere for a bit of pickup RP.  The two characters bantered back and forth, as "Brunchie" tried his best to make Kestrel admit that she was, in fact, a ninja, while Kessie became exasperated at his persistence while trying to convince him that she is not a ninja.

I never saw him again after that point, but it was one of those random encounters that Atlas was known for, and it was just so enjoyable and endearing.

...I miss that game.

RE: What Is Your Favorite RP Experience? - Elyscia - 02-17-2014

I met the two loveliest Miqo'lads at the Gold Court and they were a Godsdamned hoot to hang around with. 

One of them was gifting the other a Valentione's present whilst I was waiting for Duty Roulette and I figured to /emote at them for shits and giggles, and surpisingly they came over - and my roulette popped. I thought, "Nah, nah, screw that roulette" and cancelled to continue RP'ing for over two hours with them.

They had amazing synergy just in the way they bantered with one another: I would honestly watch a TV show where they just bitch at each other, and they were fast RP'ers which was a change of pace from how I normally typed, but it was a great oppurtunity and experience and I made new friends.

Tali and Orry, I love you both.

RE: What Is Your Favorite RP Experience? - Kage - 02-17-2014

My favorite moment in this game is making friends IC because it's a daunting task for me both IRL and in-game.

My RP experience is pretty low in general so I'm keeping it in FFXIV experience. This last weekend was really quite enjoyable for me but the best part was the beach party RP when I felt like I had an actual contribution towards some RP other than just having fun conversations with people by helping a friend out. Kage stared into the face of one of his best friends who had just leapt to make a lalafell-kabob out of him when Svara dropped down into the sky as our group OOCly said "Svara incoming!" Then I had to take my place after our group smashed Svara out of Steel Vigil to see if Kage was going to get impaled on a lance or not. It felt like I had actually had achieved something substantial once the arc was over. The process was rocky but in my opinion it came out well. Kage became more real to me than he had ever felt before.

RE: What Is Your Favorite RP Experience? - Roen - 02-17-2014


Well, being that I am relatively new to FFXIV, but been RPing for over 15 years, my favorite RP experience is not from this game.  And there are so many... hmm.

Well I'll list my very first truly emotionally charged game with my first D&D character, it certainly ranks up there.  She was a selfish gypsy mage who had fallen in love with a selfless paladin.  He of course, charging into battle to save innocents against a foe he could not win against, died (friggin' paladins).  His body was hung up on a stake as a cruel display of the tribal leader's power.

This sight was too much for my character to bear.  Her love had influenced her to be good and do good, but with his death and the grisly display, she lost it.  She fireballed the entire camp again and again in trying to kill the leader, but caught everyone else there as well, women and children alike.  She killed them all.

The paladin was returned to life by the grace of his god, but when he discovered what she had done, he was horrified and turned her away.  And seeing it through his eyes, she felt ashamed too.  She returned to the burned remnants of where the camp once stood, and wept there alone.

Now I have not had such emotionally charged scenes in FFXIV.  At least, not yet.  I've only known this game and Roen in it for a few months, and I like for things to develop organically.  There have been some really great scenes in between characters, ranging from touching, to somber, to just plain creepy. I've enjoyed them all.

RE: What Is Your Favorite RP Experience? - TheLastCandle - 02-17-2014

I assumed the topic was FFXIV, but if we're extending it to all RP - well, I've been at this since about 1995, so I have a ton of games to draw from. Mine would have to be in a text-based game I played for many years called GemStone III (now GemStone IV) in which I played a warrior of the Order of Voln, which was a loosely religious society devoted to hunting the undead.

In this game they had just implemented a new Paladin class, and they were allowing Warriors and Clerics a one-time class change to the new class, recognizing that many of these had RPed their characters as sort of Paladins before the class was created. GS also had a system in place by which you could choose a deity, and the only way it could be changed after that one-time setting was a very lengthy conversion process. And so I decided to use this to RP my character's change from a Warrior of Kai (the god of war) to a full-fledged Paladin of Voln, devoted to releasing the souls of the undead.

This was at a time when GemStone had upwards of 1000 people online during peak hours. RP was encouraged via GM-granted rewards and public OOC talk was policed by game staff, so virtually everyone in the game RPed to some degree. To convert to Voln, I had to essentially make a pilgrimage across the game's world seeking out various clerics of good-aligned deities to cast their blessings on a suitably rare uncut diamond, which would then be offered at a holy shrine of Voln to complete the quest.

At any rate, the players I met through this little quest I gave myself were fascinated with the idea, and many of them didn't even realize that it was possible to convert to a different god this way. They threw themselves into the RP, a GM took notice, and he decided to run a little quest of his own centered on the idea. The whole thing ended up with myself and the other players involved getting custom titles for our characters, a new bastard sword that would flare with white-hot flames against undead (admittedly, not an ultra-powerful weapon - but flavorful and badass; I never stopped using it), "an onyx pendant inset with an ivory shield" which was the god's symbol, and of course my character's conversion to a Paladin of Voln.

You see Master Teveriel Anduin Vaalor the Justicar of Voln.
He appears to be an Elf.
He is tall and appears to be mature. He has brooding steel grey eyes and fair skin. He has shoulder length, straight silver blonde hair swept back from the temples. He has an angular face and broad shoulders.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a split-visored elven close helm, a somber black hooded longcloak, an old villswood greatshield slung over his shoulder, a full suit of brightly polished steel platemail, an ebon-veined white marble band, a mithril-buckled leather swordbelt with an antiquated black lacquered scabbard, a small leather medical kit, a drawstring leather gem pouch, some black wool pants, and some heavy black leather boots.

RE: What Is Your Favorite RP Experience? - R'tali - 02-17-2014

(02-17-2014, 11:41 AM)Elyscia Wrote: I met the two loveliest Miqo'lads at the Gold Court and they were a Godsdamned hoot to hang around with. 

One of them was gifting the other a Valentione's present whilst I was waiting for Duty Roulette and I figured to /emote at them for shits and giggles, and surpisingly they came over - and my roulette popped. I thought, "Nah, nah, screw that roulette" and cancelled to continue RP'ing for over two hours with them.

They had amazing synergy just in the way they bantered with one another: I would honestly watch a TV show where they just bitch at each other, and they were fast RP'ers which was a change of pace from how I normally typed, but it was a great oppurtunity and experience and I made new friends.

Tali and Orry, I love you both.

Elyscia, you really are the sweetest thing! Your interaction has really helped us with not being shy to engage people in walk-ups. You really were our first break-through in RP with people we hadn't already talked to through forums, etc. Tali trying to give Elyscia romance advice was honestly one of the most hilarious RP moments I've ever had.

So maybe I'm kind of a cheater for mentioning two different RP experiences, but whatever. For me, one of the most memorable moments I had was in Gridania, when my character, Tali, was injured, and his companion, Orumloix, was even worse off.

As vagabonds, R'tali and Orumloix travel a lot from place to place, and Tali was complaining that he couldn't defend or care for Orum properly being so injured. Orum said something like, "Tali, you care for me like my own mum did" to try and make him feel better.

It should probably be noted that Orumloix's mother abandoned him as a child out near a rapid and nearly got him killed, so all Tali said in response was, " . . . your mother left you in a river."

I honestly have no idea why that moment stuck with me as it did, but we laughed so hard that it became one of our favourite moments together. That I could have so much fun with just day-to-day conversation, without worrying about end-all, be-all doomsday storylines, really was a reminder of why I love to RP so much.

RE: What Is Your Favorite RP Experience? - Asgarn - 02-17-2014

Now, there are three main RP experiences that really jump out to me. Two with comedic value, one which was more of a tear jerker. Here's the twist: None of them were from FFXIV (though I hope to make some). They were from, bare with me, Star Wars: The Old Republic and World of Warcraft.

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We are taken, again, to World of Warcraft. I won't go in to too much detail of this event, but just picture this:

A fully grown, robed Orc with an angry female Goblin attached to his face. She was clawing at him and truly making Gorthek her bitch. She only got off when he set fire to her ass and she was forced to run away in to the nearest river.

Aaaaand those are the three that spring to mind. Here's to memories being made in FFXIV! Moogle

RE: What Is Your Favorite RP Experience? - McBeefâ„¢ - 02-17-2014

This game is the first game (besides pen and paper), that I've ever RPed in, so I don't really have anything to compare it to. However every day seems to just be... more amazing than the day before, as I meet more and more people, and develop my character more.

My overall favorite experience though, would have to be during a crime RP. My character played a sultansworn, and she was interrogating someone, however neither of them knew how much the other knew. It ended with both characters essentially stripping themselves bare to the other, and really made me realize what RP is all about. Neither of us had spoken OOC about what was going to happen either, so it really stuck with me, the way it unfolded.

(02-17-2014, 11:57 AM)ExKage Wrote: Kage stared into the face of one of his best friends who had just leapt to make a lalafell-kabob out of him when Svara dropped down into the sky as our group OOCly said "Svara incoming!" Then I had to take my place after our group smashed Svara out of Steel Vigil to see if Kage was going to get impaled on a lance or not. It felt like I had actually had achieved something substantial once the arc was over. The process was rocky but in my opinion it came out well. Kage became more real to me than he had ever felt before.

That was amazing, it's like all 10 of us just turned around and glared at Svara, "Don't you dare interrupt this moment!".

RE: What Is Your Favorite RP Experience? - cuideag - 02-17-2014

I'll stick with one that's in this game.

So my FC and I were doing this DMed RP event with rolls and such. Essentially, GOLEMS! Big bad golems were trying to gun us down. Our group got split up so it was one team trying to get back with the other team and, well, the team that had Jajara on it was basically carrying dead weight cause all she did was basically stand around and panic.

Then on one turn she decided that SHE HAD HAD ENOUGH.

[Image: THE_HAMMER.png]

BOOYEAH. And so rumors of Jajara Jara's proficiency with knocking the heck out of things with a hammer were born.

RE: What Is Your Favorite RP Experience? - Rosekitten - 02-17-2014

I'm only sad that my favorite moment happened with someone who I rarely see in game let alone on that character. But never the less...

It was a Lalafell of all things. A young female who had not a clue of the world outside of her reading. The first run in with the characters had the young lalafell asking if the scars were from some abusive relationship seeing as my character was a smart mouth and blurted out that she had gotten them from falling down some stairs (an attempt to be boring and to prevent further questions). 

The second run in of the two was where the more entertaining conversation happened. This Lalafell being innocent and unknowing of the world hardly had a clue as to what she was talking about as she was at the Coin and Coffer (forgive me if I have this name mixed with another) with a sprained ankle and still needing to get to Ul'dah. 

At this time my character was still dressing as a male to hide her true identity and trying to prevent her own mouth from corrupting the poor lass' ears. The young girl tried to plead and offer payment for a ride to Ul'dah or rather being carried. Of course the answer was no at firs. All the way till the miswording of things from the other.

Something along the lines that the man at the docks was willing to pay the woman there for a ride... Of course the context of this was hardly the same by any means as my character soon gave up on trying to explain what the pair she had seen at the docks had in mind without having o explain a whole nothing subject she frankly didn't want to touch on. 

To say the least the Lalafell got her ride or help in getting to Ul'dah an my character earned a name of Egburt for gods know why the Lalafell said she wanted to name her chocobo if she ever were to get one Egburt. The two once more parted ways with the last bit of advice from my character telling the young girl to not accept money from folk if they offered it in this city, actually it was more of advice to avoid contact with folk in the city as much as possible actually. 

But that is the end of that tale, nothing too extreme or epic but at the time I was cracking up and I did a half finished sketch of the outcome of the lalfaell being carried... more or less the whole bit had me cracking up reading these two try to interact when my character is known to be a bit blunt or brutish with how she words things.

RE: What Is Your Favorite RP Experience? - ArmachiA - 02-18-2014

My favorite scene in this game was between Sindl/Armi/Darien in which they tried to teach Sindl how to bake cupcakes so Armi could throw them at Stanzie in petty revenge! It was a dumb scene, and was really fluff honestly, but after the kidnappings, stabbings, running from Garleans, being used as Garlean test subjects, in-fighting, and drama, it was the only scene in months where they actually had time to take a breath, focus down and connect to each other on a normal level.

It was good to see the three just... get along. Once. For no other reason then to just spend some time with each other. I enjoy their Nice, Mean, and Inbetween thing a lot.