Hydaelyn Role-Players
Incoming... - Printable Version

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Incoming... - Ignacius - 02-20-2014

Hi, I'm Vic, and I play Orleans Ignacius.

I literally just picked up the game last weekend.  Brother beta tested the original and my other brother picked up the original in retail, both said the game was horrible.  It sort of tainted my taste for the revision, especially considering my background (more on that later).  But I had some spare money laying around, heard in another forum that ARR was good, and tried it.  I've been entertained, enough that I'm probably going to get myself a subscription and start putting down some roots.  The game's great, though I haven't really had a chance to RP in-game yet.  Luckily, I found this place, found out there was a server with a large RP community, and started on Gilgamesh.

My RP background, as opposed to my FFXIV background, is pretty long.  I started RPing on BBS games like Legend of the Red Dragon a long time ago, and my first board game was Dragonstrike.  I did book gaming for a while, both White Wolf's litany of games as well as a lot of Shadowrun back in the day, but I really got into forum RP.  I ran a thread about a city called Volins on Yahoo IM some ten to twelve years ago, and I recall it fondly.  I still tend to be pretty long and descriptive when I post, so fair warning.

As far as games go, I actually RPed in FFXI for a while (as Ignatius) before switching to WoW during its vanilla phase.  I've been playing it ever since an RPing in it fairly extensively.  Lately, I've had an itch to try other games, so I tried EVE Online.  I RPed a lot there, but I wasn't as big of a fan of the game.  Hence my coming here and to FFXIV; I like the game and the community seems nice, so why pay a subscription for a community I like and a game I dislike?

IRL, I'm an architectural designer in Columbus, OH, happily married with a pair of dogs.  I design hospitals and health care facilities mostly, though I'm randomly working on a television studio.  Since the crash, we've been liable to take what we get and not worry about specialization so much.  I'm also into playing bass and I really love music, so I will probably talk about that a lot at inappropriate times.

I suppose the only question I have coming out of the box is if there is a place to post character information for public perusal?

Anyway, hello everyone!

RE: Incoming... - Olofantur - 02-20-2014

Hello Vic! welcome to the RPC!

The place to post character information would be the wiki character profiles section [if you're looking to share and host data] or in the Roleplaying subforum if you're looking for discussion on the character. [wiki: http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/wiki/index.php?title=Category:Player_Character feel free to browse and snag a template from some of the other submissions!]

Great to hear you have a lot of Roleplaying experiance, might I ask what server you played on in WoW? my main was Steamwheedle Cartel with a few alts between Wyrmrest and Twisting Nether. My experiences there were pretty long and I enjoyed it a lot, really helped solidify my desire to RP in MMOs.

On the table top side, do you still play much Shadowrun? excited for the game [bauldersgate style] expansion release?

Aside from the questions i've got a few links i'd like to share, you've likely encountered this information elsewhere or already have a pretty good idea of what they have, but just in case!
This is a welcome post to all new players on behalf of the RPC, taking a look through it you'll find some information on the community itself, some of the resources, and a few key members. One of the notable tools is the even calendar, and since i've mentioned it:

That entry is for the coming Saturday and it looks like theres two events occurring on Gilgamesh you could check out.

If you'd like to brush up on your RP terms, just want to see how some other people are going about things, or want to know more about some Eorzea specific situations the Roleplay Handbook by Eva is an excellent resource:
[spoiler tag at the top hides the index so you can skip to the areas you find particularly interesting.]

But onto the communities! Looking at the linkshell hall and meeting the people in game is far and above the best way to find the right fit [particularly since i'm not on Gilgamesh much], but i've got two linkshells I like to share as a kind of "example" as well as being two that get a decent amount of traction with new and old players alike.

"Coalition" being an OOC chat hub for roleplayers of all different styles and times. A great place to just listen in and figure out who is where, doing what.

Where as "Limitless Sky" is an IC hub, for your character themselves to get to know other citizens of the great cities.

Hope I haven't bored you to tears, twelve knows I can go on and on. Please remember that the RPC is here to help, answer questions, serve as a place to air opinions and garner advice. Plenty of people will be willing to help you along your way, myself included.

Good luck out there! Cactuar

RE: Incoming... - Ignacius - 02-20-2014

Well, let's see, I'm tenured in WoW.  I started Alliance on Emerald Dream, then Horde on Steamwheedle Cartel (my main was Anatsumiro and I was in the <Skulldance Clan>), moved my Alliance to Thorium Brotherhood for a while (Zumoktaga in the <Forgotten Order>), then Alliance to Moon Guard where I was in a few guilds and ran one as Zumoktaga or Jasuun, then Horde moved to Wyrmrest Accord with the Skulldance Clan last year on Anatsumiro et al.  I still play now and again, I just haven't had the time to really drive for recruitment, so my guild has desiccated.  C'est la vie, I guess.

I actually don't play any tabletop anymore, though I try to keep up on the SOTA in Shadowrun.  I'm trying to pick up the new edition since I heard it was a real improvement from the last one, but it's hard to have the same involvement when RL takes up so much of my time.  As far as the games go, I'm not a big fan.  Shadowrun is such a BIG universe that, to make a worthwhile MMO, you'd need to have flawless gun combat, flawless magic combat, flawless melee combat, flawless driving combat, and a flawless decking simulator, at least, and they'd all need to operate together equally flawlessly.  I highly doubt anyone these days has the personnel to pull that off.  It would be, without a doubt, the most ambitious game ever made.

We'll see what the future holds.

Thanks for the links, though!  I'll probably look into free companies and linkshells after I'm a bit better settled in the game.  I'm looking forward to it, though.  I just have to get use to the ALT+Rs and the "...bound by duty..."s before I can try to focus on RPing while I run around.  I did want to drop in and get a look at the community, though.

RE: Incoming... - T'shina - 02-20-2014

Hello and welcome to the Gilgamesh Community! I'm Althena from Black Sun Academy and many within our Free Company are great with answering questions if you ever see any of us running around.

One of the ways to get yourself implemented into the RP community is to attend the events. This Saturday there is a Tavern Night being hosted by the Echo Knights like they do every month. There is always a great turn out and RP to be found. So I would definitely suggest going there. If you aren't up to level by that point go ahead and ask someone for help getting there. I'm sure that people will be happy to help.

RE: Incoming... - Olofantur - 02-20-2014

(02-20-2014, 08:37 PM)Ignacius Wrote: Well, let's see, I'm tenured in WoW.  I started Alliance on Emerald Dream, then Horde on Steamwheedle Cartel -snip-  C'est la vie, I guess.

Oh wow quite the resume! I was horde side on Steemwheedle as "Rattlejaw" a Undead Mage, as well as having a troll alt, then on WRA I did alliance [I really wanted to try a Gnome rogue/engi], Twisting Nether was more for shennaniganz with a IRL friend who played there. I haven't played since just after Deathwings release in Cata, and even then it was pretty sparse, a lot of people I had played with were either moving to other games or dropping it completely, which I could understand.

(02-20-2014, 08:37 PM)Ignacius Wrote: I actually don't play any tabletop anymore, though I try to keep up on the SOTA in Shadowrun. -snip-

Oh I totally understand that to make it an MMO would be daunting indeed, I almost don't want them to ruin it [i'm a bit bitter about Neverwinter, and DDO was... interesting.] I think the bauldersgate style adaptation is a decent distillation, but it certainly isn't a "pure" experience. [though can anything really live up to those kinds of grand adventures? Heck binding air elementals to a sailing ship then reinforcing it and enchanting it to fly is almost 'common' in Pathfinder at this point.]

(02-20-2014, 08:37 PM)Ignacius Wrote: Thanks for the links, though!  I'll probably look into free companies and linkshells after I'm a bit better settled in the game.  I'm looking forward to it, though.  I just have to get use to the ALT+Rs and the "...bound by duty..."s before I can try to focus on RPing while I run around.  I did want to drop in and get a look at the community, though.

Nooooo problem! as a note you can communicate in linkshells and free companies even when you're "bound by duty", though you might already know that... either way! Glad to see you're interested!

RE: Incoming... - Ignacius - 02-20-2014

Thanks Althena, I'll try to be there, though if I'm not at level I'll probably work on getting to the right level.  I think it'd be more of a challenge just to find the place. Laugh
And WoW... I actually really liked the Pandaria expansion.  It was a lot of fun.  I just know Blizzard probably isn't going to release the next expansion for a while.  A lot of my old friends have left and my guilds are kind of dead, so I don't have as much tying me to the game.  I figured it would be a good time to try new games.  EVE was a bit of a disappointment, but FFXIV is entertaining, if it's making my rig show its age.  I'd start swapping parts, but my current motherboard is pretty well maxed and I'll need a new core system to catch up to the SOTA.

RE: Incoming... - TheShii - 02-21-2014

Howdy! make yourself at home!

RE: Incoming... - Mippa - 02-21-2014

Welcome Vic! Glad to see more players joining FFXIV still, and even happier to see more Gilgamesh peeps! 

I play Framboise Zakuro in-game, and would be happy to help you get better acquainted! (As I'm sure can be said of just about anyone here!) We have lots of fun events planned out for March on the Gilgamesh server as far as RP goes, so take a peek at the Event Calendar and maybe the Linkshell Hall and see what strikes your fancy! Hope to see you around!