Hydaelyn Role-Players
Arianne Beaudonet - Printable Version

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Arianne Beaudonet - Arianne Beaudonet - 03-20-2014

I. Basic Info
  • Characters: Arianne Beaudonet
  • Primary character: Arianne Beaudonet

  • Linkshells: All Ears
  • Primary RP linkshell: none currently.

II. RP Style
  • Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy): Heavy, definitely. It's why I play MMO's, for the story and the roleplay.

  • Views on RP combat and injuries: I don't mind roleplay combat so long as it is fair for all parties involved. Metagaming and godmodding are big no no's as far as I'm concerned. No one is all powerful, everyone has a weakness, including my own characters. Leaving emotes open ended so that the other person can decide how their own character will react is common courtesy. If all else fails, I have seen the use of random die roll in game to help keep things fair work quite well in the past. As far as injuries go, I know we are part of a world where magic heals, but there isn't a finger-wiggling healer type around every corner. Injuries will happen. A healer tends to be my favored class in most MMO's and I always leave it up to the person I am caring for on how recovered or scarred they wish to be. Sometimes injuries can make for an exciting story.

  • Views on IC romance: It isn't the only thing I enjoy rping, but I do enjoy a good romances as long as the relationship blossom's naturally. I'm not one that likes to overplan that kind of rp connection in advance. In the past when I have tried to set up characters oocly, it has felt forced and was not fun for either of us. Romances can add a lot of depth and character to personal roleplays.

  • Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc): These kind of ties obviously need a bit more planning and I am all for it. I'm open to those kind of ties with any of my characters and welcome anyone to contact me if they think one of my characters would fit into their roleplay. Friendships, adversaries, etc., are an integral part of helping a character develop and grow. Some of my greatest roleplays have been with others that were close friends, family or enemies of my character.

  • Views on lore: I do my best to stick to the lore of the game I am playing. I am a bit of a lore junkie and enjoy finding out all I can, but I'm pretty open minded and accepting and don't force my views on others.

  • Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc): I am IC in say and if I do need to say something ooc, I place (( )) around the text. Tells depend on who I am talking to. Generally they are ooc unless I am roleplaying with someone in tells. If I am unsure what they are use to in tells, I will use (( )) for ooc. As far as linkshells, FC and party chat, I go with whatever the channel is being used for at that time.

III. Other Info
  • Country: United States
  • Timezone: Central Timezone, though I am a mom of a little one, so I tend to be a bit later getting online (9pm central) and stay up fairly late. I also tend to be on during the day quite a bit.
  • Contact info: A PM here or a tell in game are the best way to get a hold of me. I'm a bit more private with my IM/Skype info, so if you want that, you'll have to ask.

~Special announcements can be found in the posts below~

RE: Arianne & Arielle Beaudonet - Candor - 03-20-2014

I just wanted to take a moment to welcome Arielle back to the RP scene.

Welcome back, Arielle!

I also had the pleasure of RPing with her Arianne character recently and she was an absolute delight, with good, well written posts, and a very friendly OOC attitude regarding the RP situation.

Arielle is definitely a wonderful addition to our already great RP crowd.