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Would someone be willing to be queen for a day? - Printable Version

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Would someone be willing to be queen for a day? - Erik Mynhier - 03-26-2014

Ok this sort of has to do with the Royal Ball, but is also separate too. A friend I was telling about the Ball wished that we could do it near NPCs so the Sultana could be there. This Ball you see is IC the Sultana's Ball, us Sworn are just facilitating and hosting. It is odd to have a party I guess and not have the one there that is throwing or paying for it. So here is what I propose.

We need a volunteer to play the part of Her Highness. Now I know what your're thinking, playing nobility, godmode, so on. But just this once, just for a little fun, lets toss the rules out the window, just for the dance. If a majority of people do not get out their torches and pitchforks to kill me, and can mostly agree that, just this once, we can ignore the RP nono rules (see what I did there), and have someone play the part of the Sultana to mingle with the guests of her Ball. Not run your rp, or overpower, just to walk around and add to the fun of this thing.

If you are interested in making a Sultana alt for the Ball, please post your interest here with your main account so we can all know what is happening and so there will be no fear of godmoding as we will know you most likely.

Just give me some feedback and let me know what you all think before we move further.

RE: Would someone be willing to be queen for a day? - Sophia_Grave - 03-26-2014

This would be a great idea; just has to be the right person. She isn't shown very often so there's not much personality to go off of, but if successful it would add a LOT to the event.

Good luck!

RE: Would someone be willing to be queen for a day? - Erik Mynhier - 03-26-2014

So the name Nanamo Ul'namo was available, so since I posted this I didn't want a troll lurking about try and grab thee name, so I did. When someone is found I'll delete the character on my end to unlock the name. Otherwise I'll just delete it after the Ball since I have no interest in keeping it.

RE: Would someone be willing to be queen for a day? - Erik Mynhier - 03-26-2014

It was brought to my attention that some may wish to take this role for the Ball, but do not wish to publicly state that due to the pressure of wielding such a character. So if you would like to remain anonymous, since such a thing is touchy, it will be allowed. However due to the delicate nature of the character, any applicant who wishes to remain anonymous will be reviewed and must be approved by both Natalie Mcbeef, and myself. This heavy handedness is unfortunate but necessary to ensure that the best time will be had and nothing goes wrong.

RE: Would someone be willing to be queen for a day? - McBeefâ„¢ - 03-26-2014

Erik this is a most excellent idea, although we're going to have to actually do our jobs as sultansworn for once! Although actually standing around and guarding the Sultana sounds way more fun than it should be...

Edit: As a side note, while the Sultana will not be abusing her power, she will be playing an NPC that needs to stay alive. So Erik, my fellow sultansworn, and myself, will all be power gaming to keep her alive. If this happens and someone tries to stab the sultana, sorry, it's not going to work. Of course I'm not saying people can't get up to any shenanigans, but if your goal is to kill nanamo, go into it knowing it's a losing battle. As long as people don't explicitly try to kill nanamo, then you have nothing to worry about, everyone else is fair game! Although I don't really expect any trouble.

RE: Would someone be willing to be queen for a day? - ArmachiA - 03-26-2014

I would totally do it if I had a character slot open, I don't think it's unreasonable to want an NPC there since it's just a cameo and not someones main.

I can totally see Dennthota planning something against the Sultana right this second....


RE: Would someone be willing to be queen for a day? - Sophia_Grave - 03-26-2014

(03-26-2014, 05:19 AM)ArmachiA Wrote: I would totally do it if I had a character slot open, I don't think it's unreasonable to want an NPC there since it's just a cameo and not someones main.

I can totally see Dennthota planning something against the Sultana right this second....

Totally seconded. Denn! Get in here! :V

RE: Would someone be willing to be queen for a day? - Blue - 03-26-2014

Don't forget to find an Highlander to RP Nanamo's favorite perch Laugh, my friends and I always make jokes about Raubhan feeding the Sultana with crackers when no one's watching.

RE: Would someone be willing to be queen for a day? - Erik Mynhier - 03-26-2014

Powergaming won't be necessary really. I should state here even though I wanted it to be a surprise, but there will be bad-aligned people there, but the rules have been agreed upon. There will be no direct threats to Her Highness or anyone there, good or bad. We will be guarding the Sultana, but no one is to attack at the even, and no good guys are to attack/arrest/engage directly. It is primarily an event of fun, not adventure. Other wise it may get out of hand, you understand.

RE: Would someone be willing to be queen for a day? - Kage - 03-26-2014

(03-26-2014, 10:44 AM)Blue Wrote: Don't forget to find an Highlander to RP Nanamo's favorite perch Laugh, my friends and I always make jokes about Raubhan feeding the Sultana with crackers when no one's watching.
This. Please.

@Erik I believe it's just a note of caution regarding those 'bad' that are un-related to those events. After all, the Sultana and even Ul'dah itself has many enemies. Can't forget the monetarists and the Syndicate who may find this too good a chance to pass up... or bandits.. etc.

RE: Would someone be willing to be queen for a day? - Flickering Ember - 03-26-2014

I completely support this. 

I'm not volunteering as I can't see myself as being able to fulfill the role very well but I love that you are doing this. MMO-based RP is my favorite style of RP but I often recognize that there are some big hurdles and flaws concerning this style of RP. In other forms of RP, tabletop specifically, we have DMs who assume the roles of NPCs in an ever-changing world. But because there is no DM making the NPCs act out, the game environments of MMOs can sometimes feel static, stale, and lifeless. NPCs as they are in MMOs don't contribute to anything or interact with us which is why sometimes players just flat out ignore them. 

This is all to build up to me saying that I find it fantastic when someone temporarily assumes the NPC role of, well, anyone because they are helping make the RP of the game feel more alive. And it's not like anyone is trying to claim ownership of that character.

RE: Would someone be willing to be queen for a day? - Erik Mynhier - 03-26-2014

We have a few canidates at this time. I also would like to put forward do to the positive responces that if this part of it goes well and doesn't blowup in our faces, the person assuming the role will be asked to retain the alt for future events. Just imagine some of the player run events in Ul'dah and how they would benefit from access to the "living NPC" of Her Highness.

I am very happy for all the positive replies.

RE: Would someone be willing to be queen for a day? - Clover - 03-26-2014

(03-26-2014, 11:04 AM)Flickering Ember Wrote: But because there is no DM making the NPCs act out, the game environments of MMOs can sometimes feel static, stale, and lifeless. NPCs as they are in MMOs don't contribute to anything or interact with us which is why sometimes players just flat out ignore them. 
This is exactly my problem with RPing in big communities. Nothing *really* happens in the world. The last occurrence that could make our characters react was the Calamity 5 years ago; there's nothing beyond that because the game story doesn't work for most, and I guess it'd be very difficult to coordinate many people into believing in a common story that could affect everyone.

I know small group of friends can come up with their own plot, but wouldn't it be nice if actual new events were happening in the world as a whole? ;_;

I agree that the use of that NPC in this event is a wonderful idea. It makes the world more alive, and it makes the players feel more involved in the real Eorzea.

RE: Would someone be willing to be queen for a day? - Roen - 03-26-2014

Well, I might have someone I could have pulled in to do this. Because that player LOVES to play NPCs. But if you already have candidates, no worries! I'd only ask the player to do it if you had no one else to fill the role. 

I think it is a great idea though. Smile

RE: Would someone be willing to be queen for a day? - Erik Mynhier - 03-26-2014

(03-26-2014, 11:31 AM)Clover Wrote:
(03-26-2014, 11:04 AM)Flickering Ember Wrote: But because there is no DM making the NPCs act out, the game environments of MMOs can sometimes feel static, stale, and lifeless. NPCs as they are in MMOs don't contribute to anything or interact with us which is why sometimes players just flat out ignore them. 
This is exactly my problem with RPing in big communities. Nothing *really* happens in the world. The last occurrence that could make our characters react was the Calamity 5 years ago; there's nothing beyond that because the game story doesn't work for most, and I guess it'd be very difficult to coordinate many people into believing in a common story that could affect everyone.

I know small group of friends can come up with their own plot, but wouldn't it be nice if actual new events were happening in the world as a whole? ;_;

I agree that the use of that NPC in this event is a wonderful idea. It makes the world more alive, and it makes the players feel more involved in the real Eorzea.

If this goes well, at least in Ul'dah, maybe we could come up with a community appointed group to organize monthly events. I'm calling the Ball "The First Annual" because I will throw it every year. My track record in such things was proven back on Siren (FF11) in my 7 years there, and back before that in my lifetime on EQ and RO.

Maybe a community elected group to organize large scale events is in order.